
The Omega Villain Is Pregnant With The Alpha Protagonist's Twins

"Ugh! Why did the author choose my name as the Villain's name of all the names in Coldbourne? And that damn villain killed his own baby in jealousy when he is the one who destroyed the lives of the lovely couple Arik and Maven." While walking on the streets, Hael Argyris, a bartender in his early thirties, cursed his heart out after finishing "The Two Alphas And Their Forbidden Love," his favorite Manga's last chapter. *Crash* *Bang* *Whack* Just like that, a truck ran over him and he was dead. *Swoosh* "Ugh, why is my whole body hurting like a truck hit me?... WAIT! I WAS REALLY HIT BY A TRUCK!" Hael Argyris looked at his body, which was perfectly fine, but the odd thing was... he was NAKED under the sheets, and beside him was lying a man. "What the hell-" He paused as he looked at the room with dilated pupils. "This is the room in Hotel Fortune where the Alpha Arik Esmeray and that shameless villain Hael Lucian spent their night together, right?" "I remember the details of the room very clearly cause I looked at it many times admiring the artist's work... but how can this be possible?" He stretched his neck to glance at the sleeping man and was left in utter shock. "ALPHA ARIK ESMERAY?" And shut his mouth quickly. He then saw himself in the mirror in front of him. He had wolf ears and a tail sticking out above his butt. "So, I got transmigrated into my favorite Manga? But... why am I the fucking Villain? And why at this scene?" Hael banged his head on the wall but sensed a sharp pain in his butt. "Yikes! My rear end! First, I have to get out of here before he wakes up. I need to run away from this fucking city otherwise I will end up in jail at this rate and meet a miserable end.... ahhh!" To save his ass Hael dressed up and left the hotel room leaving a small note on top of the drawer beside the bed. Three Months Later... "Hael, you are pregnant with twins." "WHAT?!" Hael was shocked. »»-----------«« What will Arik do when he gets to know that the person he had a nightstand with under drug influence was pregnant? Will he accept Hael and his pups? Will Hael give Alpha Arik a chance when he knows that there is someone else in the Alpha's heart? »»-----------¤-----------«« Author: Hottest Villainess. Published on: 24-07-2024. Genre: Omegaverse, ABO, Transmigration, Rebirth, Time travel, Angst, Melodrama, Romance.

Hottest_Villainess · LGBT+
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21 Chs

Chapter-15: Thinking About Temporary Marking And Meeting The Chaotic Ender Family

Hael clutched onto the silky sheets tightly, his lips were in a straight line. He understood where Arik was coming from yet he didn't want to give him a chance cause he wanted to live peacefully with his small family.

If Arik was to be included in his family then his harmonious life had to come to an end. The Alpha has a great reputation in society and has a powerful family background.

What about him? He was an illegitimate son of a wealthy family with zero to no reputation if any he has some negative fame for being an insensitive man with no friends or acquaintances, a ghost member of Lucians.

He had already lived with Arik in his first life though at that time the Alpha hated him to his guts he not only faced his husband's wrath for forcing himself into his life but also all other family members who were enraged by his presence in their reputable family.

If he considered Arik's plea now he had to face those family members of him in the future. It was certitude. 

However, Hael wanted nothing to do with all those troubles. If he could have the serene life he desired by staying away from Arik then he had to go for it for sure. If not he would be a fool.

It wasn't like he was in deep love with the Alpha. Nope, he has no feelings for him whatsoever. So, why should he take the risk of letting him into his life only to invite problems along with him?

Still, Hael knew if he wasn't scented daily or marked by the Alpha his babies might suffer and he too. 

Just like his mother his health might deteriorate and die after giving birth without the help of Arik.

<<<Child, temporary marking is good. I changed the rules to come in handy for Omegas facing situations such as yours. You don't have trust him at all. can just use until you give birth then decide what do later.>>>

The Moon Goddess, Selene suggested after hearing Hael's contemplations.

>>>Moon Goddess you know you are so cunning, you are telling me to use your own child for my benefit.

<<<He may be my child in this life of his but->>>

Selene stopped herself with wide eyes from saying further and cleared her throat.

<<<I love it when Alphas suffer in front of their mates and this blue-blooded Alpha Arik needs to be taught some good lessons by you for him get back his senses.>>>

Hael frowned a little hearing how the Moon Goddess stopped herself from saying something and changed the sentence entirely but decided not to ask to respect her privacy more like he didn't care cause he was already handsful with his own problems.

>>>Heh! I will kick and punch his senses back, Moon Goddess you don't have to worry. Trying to court me and death is the same thing. One needs to go out of their way to move my heart. My standards rose to the sky after my second life, it won't take just a few pitiful emotional words to make me fall in love.

<<<Child, you are more devious than me.>>>

Hael just smiled and nodded getting up from the bed.

"Let's... talk about this more after we go back home. I don't want to take any decision without thinking and regret it like I once did. So, Alpha Arik can we put off this conversation for later?"

Arik stood up nodding his head like a puppy, "Whenever you wish, I have waited all this time waiting more doesn't matter. You can take your time in deciding."

Hael stared at him through side eyes and nodded, "Now, brother Irwin take me to the winery. I want to see what varieties they have, you know how much I love to make some of my own wine recipes one day. I don't think I will ever get such a chance to examine the winery of holy wines."

Irwin smiled, "That's right. Let's go."


"Tsk! You call yourselves my elder brothers? One didn't even come to my birthday and the other is always out fighting Moon Goddess knows which thugs, and my sweet parents are busy loving each other every day, ugh! What a family I am blessed with." 

Ayla Ender the youngest daughter of the Ender family was throwing tantrums as all the four walked behind her listening to her obediently, in the cathedral.

"Ayla, I am sorry for not attending your birthday but brother is busy conducting exams. I can't take leaves like I did when I was a student. I am a professor-" 

Ashvin Ender couldn't complete his sentence when Ayla, "You're a professor in your university. Don't give lectures to me, got it? All my friends got baptized and were showing off by posting their second gender reveal certificates on social media, do you know how many times my followers asked me why I am not getting baptized? I lost my face because of my precious elder brothers, hmph!"

Viltarin and Levena shook their heads glancing at each other hearing their only daughter's rant on her brothers.

"Sheesh! You are not a kid anymore, Ayla. Why do you need the entire family for the presenting ceremony? For mine, only brother Ash attended, did I whine like you at that time? You just want to post the hashtag happy family on your social media, don't you?"

Roderic Ender, the second son voiced out in irritation but was immediately got his leg kicked by Ayla and head knocked by Ashvin.

"You are the worst, Rod!" Ayla shouted.

"Ack! Call me brother and what's with that nickname, huh? Didn't I tell you to not call me Rod, if you want to call me by my nickname then call me Deric, it's cool that way. What's with Rod, am I a steel bar or something?" 

Roderic rubbed his head and then his leg giving his sister a fake glare.

"Didn't you swoon over that nickname when your ex-boyfriend called you that? Heh, you hypocrite," Ayla showed her tongue.

"Mother! See this girl is getting out of hand, how can she dig into my heartbreaking past like this again and again? I will leave home if this repeats," Roderic complained.

"Leave home, son?" Viltarin smiled as he pulled his second son's ear, "Why, you want to become the big boss of that rowdy gang without studying?" 

"Ow, Father! How can you call my blood friends a rowdy gang? That's hurtful and I won't study even if I can't become a big boss, studying and I go in polar opposite ways." Roderic winced trying to remove his father's hand from his ear.

"What blood-friends, you idiot? There are only blood relatives, you have my blood running through your veins, not your friends. Did you drink your friends' blood like a vampire or something?" Viltarin twisted Roderic's ear more.

"Ow, ow, ow! Stop it, Father. That's why I didn't want to come with you anywhere. This is child abuse, I am going to report it to the Bishop if you don't stop," Roderic threatened.

"Huh, what, you and a child? A six-foot-one-inch Alpha man is a child then I am an infant, I will see how you are going to report, do it if you dare. Also, you don't want to come with me anywhere?" Viltarin scoffed and added, "... that's my sentence. You always embarrass me wherever we go, like who wears these tight torn pants with a tank top and weird heavy chains?"

"Father, I am a rapper man. This is thug fashion, you don't understand."

"That's what, when will you quit going to that underground rapping competitions and stop being a thug?" Viltarin became irritated.

Levena and Ashvin facepalmed seeing the father and son duo who never stopped bickering wherever they were.

"You all! If you are all not interested and feel burdened by coming to my presenting ceremony that much then you can all leave. I am alone enough," Ayla who got frustrated by their non-stop fight ran away at a jet speed feeling disappointed.

"Ayla!" The four of them yelled her name and ran behind her getting worried.

"Ouch!" Hael who was striding towards the winery was collided by someone again and stumbled back, "...why are there so many people bumping into me today?"

Arik held him in time not letting him fall. But the young girl fell to the floor without anyone's support and was about to cry.

Seeing that Hael immediately extended his hand to her, "Hey, are you alright?" 

Before she could get up the Ender family members approached the scene, "Oy, how dare you hurt my sister?" Roderic was the first one to fire up.

"Hm?" Hael had a baffled expression as he pointed at himself asking him if he was talking about him.

"Yes, you!" Roderic yelled.

Ashvin shook his head and helped his sister up, "Roderic, will you shut up for once? Don't speak without knowing the truth."

"Senior Ashvin?" Maven was the first one to recognize the Alpha with whom he didn't have much relationship they were just senior and junior in high school.

"Oh, Maven," Ashvin was a little surprised to meet him here, he extended his hand to shake.

Maven smiled and shook hands with him.

"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Ender," Arik spoke giving them a little respectful bow and Irwin did the same.

Viltarin and Levena acknowledged their bows.

"Arik Esmeray, I heard you are in Sigor for the project but didn't know I would meet you here like this," Viltarin commented.

"Esmeray?" Ashvin was shocked to hear that surname.

>>>Eugene, that brat is an Esmeray too, right? How is he related to this Alpha?

Arik gave him a questioning look and then looked at his father, "Yeah Mr. Ender, I wanted to visit you after making an appointment."

"Mr. and Mrs. Ender, pleased to meet you here," Maven shook hands with the both of them who nodded with smiles.

Hael, Roderic, and Ayla felt left out of their so-called business pleasantries.

Ayla looked at Hael, the gentleman who offered his hand politely without getting annoyed by her sudden clash with him.

She shyly, "I am Ayla Ender," introduced herself brushing her bangs behind her ear.

"Uh... I am Hael Ar-ahem!" He was about to introduce himself with the last name of his second life but then he didn't want to call himself a Lucian too now that he didn't want to have anything to do with them, "Just Hael." He smiled shaking hands with her.

Roderic frowned and broke their handshake, "You, better stay away from my sister." He didn't know that Hael was an Omega because he couldn't sense his scent.

The heat cycles stop when Omegas get pregnant and their scents could only sensed by their mates stopping other werewolves from pursuing them.

But Roderic never thought Hael was a pregnant Omega because of his young age and thought he must be a Beta who just got baptized.

Hael smiled helplessly, "I am not interested in your sister, don't worry. I am into men."

That was it Ayla's blossoming heart broke into pieces. She exhaled deeply and politely,  "I am sorry for my brother's behavior, Hael."

"Ah, it's okay," Hael waved his hands, smiling.

"Who knows? Everyone says they are gay at first then seeing beauties they change their minds," Roderic remarked.

"Yah, brother Roderic, stop." Ayla hit his shoulder.

Arik heard them and came between Hael and Roderic, with a polite fake smile, "You must be misunderstanding something. I am wooing him. So, please move back and don't scare my Omega."

"Omega?" Ayla, Roderic, and Ashvin too were amazed to hear it.

"Gosh, I know you're trying to help me but Mr. Arik Esmeray who said I am 'YOUR' Omega? Brother Irwin, tell your patrilateral cousin to be in his limit and remember that I didn't even give him a chance, yet." 

Hael went back holding Irwin's hand and glaring at the Alpha.

"Hael..." Arik pouted, and his droopy wolfy ears appeared again.

"Aw, so cute," Levena exclaimed, "I always wanted to have such a cute son and see my son's, oof! These Alphas, so tiring."

"Levena, it's our genes. Do you think we are cute? So how can our children be cute, I too imagined them to grow up to be as adorable as they were when children but see we have one indifferent eldest who always stays far from family, the middle one is a thug and babbles nonsense calling it rap, and the youngest, she... you know," Viltarin looked at her daughter and stopped saying anything about her so as not to make her lose her temper again.

"Alright, stop your whining, Alpha. I am curious about something if he is an Omega, why is he not..." Levena paused raising her eyebrows not wanting to offend him in any way.

"Ah, his scent? Because he is pregnant," Irwin cleared their confusion.

"Pregnant, already?" Mr. and Mrs. Ender screamed at the same time.

Hael gave an awkward chuckle and a question mark on his face, "Yes..."
