
Chapter 4

After our sweeping time, I immediately get my bag and excuse myself from my classmates that I must go ahead now. I've already told them earlier that I can't go with them for a party. They do understand me right away but at some point, they get sulked because they wanted to know more and bond with me. But I think they should not do these. Oh no, they just simply waste their time and so I'm the one who avoids that thing to happen.

When I already got out from the room, I find this stranger sitting on a bench and bowing his head, looking at the screen of his phone. Just earlier, he is a bit naughty, attempting to help us in sweeping but I warn him not to do it or else I won't let him fetch me to my way home. He waits for about an hour there and it seems he's tired now of waiting. Good thing he would realize that thing so that he would get disappointed by letting me waited him there.

Since he's still busy on his phone, what I did was to pass him by, acting as if I never knew he was there. I successfully did it with my few steps and I thought he would not be able to notice it.

"Hey! Wait!" He surprisingly shouts, so I walk faster than the way I could. I heave a sigh knowing that I would be walking with this stranger on the hallway. Why can't he sense that I am avoiding him? Is my action doesn't speak louder? What is in my name that he would exert effort to know it?

"Hey, wait! You lady, please wait for me, don't you?"

Because of the annoyance from him, I directly get my earphone on my bag, plug in my phone and quickly place the earphone on my both ears.

"Are you playing on me, huh?" I hear him saying those words while he's looking now at my face. I still continue my walk without turning my head to him. The wrong move that I did was not to play music on my phone that's why I'm pretending here seemingly listening to music.

"Why don't you listen to me? Am I saying bad words here?" He asks, his eyes are still on me that's why he gets to bump into those who pass us by. My eyes dart to what is ahead of me, but in my peripheral vision, I can see students looking at this stranger, feeling giddy.

"Come on, lady, what's wrong in trying to know your name? What's the mistake there in fetching you?"

Really, he's so annoying! So I stop walking and suddenly face on him with a serious face. I'm about to speak up, answering his questions, but I should suppose to act as if I didn't hear what he has all said. What's the use of this earphone, right?

"Come on, speak up!"

I just choose to let my sigh out and then continue to step again. I don't care if he would follow me still or not, as long as I want to have the peace as I go home. Gosh, he's getting into my nerves!

As I continue walking and directing my eyes ahead, I can see a familiar face in a few distance that makes me cease to step ahead. I try to step backward, attempting to escape when he sees me with his furious face. But someone abruptly grabs my hand in another pathway to take.

Hold on. Am I right that I just saw that so-called master in this campus?

"You're always  putting yourself to a threat!" Someone who still grabs my hand says. I turn to him as I want to free my hand from his grip.

"You, let go of me!" I shout at him but he is as if deaf that he is still grabbing my hand to somewhere.

"My goodness, look at them, sis! Where does the guy take the girl to?" Someone in the nearby reacts. The hell she cares!

"Hey! Are you listening?! Let go of me, please!" I'm about to be hysterical now and yet he is acting so chill. Seriously, what is in this guy that he can't really sense to a person he is with? He is totally freaking numb!

"You, man! Do you think you're acting funny in this way?! Could you please---!" I fail to continue my rants because he suddenly takes my earphone away that's why it falls on the floor.

Wait. Did he do that thing same as what that guy did? He took my earphone away?

"Why did you take my earph----?!"

"What's wrong in you is you keep on demanding someone to listen to you when you yourself could not actually do the same thing!" He confidently says with a full force that I was not able to proceed my statement. A bit surprised I am because he shouts at me, yet I try to get direct contact on his eyes even though he is much taller than me.

"So, are you mad at me now when actually I should be more mad at you in the first place?" I seriously ask in a cold tone. "Who the hell told you to fetch me? To grab my hand like I owe something to you?"

He bows his head for what I complain in front of his face. From that, he loosens the tight of my hand from him.

"I'm sorry, maybe I go over my limit but I just want to protect you. Just like a while ago, you're near to danger, again," he utters in a low tone then he suddenly walks out.

I am left shocked and at the same time unbelievable. I could not even speak up to myself for what I  just heard. Really, should I feel the guilt now?