
The Omega Me

Love is nothing but a victory march that does not end with death but with words. but my love ended with bloodshed and backstabbers, it was something I couldn't prevent from happening. But in the end I found happiness

mintaehyungzona16 · Others
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10 Chs


Lizzie's POV:

'Don't touch me you scumbags \clink/ they stripped me and put me on a leash. "you sick bastards stripping a child like this for everyone to see and treating me like a dog-\slap/ I don't think I gave you permission to speak, from now on you will be following my orders and commands and the demands for those in a higher position than you, do you understand? I glared at him in disgust and rage \slap/ do you understand me? (hmph he sure does have some balls, if only I didn't die and reincarnate here_...It's pointless I would still be living a shitty life anyway, I guess this is more exciting since it's a lot more drama, you have to be kidding me I don't want to die here, I'll give In just for now and take back everything that was stolen from me) "y-yes sir, I understand. (if only I had gotten stronger I would be able to kill him sigh)

"Good, now be a good girl and listen to your master. He then yanked the leash making me stumble onto the ground 'ouch' he dragged me to the opening hallway and snapped his fingers three times leaving a loud echo, before you could even grasp the reason why he snapped his fingers the whole pack was standing in front of me watching, from above in front on the stairs and on the side I was completely surrounded they looked at me with sneering eyes and cocky smirks.

'you guys are fucking crazy! I yelled \yank slap/ he pulled my leash then slapped me "I don't recall me giving you permission to speak you have one more fucking time to test my patience with you. he glared at me "No you didn't say I could speak, But I have the right to speak you damn dog. I said to him

"Dog...hahaha hahaha how rude of me to laugh, Bitch I'm higher than a fucking dog you could never match my rank. 'well it takes one to know one master. I instantly responded "Rank?, please, listen here bitch you are what I say you are. you do what I tell you to do, you listen when I tell you to listen, you speak when spoken to, got it, you're nothing but one rank about a damn Fish. \hahahahahahahahahah/ the pack started laughing

(I need to do something) "He's deceiving you all, he was the one to drive my mother and father away, he was the one who ordered the assassin's to shoot arrows at me and my sister, he...was the one who killed my friend Olivia-"even if was the one to do all that he is still a better leader than all who ruled before him. one of the members of the pack stated

'that-that's not true at all...you Dumb ass \stab/ AHHHHHHHHH before I could even finish before I could even realize what happened I was stepped with a knife \ahhhhhhhh/ "shut it bitch, I told you not to test my patience...taker her back down to the dungeon, instead of a cell put her in the torture chamber. (what?!!) it's time for our dog to know how to behave, so she won't have such disrespectful barks coming out her mouth.

he yanked the leash causing me to drop to the floor. he then began to walk... the leash was pulling on my neck strangling and suffocating me "I...can't...breathe... Please...stop. (at this rate I might die before I even get tortured) '...Master... please...I.i.I can't breathe. he then stopped and turned around.

"Good girl. he said as he patted my head "you finally recognize me as your master. how about this, for such a great achievement I will minimize the amount I torture you, isn't this EXCITING!! he squealed. (this crazy psycho...Is...kinda hot weirdly now I'm kinda looking forward to it)...