
The Odyssey of Jason Darksky

An Officer of the Galactic Federation. After a supremely fucked up mission to the planet Vampune, home of the Vampire race. Captain Jason Darksky and his crew of misfits are banished to patrol the outer borders of the Federal boundaries. It is there that he begins a new chapter in his life. Join him in the journey that spans space and time. To a world of pure Fantasy.

DerpyChan69 · Video Games
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29 Chs

The kind Farmer

(Musaki's POV)

My arm was numb, I couldn't think straight anymore. I tried to get in touch with Captain and the White Phoenix, but my communicator was broken. I was on my own. I don't think I have ever been on my own before. It was a strange concept for me. I can still feel Shiva's presence. My chakrams were still on my forearms so I was still able to defend myself, if I could find a way to put my shoulder back in place, elbow too. I think my wrist is broken also, but when has that fact ever slowed me down?

I began dragging myself down the dirt road again, hoping it led to a shack or an abandoned hut. I was too tired to actually move with any real skill. Slowly a house came into view. "Please be abandoned." But of course I don't have any luck right now. A neat vegetable garden was to the side of the small house, a simple shed with tools and a bricked water well was set up under the thatched roof. A neatly crafted cage filled with small mammals was next to that. And in the garden, staring at me was a man who wore red Hakama styled robes, a dragon was embroidered on its sleeves and trimmed in flames that were a dark purple, nearly black in color. He held a hoe in his left hand and its flat head pointed down at the dirt behind him. His hair was a blood red, his eyes were as purple as the dragon decorating his clothes. He didn't speak a word, just watched as I stumbled through his low gate into the yard. "I just need a minute to rest." I whispered, but again, nothing. I smiled to myself as I slid down the fence post and into darkness.

(Farmer's POV)

I moved when the woman very unceremoniously slid to the ground. My mind raced. How did she find me? Is she a spy? What if she is? What if she isn't? I lifted the small woman easily into my arms and carried her into the house. She was wounded, I didn't have time to think of the consequences right now. No matter, I can always move again. I can't allow it to be found.

(Shani's POV)

I woke slowly in a warm place, a fire was built up in a pit in the middle of the wooden floor. A Red Yakata was covering me. It hit me and I sat up quickly wincing as I did so. I was in the Farmer's house. The man in question was currently leaning against the wall opposite me. He had his arms crossed over his chest. One foot up on the wall behind him and his unique eyes were closed. He looked relaxed, but I just knew that he was a crouching tiger, poised to strike. "You're awake." His voice was gravely, like he didn't talk much. "I will get you some herbal tea, it will help with the pain." He moved away to start boiling water for the tea. I watched him work quietly. His movements were practiced, like he did this more times than he could count. "I must ask. Did you see a white ship?" I needed to make sure that my friends were safe. I may have crashed but I didn't know if they were injured in the explosion or not. He watched me for a second before focusing on his task again. "The ship is over a military base deep in the woods. Your people are safe, for now." I sighed, relief filled my heart. The Farmer handed me a clay cup filled with a drink that had a light purple color to it. It smelled wonderful and I could feel the effects without drinking it. "Who are you?" His question startled me for a second. "Oh, I'm sorry. My Captain always warned me to use my manners but I wasn't thinking. I am Leftenant Shani Musaki, First Mate to Captain Jason Darksky of the Phoenix Pirates." I felt fuzzy from the smell of his tea. It was calming but made me feel like my mind was in a fog. Just what was he brewing? "Very well, Miss Shani, I am-" He cut off what he was going to say and Looked out the window. "Stay here, finish your tea. I have another visitor." I blinked in confusion and he was gone in the split second it took me to blink. "I thought I was fast."

(Hunter's POV)

A farmer stood at the door to the house we intended to search for the filthy pirate. His red clothes confused me for a second because I was not used to such strange attire. "Move aside Peasant, we are looking for a woman, she is charged with piracy and must be killed on sight."

"You do not have permission to be on my lands, leave immediately." His voice was thick and gutteral. He held a hoe in his right hand, the head pointed towards the earth behind him. his left hand gripped the end of the wooden handle. His stance was sloppy at best. I knew he was harmless. "You, deal with him. The rest of you search for the girl." The man I called out moved and just as he reached the Farmer, the man moved slightly and then I watched in shock as my man stopped moving and stared into the Farmer's eerie purple gaze. The Farmer relaxed his stance and my man split in two like he was sliced down the middle, yet he was still in one piece. It was strange to see. A miasmic purple fire flowed from the hoe into the man and he dropped when that fire returned to the hoe. The body didn't even have a scratch on it. It was like the Farmer killed his very soul. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the Farmer now. He no longer held the tool, but in its place was a sword in a white jade sheath. Black flames decorated the sheath and the guard was black as well. "Remember, I warned you." The last thing I heard was the roar of a beast and the miasmic purplish black flames engulfed me.

(Farmer's POV)

I watched as the men died a most agonizing death. I flicked the katana in my hand and the miasmic flames disappeared. The blackened blade had purple flames dancing along it. I gripped the white and black hilt tighter. I can still feel its need for blood. These souls were not enough to quiet the ever hungry blade. My heart bled for the souls I have taken, yet what choice am I given? "Is this necessary?" I felt the lady behind me. Her heartbeat was stronger in my ears. Good, she will survive this day at least. "What did you do to them?"

Her voice was barely a sound but I heard her. "It's not a question of what I did, but what IT did." I sheathed my sword and the cries for blood dulled slightly. The white jade sheath had obsidian decorative dragons spewing black flames. The guard and pomel were obsidian flames in design. I closed my eyes and waited for the feeling of bloodlust to dissipate, this always happens when I draw my sword, the sound of their souls, screaming as they died in terror and agony is one I know well. I turned to face the lady. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I am called Oda Nobunaga, you may call me Nobunaga." I looked right at her now. The small woman was delicate yet I could see the well defined muscles underneath that milk white skin. The silver blue flecks in her colbalt eyes was very contradicting. The ice blue ribbon in her hair which she accented with a silver ring, it was flat with an edge to it. The woman bristled with weapons.

"Come, back to bed. You need you're rest. I am sure that more will arrive before the night is through." I lead her back inside and gently put her back into my bed. I would have to leave again, but somehow, that thought didn't seem all that bad.