
The nurse's missing wife

Crystal_Robinson_8752 · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Search For Faith

The police arrived at the Logan's home within minutes, and Logan gave them a description of Faith and the last place he had seen her. The officers quickly launched an extensive search effort, hoping to find any sign of her.

Logan wanted to help in the search, so he joined the team that scoured the nearby fields, lake, and woods. He searched tirelessly, hoping that he would find some trace of his wife. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her, and he was determined to find her.

As the days turned into weeks, Logan's hope began to fade. Despite the tireless efforts of the police and the search teams, there was no sign of Faith. Logan felt more and more helpless with each passing day. He spent every waking moment searching for her, neglecting his work and his friends. He couldn't eat or sleep, and he spent most of his time in a daze, barely aware of his surroundings.

After six weeks of searching, the police announced that they were most likely searching for a body. Logan was devastated. He couldn't bear the thought of his wife being dead, but he also couldn't ignore the reality of the situation.

Months passed, and Logan's depression grew worse. He became more and more isolated, spending most of his time at work or at home, where he would check on Faith's cat and stare at her belongings. He had given away their dogs, unable to bear the thought of caring for them without Faith.

Logan's friends and family tried to help him, but he refused to listen to them. They told him to let go of Faith, to accept that she was gone and try to move on, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He held onto the hope that she was still alive, even though he knew that it was unlikely.

One day, Logan received a call from the police. They had found a piece of clothing in the woods that matched Faith's description. Logan's heart raced as he rushed to the scene, hoping that it was not a sign that his wife was dead. When he arrived and looked at the clothing, He then Realized that he had never seen Faith wear them. Logan knew the clothing wasn't Faith and the he is still no step closer to finding her