

SYNOPSIS: The FL witnessed the deaths of her mother and brother, her father unable to bear it, passed away in grief. The pack all believed it was FL's fault, causing them to lose a powerful beta, so she was shunned became an omega, and faced all kinds of bullying. FL hoped that by the time she turned 18, she would be able to sense her wolf so that a mate could appear and she could escape her current predicament. Surprisingly, FL discovered that the Alpha was her destined mate, but the disparity in their status caused the Alpha to waver between her and his lover, causing FL great heartache. FL inherited her family's heirloom, a necklace that gave her powerful abilities, enabling her to grow rapidly. However, what filled her with despair was the gradual realization that there was more to the mysterious deaths in her family, and somehow connected to her uncle who had already become a beta. FL desired to uncover the truth, but her omega status placed restrictions at every turn. Despite this, her alpha mate chose to steadfastly stand by her side, supporting and protecting her.

DaoistMqnlrq · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


Lilith's body felt like it got hit by a freight train when she woke up at the crack of dawn. With a groan, she hauled herself off her raggedy mat, bracing for another day of backbreaking labor and getting the shit kicked out of her.


The second she stepped outside, she was greeted by the usual chorus of jeers and sneers from the other omega mutts. Their cruel eyes were already sizing her up like a piece of meat. Lilith kept her head down - showing even a hint of defiance would just mean more beatings.


"Get your mangy ass in gear, bitch!" the omega leader barked, her voice dripping with hate. "The floors need scrubbing until they're spotless. I see one speck of dirt and you'll be licking 'em clean."


Lilith flinched at the threat, fists clenching. She'd endured this degrading bullshit more times than she could count, but it never got easier to stomach. 


Gritting her teeth, she grabbed the buckets and brushes, dropping to her hands and knees. The coarse bristles tore into her skin, leaving angry red welts, but she kept scrubbing. Gotta meet their impossible standards, or else.


Hour after hour dragged by, her back screaming, her muscles feeling like overcooked noodles. But Lilith pushed through, only stopping to refill the buckets. The whole time, the other mongrels lounged around hurling insults and laughter like a never-ending assault.


Just as she finished the last stretch, her hands raw and bleeding, the omega boss swaggered over wearing that signature shit-eating grin. Without a word, she kicked over her bucket, the dirty water splattering all over the pristine tile and soaking Lilith to the bone.


"Oopsie, butterfingers!" the bitch cackled with fake innocence. "Looks like you gotta start all over, mutt."


Lilith bit her lip hard, fighting back the tears. No way she'd give these sadists that satisfaction.


As she trudged to get fresh water, a familiar face caught her eye - Cain, that notorious pack thug who ran with Eve's crew. He was prowling across the courtyard, eyes locked on Lilith with an intensity that sent chills up her spine.


She averted her gaze, focusing on her work. But she could still feel his piercing stare burning into her. Suddenly his voice cut through the omega taunts like a knife.


"You there!" he barked at the leader. "Why are you making her do all the grunt work? Are you blind or just stupid? She's dead on her feet already."


The leader froze, eyes going wide with fear. Despite being a notorious shitbag, Cain carried major weight in the pack. Pissing him off was a death wish.


"S-she was dragging ass," the boss stammered, her tough guy acts melting away. "Just trying to get the job done right."


Cain scoffed, eyes sliding back to Lilith. "Give it a rest. She's had enough for one day."


Before anyone could react, Cain strutted over and grabbed Lilith's arm, hauling her to her feet with surprising gentleness.


"Come with me," he murmured, his voice low and slick as oil. "Got an interesting proposition for you."


Too stunned to protest, Lilith found herself being led away, her mind spinning. What the hell did this scumbag want with her? His rep for being tangled up in Eve's shady realms preceded him.


They walked in tense silence, winding through the pack's territory until they hit a secluded alcove. Cain ushered her inside, eyes roaming over her raggedy appearance with a mix of pity and something else.


"You're way too beautiful to be treated like that," he said softly, all silky smooth words. "You deserve better than this omega-shit life."


Lilith's breath caught in her throat as her heart did a little flip-flop. Was Cain offering her a way out of this misery?


Before she could respond, he was across the room grabbing a bundle of fancy fabric. With a few deft moves, he unfurled it to reveal a stunning gown - shimmering satin and lace that looked crazy expensive.


"Put this on," Cain said, leaving no room for argument. "Want you looking your best, gorgeous."


Lilith hesitated, fingers trembling as she reached for the soft material. This had to be some fucked up prank, another twisted mind game to torment her further.


Sensing her hesitation, Cain stepped in close, his eyes boring into hers with that intense stare. "Trust me, baby. I can offer you a real-life away from all this bullshit abuse."


His words were like a siren's call, tempting her with the promise of an existence she could barely even dream of anymore. Against her better judgment, Lilith gave a small nod and clutched the gown, retreating to a corner to change.


When she emerged, the transformation was stunning. The gown hugged her curves in all the right places, showing off her delicate beauty that had been concealed under layers of grime and rags.


Cain's eyes went wide, drinking her in like a tall glass of water. "Exquisite," he breathed, circling her slowly like a shark.


Lilith felt her cheeks flush under his lingering stare, her heart pounding with a confusing mix of excitement and anxiety. Just what kind of game was Cain playing here?


As if sensing her unease, Cain waved a hand towards a nearby table loaded up with fancy fruit and pastries fit for royalty. "Eat up, gorgeous. You must be starving after all that labor."


Lilith's mouth watered at the sight of all that succulent food. Her growling stomach couldn't even remember the last time she ate anything beyond the bare minimum scraps.


Tentatively, she reached out and plucked a plump strawberry from the bowl, savoring the juicy sweetness as it coated her tongue. It was like a taste of heaven after being in hell for so long.


As she pigged out, Cain watched her every move, his eyes glinting with satisfaction and something darker, more predatory. Finally, when she'd licked the last crumb, he leaned in close, his voice a low purr.


"Now, beautiful, it's time you understood exactly what I'm proposing here."


Lilith tensed, her earlier apprehension returning as Cain's whole demeanor shifted to something more sinister.


"I've had my eye on you for a while now, Lilith," he continued in that velvet-smooth tone that sent shivers up her spine. "You're a rare beauty, a diamond in the rough amongst those omega peasants. A gem that deserves to be cherished, adored..."


He paused, eyes glinting with cunning. "By someone of true power and status. Like our very own alpha himself."


Lilith's heart stopped as the implication hit her. Surely he couldn't mean...


"Adam," Cain confirmed with a predatory grin. "I'm offering to make you his mistress. His prized companion, his lover."


The words hung in the air, heavy as a safe dropping on her head. Lilith's breath seized in her lungs as her mind raced. The alpha's mistress - it was the stuff of impossible dreams, a chance to go from eating out of the trash to living in the palace.


But even as that tantalizing fantasy played out, her gut twisted with doubt. Why would a scumbag like Cain, who was tight with Eve, offer her a golden ticket like that? What was in it for him?


Like he could read her mind, Cain leaned in close, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Just think about it, baby girl. No more breaking your back, no more of those mutts kicking you while you're down. You'll want for nothing, living a life of pure luxury with the alpha himself catering to your every desire." 


His words were coated in honey, so sweet and tempting. But Lilith could taste the bitter undertones lurking underneath.


"What's in it for you?" she asked, her voice wavering.


Cain's smile went razor-sharp, a glint of malice in his eyes. "Let's just say I'm getting real tired of Eve's leash on our alpha. With you whispering in his ear, her grip starts to slip. Leaving me free to make some...new moves."


Lilith's stomach turned over as Cain's real motives crystallized. She was just a pawn in his twisted power-play, fresh meat to dangle in front of the alpha.


But even as disgust churned in her gut, a desperate, starving part of her couldn't help but be tempted by his offer. Escape from the hellish omega existence, to live in the lap of luxury as the alpha's cherished prize? It hooked her soul like a rug burn.


Sensing her indecision, Cain pressed harder, laying on that seductive tone thicker than syrup. "Just imagine it, gorgeous. A full life free from all the cruelty and shit you've endured, adored, and worshipped by the strongest wolf around. All you gotta do is say 'yes'."