

  Later that night, Lyne barged into Styx's room, her face full of rage. She has had it up to the extreme and she felt it was time to stand up for herself.

  Her father was sitting on the edge of the bed going through a sheet of paper.

  "Is this how much you hate me?" She yelled, attracting stares from the guards standing at the entrance.

  "Get out from here!" Styx roared at them and they scurried away.

  "What are you saying, my dear?" He turned towards Lyne who wasn't having any of his act.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. "The agreement between you and your guest was about what?"

  "It's none of your business."

  "I don't think so. We are talking about my life here. You want to throw it all away for a piece of jewelry? You will hand me over to your worst enemy?" She was crying already. Her head pounding with a million unasked questions in her head.

  "Is that it?"

  "You both agreed to use me for your dirty games? You want me to get married to a vampire?!" She pointed towards the door, her eyes bulging like they would fall out of their sockets.

  "Oh, and?"

  "You of all people know these people are capable of doing anything. Do I not matter to you at all?"

  "You do matter to me, Lyne. In this situation, you do. Ever since your mother's death, you've never joined any of your siblings to fight a single war so you can't understand what this is all about!"

  "Of course. You're right." Her voice was shaky. "I'd rather die than get married to that pompous idiot!"

  "I've made my decision, and that is it." Styx rose and dropped the paper on a dressing cabinet.

  "That. Is. It."

  Lyne's brow furrowed in disgust.

  "I wonder how my mother would like this."

  "You will not mention her name!" He turned at her, eyes changing from their initial color to wolf gray.

  "No? Why?" Lyne's eyes widened in mocking surprise. "I just want you to think about it."

  "She's so much different than you in all ways!"

  "If you loved her as you claimed. If she was your favorite, then treat her daughter the way you know she'd want you to." She gave him a firm look. "If I am not like her, you should have killed me a long time ago."

  "You do know that my decisions can't be changed, don't you?" He took a long stride towards his bed and laid there as if to say the conversation is over.

  Heart clutching, she swallowed hard.

  "I've made my own decisions that I'd rather die than marry a vampire just to satisfy your selfish urge."

  Before he could say another word, she ran out of the room.

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  "So you're going to marry his daughter?" Wikh posed the question as he arranged

  Zeidan's bed.

  Since the King had asked him to celebrate the wedding in the kingdom before heading back to vampire city, he had no choice but to agree. All to protect his origin.

  Sitting on the dressing stool, he accessed his reflection and saw a young vampire version of himself looking at his dying Father.

  "Well, it is what it is, old man." He replied Wikh, looking at him through the mirror.

  "All for the people. I'm just worried about Luana."

  A flicker of hatred passed through Wikh's face as he scoffed and dropped a pillow on the bed.

  "Well, it's not so difficult. You tell her the news, explain your reasons for agreeing, she gets mad and crazy, we bound her and throw her out of the city. That's it." He chattered off, almost to himself.

  Zeidan narrowed his eyes as he stared at Wikh's figure from the mirror and turned to look at him.

  "You do know she planned all of this, don't you?"

  "But my Lord, you can't marry two women."

  "It's not your decision to make. I'm worried about Lyne being able to face her. I doubt if she can even hold a sword." He twitched his lips and faced the mirror again.

  "You can teach her then."

  "Why do you want Luana to leave that bad? She seems to be the best I can recommend as a Queen for vampire city. I mean, she has the bravery, beauty, and brains."

  Something fell with a thud outside the door and they both kept quiet. Nodding towards Wikh, he rose to check who was at the door, while he followed behind.

  Opening it, he saw a girl in a white gown with golden hair on the floor. Her brown boots stuck under a fallen heavy statue.

  "Oh my freakin' world!" Zeidan screamed before carrying the young lady who was unconscious already.

  Checking who it was, his heart did a triple somersault like it did in the forest. Blood dripped from her head and Zeidan was drawn to her immediately.

  "Lyne?" Zeidan called after pressing the soaked towel on her head for the umpteenth time.

  Wikh gave an exasperated sigh.

  "This is the fortieth time you will be touching her, your Highness. Let her be."

  Ignoring him, Zeidan continued to watch over her. He accessed her from her whole face to her neck and her slender body that gave a beautiful shape. He couldn't help but touch her again, this time on her face.

  He has never felt this way. After his Father's death, all that has been on his mind was to avenge his death and carry on the legacy. He did warm his bed numerous times with girls who without hesitation fell for his looks. Maybe Luana was just the same. He felt like he has only been pushing himself to like her because she was the perfect ideal Queen.

  But a question lingered in his mind now. Is she the ideal lover?