
Chapter 17: Monsters and secrets


I tried to open my eyelids weighted down by sleep. But my bedhead decided it didn't want to move yet and just enjoy the feeling of the soft/delicate silk bedsheet underneath.

OK! A few more minutes is all I would allow myself. After all Luce Mia was supposed to be a protector, a Goddess, not some spoilt little princess. And for now the latter option seemed to fit my case more, as I had slept for 9 hours straight as soon as my feet had entered this magnificent room painted in soft glimmery golden colour with soft white lace curtains and finally topped off with a huge and vintage chandelier. This room seemed to be fit for royals and perhaps this is why I felt reluctant to leave.

I wonder what kind of rooms my friends were in. And with that my mind kept kept bouncing off from one thought to another.

I soon found myself recalling the scene of Kendall following Ken, as if in a daze, eyes fixated on him and as well as Damon's antics towards Samarah before this. What was going on here? Did I just wash up on love island or something?

Out of the blue I felt the presence of my guardians. One felt tired and in the brink of sleep while the other felt.....frustrated. As if searching for unknown answers. I weighted out my options: either to ask for answers from one of them or find out by myself. I decided on the latter but I didn't want to leave my room yet.

So, I tried to creep up on the astral presence mentally and feel for raw emotions which were present. I was met with pure shock and desperatedness. Oh no! Whoever it was whether Kendall or Damon was totally panicking. I mustered up all my energy to somehow beckon him/her to me, in the hopes of helping. I waited patiently, until I finally heard a nervous pair of footsteps enter my room and in came Damon.

As soon as he saw me, an alarming look flashed on his face," I swear I didn't mean to come and startle you without knocking. It.. it...was almost as ...as...if I was in some trance. I....I...I was unable to stop myself." ,he fumbled for words as I watched him, as a corner of my lips tilted upwards. Noticing my half smirk made him stop abruptly.

Head titled upwards and eyes bearing shock he said," Did.....you.....Were you ...... Did you do this?" "Yeah", I replied slyly.

"Did you do it willingly or was it just sheer coincidence?",he said still in his shocked stupor.

" Actually it was completely intentional.", I replied calmly.

He took a second to figure out why I had led him here. But before he could ask anymore questions, I laid down mine," What's up with you and Samarah? And what were you so frustrated about now?" He appeared to be startled at my bluntness but I didn't care. The guessing game was over now.

He shifted his gaze away from me as his frame backed away a little," You know I had saved her life...", he continued backing away little by little towards the door. And then the upper half of his body turned to face the door in a flee while I stretched my hand out in panic to stop him. The next series of event appeared to be in slo - mo as he suddenly froze in his place and toppled over.

" What the actual fuck..... YOU did this, didn't you? God, you are just as unpredictable as Samarah. Just keep getting powers even though the prophecy date is quite faraway. Just the perks of being a God huh!?!" ,he said making me agitated.

I fisted my outstretched palm as he winced out," Hey! It hurts. Easy now. I have to be alive myself for keeping you alive."

"Undead sums you up though.", I answered nonchalantly. Although I felt in complete glee as well as in awe of all these powers but all of that could wait. For now, I wanted answers. I stood up face - to - face with Damon. Placing a palm on his jaw, I turned Damon's face to look directly at me.

Smirking, I asked, " Shall we?" His brows furrowed before he gulped, mouthing," Oh shit!" Then I dove deep into his mind and found secrets that had been existing behind closed doors. Although, I wished I could just skip the visuals. I could feel all of Damon's raw emotions as Samarah did the mate bond on him.

It was overwhelming and I decided to come back to reality.

Damon shot an angry look at me before he said," I feel violated. " "Would have been better for both of us if you had just spilled.", I shot right back at him.

"Are you happy though?", I asked, catching him off guard. His eyes softened as he said," I will always be as long as I am with her."

I pressed on," And what about Samarah? Is she happy?What is happening to her?" His eyes clouded as he replied," Samarah is very special. I had always known so. But upto what extent still remains a mystery. I swear I will tell you all about it as soon as I find answers myself."

It took me a minute to register his cryptic words although I decided to believe his last sentence and did not press him further. I expected the discussion to end but he spoke again," Even though she is still unaware of the gravity of the mate bond..."

I felt his heart flutter still sensing his emotions," I think that she is happy as is." His eyes twinkled at this but out of nowhere, a blush creeped up on his face as he snapped at me," And from now on I would appreciate it if you don't go snooping around my mind." I made a face of mock disgust saying," Trust me, I wish I could unsee it all as well. And it gave me more trauma than you could ever imagine. For all I know the next thing I could have stumbled upon could very well be your wet dreams of Samarah." He instantly panicked at this, eyes bulging out and lips parting.

"Oh shit!", was all I could let out in amusement now aware that the scenario was highly possible.

He barked out," Unfreeze me at once. I have to attend to important matters." Still smirking shamelessly I replied," Will do chief."

Feeling a glare on me, I outstretched my palm and just wiggled them concentrating on the thought of undoing his frozen position. Then I heard I low rumble escape Damon's mouth as I figured out, that I was tickling him instead of unfreezing him.

A devilish smile spread across my features as I repeated my actions a few more times as Damon screeched out in laughter. Finally tears sprung in his eyes before I freeded the poor guy by clicking my thumb and my index finger together.

Instantly he collapsed on the bed, his weight on his elbows before he said with a strained voice," I will show you what real torture is now." Even before I could let the words register, I felt him pull me on the bed. Then binding both my arms on top of my head, he proceeded to tickle me merciless.

His body hovered over mine, as I lay on my back, his knees on both sides of my waist, trapping me even though I couldn't do much to remove the hulk of a man anyways.

Then the door flung open as I saw Samarah gasp in horror.

Then her hands began to tremble as her pupils dilated before she lunged at me like a crazed monster. Damon tried to save me from her vicious attacks by flinging himself over me and covering my form but only to get flung to a corner with a sickening crack.

Then she menacingly inched towards me on the bed. With her only a foot away from me, she raised her hands, claws extending from them. I waited for the feeling of the tear of my skin but instead, I watched her struggle, each hand being held back by Damon and Kendall.

When did she get here? But bless her soul for saving mine on time.

Unable to think of anything else, I placed my palm out front towards her, hoping to freeze her like I did to Damon a few minutes ago.

But instead a blinding ray of white light escaped my palm, striking no one except Samarah. She flew out of the room and hit herself on a wall. I watched in plain horror as the plaster behind her crumpled into dust leaving an indentation on the wall.

God damn these unstable powers!!!

Please tell me she is alive.