
The Ode of the Ethereal Maelstrom

What does it mean to become powerful? To be able to trounce over thousands of opponents relentlessly? To possess a power capable of annihilating everything in a matter of time? To possess every single fame and fortune available in the world? Or is it nothing but a requirement for one to conquer and dominate others? ... Each opinion formed regarding that topic may vary depending on every individual. But what would a boy, sheltered away and unknowing of the world outside due to his powers, think about that matter? Now that he's finally free from the shackles that bound him to his room, It's time for him to discover his true self.

HomelessChild · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The lonely god sits sorrowfully on his throne watching over his creations beneath the holy realm, too overly spacious for his liking, only adding more to his loneliness and regret. No, they are not his creations to begin with. He had no choice but to replace the original creator, not a small price to pay for the consequences of his actions. He had no choice.

Massive responsibilities imprisons even the ruler of a small kingdom, let alone the ruler of the entire living being. Controlling the flow of mana, the birth and expiration of lifeforms, the everlasting time, and the uncertain future itself, one would succumb immediately from the burden and the pressure.

But it seems to be not the case for the man whatsoever as he managed to perform every one of them without a fault to be found. Although, it would be common sense to think that it shortens every lifespan of him, as the once alluring fair complexion of his had wrinkled in every skin, and his once dark brown hair had withered and turned white.

The man watched the flow of mana in earth whirling around chaotically as if they're sea waves crashing to the shore. They are meant to spread evenly throughout the world the same way as water would flow through the river, yet lumps of them were stuck in a certain places, unknown to everything of what it will cause to the area. He tries to control it with his every power, only for it to calm down just for a brief moment before raging yet again, all while he has to look over other aspects of life and death as well. Another reminder of his consequences.

One flow of mana in particular, however, were swirling around harmonically in a tiny circle, as if they're blessing whoever is around that area. And he knows it very well, especially with his divine power of future sight courtesy of his lover, that the flow of mana were adoring a newborn that would soon become his successor, the next hero, the beginning of the end to all of this chaos.

"How pitiful of me to entrust the fate of everything to this one little child..." the man says as he let the flow of mana to itself while keeping control to the others.

While he was inside his own mind, he failed to notice a subtle yet critical change to a few peculiar flow of mana, filled with all kinds of hostility. The gods and devils he killed, had been quietly trying to find a way to revive themselves, in order for them seeking vengeance on the wretched man.

Suddenly, the harmonic flow of mana would then rampage in a frenzy, as if in response to the negative flows. It continued to rage for a long while until it stops, and turns into one single dot, the mana flow of a human. However, it is far different from the average tiny dots. This one shines light and is almost the same size as the chaotic twirls of flow of manas around it.

The next overpowered hero has been born.

"What a beautiful sight to behold... so this is how it looks like when i was born too, huh..."

"I will do everything in order for you to save this world, little child, just like how she saved me. To save everyone's fate... to save your own fate...

...to save my own fate."