
The Omega’s choice

Luca Mason is a seventeen-year-old sweet innocent Omega trapped between a suitor and a possessive lover who has Borderline Personality Disorder. Will he make the right choice? This story and its plot are purely fictional. I mean no offence. It's just an imaginary plot where characters act according to how the story unfolds. There is no intent to incite any hatred towards the characters. I rated the story 16+ since there will be sexual content, violence, and harassment scenes involved. Nothing in the story has to do with the real world. The story does not encourage any kind of physical, social and mental torture. It discourages rape, self-harm, alcohol, dominance, and violence. #kidnap #angst #obsession #possession PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT TO YOUR HEART AND IF YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE AT ANY POINT PLEASE STOP READING. That being said, let's get to the story.

Daddysjewel · Urban
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14 Chs


Cindy walked up to Ethan and said, "Hey buddy, how was your trip?"

It's exhausting. I would have gone home to rest, but I forgot to take out a very relevant document that I had put in my drawer. As soon as I pick it up, I will go home. Ethan shrugged.

She said with excitement, "Let me walk you to your office and I'll drive you home."

When Ethan walks into his office, it surprised him to see a bouquet of crimson roses. The sight of the flowers irritated him a great deal. As he leaned into his chair, he called for his secretary to enter his office.

She rushed in as soon as she heard him scream with anger. "Good morning," she said to him and Cindy. Did you drop this? Ethan pointed to the bouquet on the table. No sir, she replied.

Then who the fuck did it? Hmm, sir, I saw someone leave your office this morning. He is tall and slim. He wore joggers and a turtleneck top.

What was the reason for not stopping him or contacting security? Ethan screamed.

He has the code to your office, so I thought you sent him, his secretary said.

Why are you my secretary again? Ethan yelled.

"I'm sorry, sir," she says with trembling hands.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan opened his drawer. In the drawer, he saw a letter and a gift box that he hadn't put there before.

He motioned to his secretary, who reached out to pick them up.

Wait! Cindy yelled.

"Ethan, why don't you check what's inside? It could be a secret lover," she replied as she smiled.

It doesn't interest me at all, Cindy. If you wish, you are welcome to have them. You know how much I hate roses? Ethan picked up the document and stood up.

She opened the gift box right away.

What happened next literally shocked everyone. When she opened the box, there was a loud popping sound, and something burst from it, covering her, Ethan, and his secretary and splattering white substances everywhere.

"W-what the hell was that?" Cindy gasped. Ethan stood there still in shock, but he was now holding the letter. He opened it and looked horrified as he read it.

Let me see, Cindy snatched the letter from him and it read, "Arrogance comes from insecurity, and in the end, our feeling that we are superior to others is the flip side of our feeling that we are smaller than others."

Ethan just stormed out, not saying a single word to anyone, not even to Cindy, who was calling out to him.

He hopped into his car, and the driver sped away. Cindy followed him with her car, and when Ethan got home, Cindy had caught up with him in the elevator. They were silent, and it made her uncomfortable, but she said nothing.

Ethan's phone rang when he stepped out of the elevator, but he ignored it because of his terrible mood. His phone rang again, but this time it was his dad. "Hello." As he punched his code in, he stepped into his apartment, and what he saw left him utterly shocked. "Dad, please let me call you back."

What the fuck happened here? Cindy screamed. Are you sure you didn't snatch someone else's girlfriend? He gave her a dirty look, which made her say, "I'm sorry."

Ethan's apartment was turned upside down. He stepped out of the apartment to make sure he was in the right flat as he scrutinised his apartment. His clothes were strewn everywhere, and his kitchen looked like a dumpster.

Who could have done this? Cindy broke the silence.

Well, I don't know, but all I know is that when I get my hands on them, it will not be pretty. Normally I wouldn't care for something as foolish as this, but they crossed the line when they smashed the picture of my mother. She was very dear to me, and that is the only picture I have of her smile before she passed away two years ago. Ever since then I've been holding onto that picture, but now it's ruined. We probably have more lying around in the house, but that one was special. Ethan blurted out as he was fuming with anger.

He calls his secretary to tell his IT guy to check the CCTV in his office, hallway, and reception. Then she should send him over to check the one at his house. He should send it to me. Ethan sighs as he runs his fingers through his dishevelled hair.

I know someone who can fix your apartment within a week. Should I call him? Cindy asked.

Okay, "Ethan shrugged as he dragged his legs out of his messed up apartment." While calling his brother.


Today is the fourth day since I visited Ethan's office. Cindy's number isn't reachable, and she hasn't replied to any of my messages. I was worried something might happen, but Cindy, being Cindy, I am sure she is traveling across the state for a meeting.

I was eager to ask about Ethan's reaction when he received the bouquet and read my letter. The restaurant is nearby, so I should go there. Maybe I will see him. It has been a long time since I last saw him. I picked a pair of black ripped jeans with a blue polo and headed to the shower. I checked myself in the mirror one more time as I styled my hair before I left the house, wearing my black Niki sneakers.

As I was waiting for my order, I saw Ethan, Cindy, and Leo walk in and sit at their regular table. I sent a message to Cindy immediately, but it did not deliver. I will wait and talk to her after lunch, but my thoughts was cut short when the server brought my food and asked if I needed anything else. Water is fine, I mumbled. Still staring at their table. But Ethan does not look happy. I wonder what's making him sad.

I was waiting for Cindy outside. As soon as she saw me, she approached me. Hey Luca, I lost my phone and I don't have your phone number with me. I'm glad I saw you. She embraced me, and I reluctantly embraced her back. She muttered to herself; It seems someone is trying to sabotage our plans. "You haven't told a soul about our plan, have you?" She asked, glaring at me.

"No way!" I replied, waving my hands. I don't even think I'd have the courage to tell anyone, to be honest. She seemed to be lost in thought for a second.

Good. We have to be more careful. She said thoughtfully.

We're still doing this?

Is she crazy?

What do you mean, someone is trying to sabotage our plan? I asked nervously.

Don't worry, I took care of it; she replies.

I wonder, Cindy, what's wrong with Ethan? He looks unhappy. Is something troubling him? I asked shyly.

There is a contract presentation coming up in two days. The artist who was supposed to draw a design for him is sick and can't meet the deadline because of his illness.

Well, I can draw, but will he allow me? I asked anxiously.

Of course he will. I will email you the details. You are indeed a lifesaver, Luca. She smiled.

Okay, Cindy, let me go home.

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