
The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

People flock into the holographic virtual lord game "Lord of Glory", only to find that they couldn't get offline. All players became lords and fought for survival and honor. Ji Chen found himself loaded with a troop talent tree, able to strengthen the skills of the troop types and even upgrade their ranks. Dragon Blood Fishman, Tidal Naga, Death Squid, Pure Blood Sea Elf, Deep Sea Goblin, Cang Dragon Knight, Death Leviathan, Northern Sea Giant Demon, and other powerful troop types arrived one after another. From then on, a lord and the aboriginal fear of the sea lord was born! In the boundless ocean, an ocean island became that bright pearl of the ocean. Players: This ocean lord is a bit unusual!

Chenyu The Herder · Games
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855 Chs

Conspiracy, Tidal Force

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Upon hearing this, the other members were tempted.

Raymond also had a flicker of interest in his mind.

As a merchant, he knew very well that the profit would increase several-fold with this plan.

However, when he thought of Jichen, he hesitated deeply.

He had a feeling that the man was not as simple as he seemed on the surface.

Seeing many members swayed by the idea, Gassani narrowed his eyes and took out a map.

Pointing to the location of the Stormy Sea on the map, he said, "Look, the Stormy Sea is not far from the busiest shipping routes. If we can occupy that archipelago, develop it further, and then open it to the outside world..."

"Soon enough, that archipelago will become another Silver Islands. Even if we only charge anchorage fees for passing ships, we'll be swimming in wealth."

"It's much easier than working hard as merchants to make money."