
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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214 Chs

Chapter 124 - Fearless Morgiana


---Eight years later---

Years passed in the blink of an eye, Artemyra's position in the trading business was constantly growing and already hailed as probably one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Several unwanted people started visiting the place but were stopped. Even the people from the Reim Empire weren't exempt but for some reason, they didn't try to force themselves or try to invade the country.

After eight years, Artemyra was now already half complete as the people below the ravine were already on the surface which the place they were living below back then started to get renovated according to Lev's plans and architectural designs as several weird tunnels could be seen on the cliff.

Meanwhile, Lev's Magoi Power didn't increase much as he only leveled it up to thirty-eight by killing the surrounding sea creatures of Artemyra but even with that, he was already satisfied with it after seeing his magic spells and skills drastically have more power, and destructive than before.



Garden Tower,

Inside a room, two connected people could be found doing something. One of them could be seen kneeling on all fours moaning lewdly and loudly while the other was pushing something hard and big on the former.

"L-Lev, fuck.... aahh me more... aahh…so good…. Aahh." The one who was kneeling said while moaning nonstop. She was none other than Queen Mira while the one fucking her from behind was Lev.

Hearing her words of enticement, Lev leaned closer to her as he grabbed both of her soft breasts and played with them all the while thrusting his cock. The two have been doing it every night ever since then with the intention of having a child but still remain unfortunate.

"So good. aahh...yes...yes...aahh..aahh." As Lev started playing with her breasts, Queen Mira moaned happily while closing her eyes feeling the indescribable pleasure Lev was giving to her.

With that, Lev continued banging Queen Mira with his cock until reaching his limit as he poured an enormous amount of semen inside her womb while squeezing her breasts hard at the same time.

"aaaaahhhh!!" Queen Mira moaned loudly after cumming at the same time while feeling her womb was getting filled with Lev's hot semen. She could even tell just how happy her womb was as she tried squeezing him dry.

For ten seconds, both of them stayed connected in such a position before they lay on the bed with Queen Mira leaning on Lev's chest. They then just catch their breaths while reminiscing about the feeling of being connected.

"Lev, we already did it for how many times. How come I still did not get pregnant?" Queen Mira said while drawing circles in Lev's chest thinking how she still didn't bear his child even in the years that had passed.

"I'm sorry, Mira. It was because my genes were unstable resulting in the chance of impregnating someone became too difficult." Lev wryly replied as it was really the truth behind it as luck really matters for him to have a child.

Hearing Lev's reasoning, Queen Mira didn't ask again as she completely trusted him with everything. She then just smiled as she thought that they just needed to do a little more for more chances.

"Lev, when are you planning to leave?" Queen Mira suddenly asked another thing upon thinking about the plans that Lev had told her about him leaving for some time for an adventure again.

"I plan on leaving maybe next week." Lev replied thinking that it must be around this year that the original story would start and so he doesn't want to miss it since a great opportunity awaits him in that place.

"Hmmm. How about I come with you?" Queen Mira suggested that she wanted to be with Lev wherever he went and have sex whenever they had time alone together.

Hearing Queen Mira, Lev looked at her not expecting such words and he couldn't help but smile before kissing her lips lovingly thinking that she really was cute and not intimidating at all.

With that, the two then started kissing passionately stopping only to get some air before kissing again until Lev was already on top. He looked at her tenderly before saying, "You have to be here protecting your daughters and our home."

Lev's words woke Queen Mira as she looked at him understandingly. She wasn't feeling sad about it because she knew it long before and also their country needed a leader to manage it especially now that many eyes were watching them.

"Compensate me then." Queen Mira seductively said as she moved her hips and wrapped them around Lev's waist. Knowing that his leaving could no longer be stopped, she just wanted to make the best of the remaining time that he was still here.

"Gladly." Lev replied with a smile before he thrust his cock again into her pussy. Right after that, another round of debauchery then started which lasted until early in the morning as Queen Mira really tried pushing her limits to satisfy him.


---One week later---

Garden Tower,

This time, Lev, Yamraiha, and Pisti could now be seen sitting on the Shadow Giant Bird in the sky while looking at Queen Mira and the others below as it was now their time to leave to see the world.

"Lev, come back from time to time. Also, always follow Lev's instruction, Pisti." Queen Mira said while bidding her farewell. Hera and the rest also bid their farewell, though they wanted to join him, but her mother told them not to and to study instead and become a better woman for Lev leaving only Pisti to join him on the way.

"Master, you can leave this country to us." Four talking penguins said while saluting at Lev. They were actually the four creatures that he had summoned in the past namely, Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private, from the Penguins of Madagascar and it was all due to them that there were so many weird tunnels on the cliff.

"Of course. I'll come back from time to time." Lev replied while looking at them before taking off as the Shadow Giant Bird then started to fly away from the Garden Tower.

Shortly after that, six giant beautiful birds with the same color and appearance screeched loudly also implying that there was no need to worry. These six creatures were actually the legendary Phoenixes that Lev had also summoned together with the four penguins, and they were now serving as the guardians of each direction of the country.

With that, Lev completely heard and understood their message which he then left with ease as he ordered the Shadow Giant Bird to fly faster as they had a long way to go.


In the sky,

"Lev, where are we going now?" Pisti, who was now eighteen years old, excitedly asked while wrapping her arms around Lev's neck from behind. Though she was already that old, she still remained had a short stature, unlike the rest of her sisters.

"Well, it's a city located in the central desert called Qishan." Lev replied while smiling thinking that it all started in that place so it was only normal for him to witness such a thing and thought of what he wanted to change.

"You're thinking of another woman again, aren't you?" Yamraiha, who was already twenty-three years old, pouted with a little anger after her woman instinct told her that Lev was thinking of another woman again.

"Hahahaha. Maybe." Lev replied as he embraced Yamraiha tightly and gently kissed her neck which Yamraiha couldn't help but moaned cutely while feeling electrified.

"Don't be too jealous." Lev followed before he moved his hands and squeezed her well-endowed breasts.

"L-Lev." Yamraiha called out his name after feeling good from his touches. For the past eight years, their skinship had leveled up to the point that they would do perverted kinds of stuff when they were alone, but they still didn't take the last step even though she was already prepared for it.

"Lev, you pervert." Pisti said while pouting but her cheeks were getting red seeing how Lev squeezed Yamraiha's big breasts while thinking about whether her small breasts would grow like that.

"Hahahaha." Hearing Pisti, Lev then just laughed as he embraced Yamraiha before looking at the horizon with great expectation.


---One month later---


In a place surrounded by dessert, a single small city could be found. However, one thing peculiar about this city was that it had a huge tower inside making the people in awe especially if this was their first time seeing it.

On the other hand, Lev, Yamraiha, and Pisti could now be seen walking inside the city while looking at the surroundings from time to time. Lev, however, could be seen as if looking for a certain person when suddenly they were stopped by a very obese and short man with two guards beside him.

"Good day, visitors. Welcome to Qishan." The short obese man greeted amicably upon seeing Lev and his comrades look like big-time and wealthy people just by looking at what they were wearing.

On the other hand, Lev smiled as he looked at him because he immediately knew who he was despite seeing for the first time after he remembered that he really had a role to play early at the start of the story.

"Thank you. We were actually looking for a place to stay for a while. Do you have a place to recommend, perhaps?" Lev then asked thinking what's their purpose for conversing with them while acting polite since he didn't want to make a scene just right after getting inside.

"I know such a place but before that, would you like to visit the palace to see the Lord first?" The short obese man said with a smile while looking at the woman next to Lev particularly at Yamraiha thinking that the Lord must be pleased upon seeing her.

"Hmmm. That would be great." Lev replied fully knowing what was running on his mind upon seeing him staring at Yamraiha with lust which he controlled his bloodlust for now not wanting to kill him on the spot.

With that, the short obese man and his guards then told Lev to follow them towards the palace of the city all the while gaining the attention of the people around curious about who they were while some were showing sympathy.


Qishan Palace,

Inside a small palace in the Qishan, a young man could be seen sitting on a throne with a seemingly large muscular man with scars all over his body while wearing a mask standing beside him.

"Who are these people, Budel?" The young man immediately asked as he looked at the short obese man thinking how he could let outsiders enter the palace without his consent.

"I-I saw them walking around the country which may be some merchants of someplace." The short obese man named Budel replied nervously thinking that they probably came in bad timing seeing their Lord was not in a good mood.

"Ohhh, merchants." The young man said before looking at Lev and stopped at Yamraiha observing her body from head to toe before smiling.

"Well. Qishan will always welcome outsiders, especially merchants." The young man followed with a smile on his face, but his mind was already scheming something while looking at Lev's group.

"No wonder this place has fallen down." Suddenly, Lev sneered as he couldn't control his anger anymore upon seeing the young man eyeing Yamraiha. He couldn't help but think that it really was different seeing it in person than just looking at it in the anime as the real thing might really be too dark for the watchers.

"I don't like the way to talk, merchant." The young man said while frowning seeing Lev didn't even show some respect towards him fully knowing that he was the Lord of this city. He then just ordered the man beside him to step forward and gave him a little fright.

"Your personality seems more awful than I thought it would be." Lev then provoked as he thought that this might be the first change that might happen since they appeared earlier than he thought.

"Y-You." The young man gritted his teeth in anger seeing Lev disrespecting him face to face. The guards around then immediately surrounded Lev together with the large muscular man.

Seeing their actions, Pisti and Yamraiha were on guard ready to fight them whereas, Lev was just standing calmly while looking at the young man in front of them.

"Dispose of the man and leave the woman alive. I plan on having some new slaves." The young man ordered while licking his lips thinking that he just needed the two women especially Yamraiha who was very attractive.

Hearing the young man's orders, the guards immediately moved but somehow, they found their legs shaking after seeing Lev's eyes or more like the aura he was giving off since they were pretty familiar with it every time their lives were in danger.

"You really are a scum as you were just like in the original story." Lev said before he used Ruler's Authority and made the guards kneel down on the floor as if they were being trampled down by some invincible force.

Seeing what was happening, the short obese man who led Lev, Yamraiha, and Pisti in the palace thought what kind of people he brought while thinking that they were probably finished this time seeing that they really messed on the wrong person.

"W-What are you doing? I'm the Lord of this city." The young man asked nervously thinking how Lev could have such power before remembering his master as the thought that Lev was a magician came to his mind.

"I don't care who you are. I just thought that you're better off being dead." Lev said before stretching his hand and deciding to use Bansho Ten'in and end this once and for all.

Seeing Lev's eyes, the young man looked in horror thinking that a horrible thing might happen to him. He then suddenly shouted a person's name, "Morgiana!!"

Hearing the shout, a sudden shadow came out from the other room and directly rushed towards Lev like a beast. Seeing this, Lev couldn't help but have a faint smile as he looked at who just came in seeing her making a surprise attack with a kick on his head.

On the other hand, the person who just came in was a girl with shoulder-length fuchsia hair, tied in a lateral ponytail, and pink eyes. She wore a white sleeveless dress while having chains on her feet. This girl was none other than Morgiana, one of the main characters and leading heroine of the story.

Seeing how Lev easily blocked her attack, Morgiana looked at Lev in surprise but she immediately adjusted as she turned around and kicked again using her other leg.

Meanwhile, Lev continued to smile upon finally seeing Morgiana in person as he blocked her attack again but this time he used a little force to push her back before stretching his hand towards the young man.

"Bansho Ten'in." Lev used an ability which the young man then was pulled by an attractive force towards his hand. Seeing his death nearing, the young man could only struggle in his hands while he kept on looking at Morgiana calling for help.

Morgiana, who saw his eyes, immediately started attacking again and again but she found all her attacks useless seeing Lev constantly blocked them by using only his one hand before she finally stopped after seeing the young man already lost his life in Lev's hand.

[Jamil has been killed.]

[Dungeon Arc antagonist has been killed.

[Magoi Power increased by 1 level.]

[500,000,000 True God Coins earned.]

'What a surprise.' Lev didn't think to be rewarded that much. He then thought that he wasn't wasting his time here seeing that his life was worth an increase of level in his Magoi Power. Shortly after that, he then let him fall on the floor before retracting Ruler's Authority which the guards and the large muscular man then freed from the shackle.

"Lev, what are we going to do with this person?" Yamraiha then asked while looking at the short obese man who was already kneeling on the ground begging for his life while spouting that he was just doing the Lord's order.

"Let him live." Lev said and decided as he thought that he still had a role to complete later on but he knew that a problem had already surfaced after killing Jamil. He, however, doesn't care about that and just let it be.

Seeing that the Lord was already dead, the guards looked at Lev with horror before kneeling down on him as they had no idea what they were going to do now, however, the large muscular man on the other hand, suddenly attacked Lev with the weapon that he had.

Lev, on the other hand, blocked his sword with his bare hand before punching his chest lightly but even with that, the large muscular man flew and crashed to the wall before losing consciousness.

"Locked up that man and tell all of the guards to head towards the military field in the afternoon." Lev announced before also telling some of them to dispose of the body of their lifeless former Lord lying on the floor and clean the place.

Hearing Lev's orders, the guards immediately heed his orders fearing that they must be the next ones who will lie on the floor if they don't follow him. After everyone left, Lev now had time for something else. He looked at Morgiana in front of him with interest seeing her panicking as if she was lost not knowing what to do.