
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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214 Chs

Chapter 120 - King of Artemyra


Palace Hall,

Almost everyone guarding the palace could be found panicking while finding where their queen had gone as they were searching for her all over the palace which only subsided after one of them finally saw Queen Mira getting out of a room.

"Your Highness, here you are." The woman hurriedly ran towards Queen Mira upon seeing her. She then just looked inside the room and saw a glimpse of something that she shouldn't see before she retracted her gaze.

"What was happening?" Queen Mira immediately asked while returning back to her strict and dignified queen personality.

"We thought someone abducted you." The woman replied before calming herself down from the information that she just knew and trying to act as normally as she could.

"How could even such a thing happen to me? Tell the rest to stop." Queen Mira said before she started walking towards the place where her daughters might be now and thought of checking them out.

"Yes, Your Highness." The woman replied but before she followed behind, she first looked at the room and thought it was already closed. She looked at the door for a while before looking back at Queen Mira who was walking awkwardly. With that, a weird smile appeared on her face after having some thoughts in her mind which she then followed behind excitedly.


Palace Garden,

At this moment, several children could be seen playing around having almost the same age and appearance however, one of them was different as she had blue colored hair, unlike the rest who had yellow ones. They could be seen playing with the giant bird while smiling before they suddenly stopped after seeing a woman come in.

"Mama." One of the children who could be described to be the oldest called out after seeing who just come in. Right after that, the rest of the children then also head towards her.

The woman who just came in was none other than Queen Mira and she then took one of them and carried her which was Pisti, her youngest daughter. Right after that, she also took a seat on the grass before looking at Yamraiha.

"You're a magician, I guess." Queen Mira said before observing Yamraiha's clothing which only a magician would wear and the staff that she had. She then just thought about why she was here and not in the academy.

"Mmm." Yamraiha replied all the while minimizing her words and acting normally and respectfully as she didn't know how to address a real queen since it was the first she was meeting one.

"You're so young. Why did you leave that place and follow that man?" Queen Mira then asked as she wanted to know about her and the man that she just had sex with. Since they pretty still haven't known each other.

Hearing Queen Mira, Yamraiha stiffened as she was hesitating whether to reply or not. Thinking about it, she was about to say something when a familiar voice butted in and saved the day for her.

"Because she wanted to know more about the world." Lev's voice could be heard after he also arrived at the place and joined them on the grass. Hearing his voice, Queen Mira couldn't help but blush while Pisti directly left her embraced as she went on Lev and sat on his lap instead.

Right after that, Lev and Queen Mira started talking while the latter introduced her daughters to the former namely, Hera, Lina, Rhea, Clio, Cirsi, Ellena, and Pisti from eldest to youngest respectively.

This phenomenon was very surprising to almost all of the women guarding the palace as they were all shocked seeing their queen talking to a man with such an attitude for the first time. One of the women then confirmed her guess as she started to talk and share about it with the others.


---One week later---

For the past week, rumors about their queen finally having her man scattered throughout the country and it escalated after Queen Mira confirmed such a rumor which led the people to celebrate as they knew that their queen really didn't like men even though her hobby was choosing her husband.

One thing that also happened during the past week is that the matriarchal country might probably change after Queen Mira made Lev the first-ever king of their country. The people, however, didn't complain as they completely supported their queen in what decisions she made.

Meanwhile, Pisti and the rest also got happy about this news after realizing that they will now have a father, or maybe not as their mother, Queen Mira, had some plans for them when they grow up.

Yamraiha, for the past week, was feeling down and doesn't want to talk to Lev for some reason. She also completely shuts herself in her room and only heads outside for a breather or to have a meal.



Queen Mira's room,

At this moment, two people embracing each other while completely naked could be seen on the bed while one of them was drawing circles on the other's chest. These two people were actually Lev and Queen who just had sex seeing their bodies soaked with sweat.

[Love: 100 %]

[Do you want to add Mira Dianus Artemina to Harem Members?]

'Yes.' Lev replied.

[Mira Dianus Artemina has been added to Harem Members.]

After a week of seeing each other, Lev finally grasped the heart of Queen Mira. As strict and prideful as Queen Mira can be on the outside, she would always act like something on the bed that they did every night and as a result, Queen Mira could no longer think of something else but Lev and his cock.

"So, you wanted me to leave the Seven Seas Alliance?" Queen Mira asked after learning everything from Lev about him collecting Metal Vessels around the world and also knowing that it was his goal to come to this place in the very first place.

"Mmm. There's no need to be tied in any alliances as I plan to make this country big enough to contend against an empire." Lev replied after deciding to make this country his home and base while planning to help this small country gain a foothold in this world.

"Well, if you say so. I will contact someone and let her relay the message." Queen Mira said that she had sent important personnel that would act as a representative of this country in the alliance.

Hearing Queen Mira, Lev then caressed her head while thinking about a certain man while laughing inside at what he would do now seeing that the whole Artemyra was now his. He couldn't help but thought of the future and how it would affect the story.

"I can also give you my Metal Vessel If you want me to." Queen Mira then followed as she wanted to give Lev all that he wanted even her precious Metal Vessel. She was just curious about what he would do to it as she knew that no other than the contractor could use the power within it.

"I'm not in a hurry and you also need it for protection. So, keep it for now." Lev said lovingly as he looked at Queen Mira and embraced her tightly. During the past week, Queen Mira explained what he was curious about her having kids without a husband. She then explained that aside from her hate towards men, the act of penetrating a cock inside her disgusted her the most and for this reason, she decided just to take some sperm of the man she was interested to which she cried explaining thinking he might leave her after knowing the truth.

"L-Lev." Queen Mira called out his name after suddenly feeling a hard and long stick poking on her stomach which she then got up and moved on top of him while she grabbed something below before she started going up and down.

Seeing this, Lev just smiled at this and he also held something a part of her before the room started getting filled with loud lewd, and seductive moans throughout the night and only stopped at midnight.


---One month later---

In some kind of building bustling with different kinds of things while people inside were very busy which could be described as a place of some sort of trading center. However, a woman with long flowing golden hair with a small circle across her head and a tattoo on the left side of her face could be seen frowning after reading something on the paper.

"Is there something wrong, Parsine?" A short man with pale skin, short white hair, and black eyes with freckles around his nose asked seeing her seriously reading the paper on her hand.

"I can't believe what the letter said but it was written here that our Queen suddenly called me back and also left a message to sort things out as our country would leave the Seven Seas Alliance." Parsine replied as she was very shocked by what the letter relayed this time as she was confused knowing their country would suddenly leave as it is.

"W-What?" The short man asked not knowing how to react as this news was too sudden. Hearing the reaction, the other people inside suddenly stopped what they were doing before asking what was happening.

"I'm sorry Jafar but I need to leave and see for myself what was really happening to my country after making this sudden decision." Parsine said while frowning as she wanted to know what forced Artemyra to make this kind of decision fully knowing that Queen Mira wouldn't do such a thing for no reason.

With that, the short man and the rest of the people inside could only look at her while cursing someone who left them behind without telling them where he ran to. They, however, weren't heartless and even gave her a hand for her leaving.



After one month, Lev finally studied the whole Artemyra as he already had some plans for what he would do to the country which he had already given to Queen Mira. He was just lamenting at the fact that 'Angel' could not do much in this country since this world runs with magic and such.

On the other hand, since the people in the country only had a small number, Lev surprisingly met them all which gained the women's recognition, but it was probably all thanks to his unworldly appearance and the rumors about the length of his weapon.

Right now, Queen Mira together with her daughters and several women could be found gathering in one place looking at the two people in front of them.

"Do you really have to go?" Queen Mira asked seeing Lev would leave the country as he still had one place to go to before finally settling.

"Yeah." Lev said as he moved closer to Queen Mira before holding her waist and giving her a deep kiss in front of all the women.

Meanwhile, the women around could only shout and cheered seeing their queen kissed in public while blushing hard imagining themselves that they were the person who just kissed as Lev really was a very ideal man after knowing him well for a month.

On the other hand, there were also males who were more like a female cheering on Lev which was too terrible to look at upon seeing them having such big bodies while acting like a lady.

"I really don't want you to leave, Lev." Queen Mira said with her flushed face telling what her heart wanted to say as she really didn't want Lev to leave her side.

"Hehehe, I think I've spoiled you." Lev replied looking at the spoiled queen before he looked down and saw several cute children. He then got down and was hugged by all of them.

Several minutes later, Lev told Queen Mira that he wouldn't take that much time and be back again soon.

"I will leave someone behind so take good care of him while I'm away. Megatron, come out." Lev said as he decided to leave Megatron here in Artemyra while he was away. With that, a gate appeared from which Megatron came out with his enormous body of steel.

"He's called Megatron, one of my companions. He was stronger than he looked and could help you protect this place." Lev said as he looked at Megatron before ordering him to protect this country from any danger.

Queen Mira and the rest looked at Megatron while feeling amazed as this was the first time they had such a thing. They keep on looking at it before seeing it suddenly transform into an eagle and fly to the sky.

"I think it's time to leave." Lev said as he moved closer to Yamraiha and caressed her head seeing her making her cheeks puff again. Right after that, a sudden shadow soldier Giant Bird came out from his shadow and the two of them took a seat on its back.

"Come back, soon." Queen Mira said while looking at the strange giant bird as this was also the first time she had seen such a creature marking the idea that she still didn't know Lev well. With that, she could only decide to talk about it after he came back.

"Yeah, just wait for me." Lev replied before the Shadow Soldier Giant Bird took off as it flew very fast to the sky leaving Queen Mira, Pisti, and the rest waving at him waiting for his return.


In the sky,

After several minutes of flying, Lev and Yamraiha already traveled quite a distance from Artemyra as they were now heading somewhere while looking at the beautiful blue sea and appreciating its calm scenery.

"Yamraiha, you didn't talk to me for the past month. Did I do something? Tell. What is it?" Lev then finally has time to ask while smiling. Though he knew the reason all along, he, however, didn't try talking to her wanting her to have some time for herself.

"Hmmp. Don't talk to me." Yamraiha replied with a hint of anger as she really couldn't believe that in just a span of one week and a month, many things had happened especially after knowing Lev just took the queen as his wife.

"Hahahaha. Be it then." Lev just laughed seeing her maintaining her 'Don't talk to me attitude.' as he knew that she wouldn't stay like that forever. He then just looked at the horizon while feeling excited about the place they were heading would give them.

"Y-You." Yamraiha couldn't believe it after seeing Lev just let her be and didn't even try hard to coax her. She then looked at him showing her teary eyes with a flushed face as if she would cry at any moment.

Seeing Yamraiha, Lev looked at her with a smile thinking that he had gone too far this time. He then just leaned closer to her ear and whispered something.

Hearing Lev, Yamraiha couldn't help but blush hard with her eyes widening. She then holds her cheeks feeling how hot she has become but she isn't angry or something but excited and happy instead.

"Y-You promise?" Yamraiha asked shyly wanting to confirm if Lev was telling the truth.

"Of course." Lev said as he smiled and caressed her head remembering the words that he whispered waiting for it to come.

This time, Yamraiha could be found staring into Lev's eyes before looking back at the sea but her mood had already brightened as she was now having a smile on her face wanting time to pass by quickly.

With that, Lev and Yamraiha then continued their journey towards a particular location with great expectation while talking from time to time, especially the skill Lev had transferred to Yamraiha.