
The Omega's Pride: Descendant Of The Demon King.

An ugly incident ties Jin to the lives of Zhen and Daniel when an arranged marriage turns into a horrible struggle for power. With a superpower seeking to exploit him, Jin's soon revealed god-like abilities become his nightmare and the downfall of his Clan. Will Jin survive the hurdles and defeat his enemies or will he succumb to the darkness waiting at the end of the tunnel? Note: This is A BL ABO novel.

CK_Hawks · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Arranged Marriage

The Lee and the Knox family met at Dragon Rock, home to the leader of the Knox tribe. William and Celine exchanged glances as they noted the frown on Lee Sang's face. The Lee siblings looked as if they were in mourning, sitting across from the Knox brothers.

Madam Lee: "Is anyone going to say something, or do I have to start a war?"

Kang and his children were not surprised at her outburst.

William Knox cleared his throat and gave the angry woman a soft smile. "There's no need for tensions to rise. We've seen the video, and my son will take full responsibility for his actions."

Celine Knox: "Master Lee, Madam Lee Sang, we know you had the Snow Tribe in mind for future proposals for your first son. However, given the current situation, we would like you to reconsider."

"What else would you have us do? We would have overlooked this blunder if it were a secret, but this video came from the media! I managed to shut them up, but we both know that won't last long. I have to secure my children's future," Madam Lee said. She did not give her husband the chance to speak.

The Knox family had already discussed their end result following Zhen's confession the previous night. He admitted wanting to mark the omega on numerous counts, even when Xander tried to convince his parents it was not intentional. As the clan noted for raising gentlemen and great humanitarians, it would wound their reputation if they were branded abusers and probably cause an uproar if Zhen did not fix his mistake.

Madam Knox: "We want our son, Zhen, to be paired to your Jin as soon as possible."

Madam Lee: "It is an insult to our tribe to let the future leader settle with an alpha below his rank."

"My son is not like any other, Lee Sang." Celine raised her head, resisting the urge to speak against the woman.

That gesture amused Lee Sang, who seized the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. "If my first son is going to settle for your second son, then it's only fair to let Lee Bolin and Xander Knox make up for it, don't you think?"

Bolin stiffened at those words said so lightly. 'Me and that goodie two shoes, fuck no!' He thought to himself, quickly taking a sip of water and resting the bottle on the table.

Celine exchanged glances with her mate. It's not that Lee Sang's demand was outrageous- it wouldn't be the first time two omegas got mixed up in the same family or tribe. After a series of thoughts, William and his wife agreed that it would be best to set up another meeting.

It took a while for Jin to process what had ensued. "I won't do it," the words seeped out, reminding the adults that he was sitting right there.

"What did you just say?" Madam Lee did not take kindly to being interrupted.

"Mother, I...I don't want to get married. Besides, wouldn't that give him what he wanted from the start?" Jin's heart throbbed painfully in his chest.

"You have no say in this matter, Jin. You lost that privilege when I raised you." Madam Lee gave a taunting smile, showing she was still bitter. Everyone else thought her words were cruel, but they dared not interfere between mother and son.

Jin stepped out of his seat and kotowed on the ground before his mother and father, begging them not to accept the marriage, but they said nothing even when he began to cry.

"Son, it's for your own good. Being an omega is not easy. As a father, I have to protect your dignity. When you're older, you will understand," Master Kang spoke warmly.

Jin: "But I don't care what people will think about me. I don't want to leave my home."

Madam Lee: "What home? Have you ever thought of what people will say about your family? Do you know your sister's engagement will take place in a year? What would that family think of her if they find out you nearly got ravished on more than three occasions? Won't they think your sister has probably gone through a similar thing? Stop being a spoiled brat and get up. How dare you act weak in front of people! Didn't I teach you better?"

Xander was not blind to how his brother reacted to Jin's rejection. He was one of the few people that could read Zhen's thick face. On the other hand, Xander didn't think much about his parent's decision concerning his future mate. He was well aware that his parents would choose someone suitable for him. Too bad it was someone with anger issues.

Madam Knox got out of her seat to pull Jin up. "It's alright, son, come with me." Her gentleness spoke volumes of her. Jet black hair on the palest skin, a high neck resting on slender shoulders. She embraced Jin, rubbing his back before taking him out of the suffocating meeting.

Lee Sang was a little upset by that gesture; it made her seem like a bad mother, but she still held up her fierce nature. The adults continued the discussion without the two since what needed to be said had already been dealt with.

The first thing Zhen did afterwards was to look for his mother. He found Jin sobbing on the woman's lap under the pavilion not far from the main house.

"Are you ok?" Xander stood next to him.

"Yeah," Zhen answered.

Lee Ann and Bolin walked by to take Jin, not sparing them a glance. The ride back was awkward. No one spoke a word. When they reached home, the boys locked themselves in their rooms.

"Can you believe that woman, acting as if Jin is a child that needs saving? I'm the one that raised him; don't I have a say in his life?" Madam Lee complained at dinner. His husband ignored her rants and kept eating. "Where are those boys? Do they plan on starving themselves?" Sang turned to her daughter. The young lady just shrugged with a frown on her face.

"Well, they can starve for all I care!" said Lee Sang.

A few moments later...

Madam Lee knocked on Bolin's door with a tray in hand. "Son, it's your mother. Open up before I break down the door!" She commanded. Her son did as told and was surprised to see her with food. "My Bo, take this and finish it. I'll be back in ten minutes. If it's not cleared by then, I'll break those limbs with my bare hands." She shoved the tray at Bolin and left.

Sometime later, she approached Jin's room with another tray. Sang hesitated for a while before knocking on the door. Jin was the most passionate one among her children. Easily hurt and easily misunderstood. But the only kind of parenting Sand was comfortable with was yelling and making orders. She may be difficult, but she was always protective of her children.

"Jin... Hey, Wild one. Open up before I break your head," she called several times, but Jin did not answer. Worried her son may have hurt himself in protest, Lee Sang forced the door open and entered without delay.

Sang let out a deep breath, relieved to see that Jin had only cried himself to sleep. She set the food on the study table and walked towards the bed. Even in his sleep, Jin continued to sob. It hurt her pride.

"Son...Lee Jin," she shook him awake. Jin flinched and naturally backed up. "Why are you running away? Do I look like a corpse?" Madam Lee sneered.

Taking another deep breath, she opened her arms. Jin was unsure of what was happening, staring like he had seen a ghost. "Get in here, idiot! Don't you know a hug when you see one?"

The young man went closer and received the hug. Madam Lee patted him on the back, causing Jin to cry in her arms. "*Sigh* I know how you feel. I didn't love your father when we got married, and he didn't give a shit as well. But we were able to give you siblings, right? Look at me. I'm hard on you because I care. You have to marry Zhen Knox. Take it as doing your mother the ultimate favour."

"But mother I..."

"No buts! Have you not learned to have tough skin like your mother? Now come, eat your food." Lee Sang quenched the topic by going for the plate to feed Jin herself.

Such moments were rare for Jin, and he didn't waste them. But he dreaded giving up on his dream because he had to get married. Just when he thought he was done for, Jin had a terrible idea to stop the engagement.

"Goodnight, Son." Madam Lee packed up after tucking her son in.

"Good night, Mother." Jin smiled. A plan blooms in his head as he settles under the duvet, shuts his eyes and waits for sleep.