
The Omega Me

Love is nothing but a victory march that does not end with death but with words. but my love ended with bloodshed and backstabbers, it was something I couldn't prevent from happening. But in the end I found happiness

mintaehyungzona16 · Others
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Lizzie's starter

"Lizzie darling, be a good girl and help your big sister, while your mother and I are gone and remember that we love you dearly. my father said to me. 'daddy mommy when will you be back? "Hmm not sure, but when we get back we will make sure to spend as much time as possible with you we'll play so much father and mother will bring back lots of stuff.

\My name is Lizzie blockster but everyone usually calls me Liz I'm currently four years old at this moment my parents are leaving but my sister doesn't approve because the pack will get out of hand and try things that defy the reason of a pack My Mom and dad are both Betas My older sis is a Beta and for some reason alpha-Omega anyway back to the story/ 'really? "Yes, we promise, what is a promise, Lizzie?

'it's something that should be kept and never broken I look forward to the promise-"mother are you and father really leaving? 'yes we are. "You know that when you leave the pack members will go wild and listen to no one Lizzie and I won't be safe by ourselves. "Yes you will, Eli you are strong and compatible and smart you can do anything you put your mind to hmm just train like how I do and you're the best swordsmen well swords-women alive. And with that, they left Eli did manage to keep them in check but they were always scheming. THREE YEARS LATER... Lizzie happy birthday you finally turned seven, what do you want to do today?

'can we take a walk by the pretty lake? 'is that all you want, yeah mommy said that we will always have a pick-nick their mom might come today Eli I can feel it. Eli went quiet and her expression changed "listen Liz about mom and dad they- ' I'm not slow I know that they are not coming back but I still I can't do anything but just hope besides mom and dad made a promise and promises are meant to be kept not broken She then gave a light smile. Fine, we'll go after one round of sparing "you're on, I'll make sure to beat you this time. And as expected I lost to my big sister Eli. "Let's go take a walk to the pretty lake Eli.

We walked to the lake. "No matter how much time passes this lake is still so beautiful heheh wow Eli lookup that cloud looks like a bunny. And that one looks like turtle-unicorn-" pfft Liz how is that even true...hey Liz what is that in the sky? 'what it...it looks like an arrow. Liz! There are more come we need to go now! She grabbed my hand and dragged me away. "No matter what happens keep running okay. 'okay, I'm scared who would shoot arrows like that- sister why did you stop walk-ing. \boom/ "Sis..ter SISTER!!! "Liz keeps running don't look back. 'i.i.i.I can't I won't leave you behind, I'm so scared what's should I do "go! I won't, I can't leave you big sister she raised her hand and slapped me 'i don't care right now my top priority is keeping you safe. She got up on her feet 'sis you're hurt let me help you \Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hah hah,/

she pulled out the arrow. 'come on we have to get you out of here. We started running but was caught what looks like to be assassin's they swung their sword at me but Eli pushed them out the way in the process she was stabbed. "Liz, RUN YOU MUST RUN YOU MUST LIVE FOR MOM AND DAD YOU MUST LIVE FOR ME PLEASE I BEG YOU!... Liz.you.must.live.for...me. Her voice went silent and I was stuck in shock to see someone I love die in front of me. "Filthy Omega you should just die you damn half-breed, both of your parents are just Filthy Betas they have no place here" The assassin swung his sword at me and I collapsed not sure if I was hit or not not sure if I was dead or not. TO BE CONTINUED...

for this book, the chapters, won't be too long so try to hang in there anyway I wish everyone good luck especially during these times I don't care if you like my book as long as you read it and enjoy it is what matters to me ^u^

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