
the oath of a father Beyond the Veil: A Naruto Reincarnation

In the chaotic streets of the city, a young man's life abruptly ends, his existence forever altered by the cruel hand of fate. As he grapples with the harsh realities of his new existence, he is driven by a relentless desire to reunite with his family. Traversing the treacherous landscape between life and death, he confronts the shadows of his past and the daunting mysteries of the afterlife. Fueled by a father's desperate determination, he embarks on a perilous journey to safeguard his daughter's future, navigating a world teetering on the brink of darkness. a haunting saga of loss, resilience, and the enduring echoes of love that linger in the darkest corners of existence. just a side project, I'm tired of seeing these low quality fanfictions that keep tarnishing Naruto , I'm hoping to make a fanfiction that will be of better quality than these cultivation (Chinese) and harem FF . do leave some comments and reviews, I will do everything within my abilities to better what I do therefore you guys need to show me the way to betterment this is just a side project smh my novel version got deleted... anyway nothing except my plotline and the MC belongs to me everything else to the author of naruto if I used something from you or anything like that do tell me so that I see what I can do and take it down

Grigo · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

symphony of a battle

As I ventured deeper into the abyss of hell, Grim's enigmatic words echoed in my mind, urging me to unlock the dormant power of chakra. Determination burned within me like a smoldering ember, fueling my resolve to harness this newfound energy and emerge stronger from the darkness.

Amidst the cacophony of moans and cries that permeated the air, I focused my mind, tapping into the latent reservoir of chakra within. With each breath, I felt the energy surge through my veins, empowering me with newfound strength and agility.

As days turned into weeks, I honed my skills in the art of stealth, learning to move through the shadows like a whisper in the night. I became one with the darkness, my footsteps silent, my presence elusive to even the keenest of senses.

Encounters with demons became opportunities to test my newfound abilities. With precision and finesse, I navigated through the treacherous terrain, striking swiftly and vanishing into the shadows before my foes could react.

In the heart of hell's inferno, I embraced the darkness that lurked within me, using it as a cloak to conceal my movements and outmaneuver my adversaries. Each victory bolstered my confidence, reaffirming my belief in the power of chakra to transform me into a formidable force to be reckoned with.

And then, in a moment of revelation, I unlocked a new facet of my abilities—an innate understanding of the art of stealth that transcended mere physical prowess. With a whispered command, I wove illusions into reality, bending light and shadow to my will and cloaking myself in an aura of invisibility.

As I glided through the twisted corridors of hell, unseen and untouchable, I knew that I had become something more than just a survivor—I had become a master of the shadows, a ghost in the darkness, a force to be feared and respected.

With each passing moment, I grew stronger, more agile, more adept at navigating the treacherous labyrinth of hell. And though the road ahead was fraught with peril, I faced it with unwavering resolve, knowing that with the power of chakra at my command, I could overcome any obstacle that stood in my way.

For in the depths of darkness, amidst the chaos and despair, I had found my true calling—to embrace the shadows, harness their power, and emerge triumphant from the abyss. And with each step forward, I moved ever closer to the ultimate goal: to reclaim my humanity and reunite with those I held dear, guided by the whisper of the shadows and fueled by the strength of my indomitable spirit.

As I delved deeper into the abyss of hell, honing my skills in the art of stealth, a new revelation dawned upon me—an echo of the elements, a resonance from deep within my soul. Amidst the darkness and despair, I discovered a wellspring of power, an untapped reservoir of chakra that flowed like water through my being.

With each passing day, I delved deeper into the depths of my own essence, exploring the boundless potential that lay dormant within. Through focus and meditation, I learned to channel the elemental force that dwelled within me, shaping it into a torrent of liquid energy that surged through my veins.

Though my control over the water element was far from mastery, I reveled in the newfound sense of connection with the natural world that flowed within me. With each fluid motion, I could feel the ebb and flow of the currents, the pulse of life that thrummed within every drop.

Yet, even as I advanced in my understanding of this inner power, I remained ever vigilant, knowing that my journey was far from over. The depths of hell held countless challenges and dangers, and I knew that I must continue to hone my skills if I were to emerge victorious.

With each passing trial, I pushed the boundaries of my abilities, exploring the depths of my own soul while never losing sight of the ultimate goal—to reunite with my loved ones and escape the clutches of hell once and for all.

And so, amidst the shadows and the whispers of the elements that dwelled within, I forged ahead, a silent guardian of the darkness, a master of stealth and the water that flowed within me. Though the road ahead was fraught with peril, I faced it with unwavering determination, knowing that with each step forward, I grew ever closer to unlocking the full extent of my potential and achieving true mastery over the forces that lay within.


Years have flowed like rivers since I first ventured into the depths of hell, honing my skills and mastering the elements that pulse within me. Through relentless practice and unwavering determination, I have transcended the boundaries of mortal limitations, becoming a conduit for the raw power of nature itself.

With each passing day, I delve deeper into the intricate weave of elemental energies, mastering not just one, but all the elements that comprise the very fabric of existence. From the roaring flames that dance with the fury of a thousand suns to the tranquil whispers of the gentle breeze, I command them all with the finesse of a maestro conducting an orchestra.

Yet, amidst the symphony of elements, a grim reality remains unchanged—the cycle of death and rebirth that plagues this infernal realm. Every twenty-four hours, like clockwork, the demons rise anew, their twisted forms clawing their way back from the abyss to haunt the corridors of hell once more.

In my eternal struggle against the denizens of this accursed domain, I have encountered countless adversaries, from the lowly imps to the towering behemoths that stalk the darkest corners of the abyss. While most of my battles have been against foes of moderate strength, occasionally I have faced adversaries whose power rivaled even my own.

But still, I press onward, driven by a relentless determination to overcome any obstacle that stands in my path. With each victory, I grow stronger, my mastery over the elements becoming more refined with every passing moment.

Although I've achieved mastery over the fundamental elements such as lightning, water, fire, earth, and air, it's the finesse of stealth that often grants me the upper hand in battle. As I grasp my trusty sword, forged from the bones of a formidable demon I bested in my early days within this realm, I can't help but admire its crude craftsmanship. With a mere touch of wind and lightning chakra, I sculpted its form, infusing it with both sharpness and vibrational resonance, essential for cutting through the toughest of demonic bones.

The wind chakra lends razor-like sharpness to my fingers, while the lightning chakra creates vibrations, facilitating the shaping of the bone into the sleek form of a katana. For the handle, I repurposed one of the demon's horns, crafting it into a flat grip, while the guard of the sword consists of the few hairs that clung to the horn upon extraction, reminiscent of the split soul katana wielded by Toji Fushiguro.

As I rest, distant echoes of battle reach my ears, initially distant but steadily drawing closer to my camp. Though fatigued, I cannot ignore the growing proximity of the conflict. With furrowed brows, I close my eyes, attuning my senses to the unfolding chaos.

Each thump of my heart synchronizes with the rhythm of the battle, revealing the presence of two demons engaged in a deadly dance. One, unmistakably Lucifer, exudes a palpable air of danger, toying with his adversary with malicious intent. Sensing the impending danger drawing nearer to my sanctuary, I rise to my feet, steeling myself for what lies ahead.

As I approach the fray, I shroud myself in invisibility, though I know it's not enough to evade the keen senses of the strongest demons. Veiling my chakra to blend seamlessly with the environment which made me undetectable to them , I cautiously maneuver towards Lucifer's vulnerable flank, preparing to strike. Despite the intensity of the battle, my presence remains undetected, eliciting a surge of satisfaction.

Observing the intricate exchange of blows, I remain vigilant, knowing that even the slightest misstep could betray my presence. ' Good they haven't noticed me , I must stay cautious nonetheless they might be aware that someone came to look . Well first time I'll be fighting one of the great demons in our realm , I'm lucky it's not satan he would've finished the fight in an instant and dipped.'


should I make the chapters longer ? should I combine 2 chapters and one big chapter ?