

RON: is one of the best assassins in his world his codename is *the red Abomination* ranks 63 his family are assassins and killers his father codename *the God of death* ranks 0 and his mom *the mad one* ranks 1 his family is in the thousand he Only knows two of his spellings, his older brother's codename *the dark crow* rank 20, and his older sister's codename * the singer fox* his life is fine tell his father was trying to eat him He has survived three times. The first time was when his father put him in the fridge after he seasoned him But his brother saved him, and the second time, when his father put him in an oven, his brother saved him again The last time he was in prison and dropped the soap, his brother saved him After the last accident, he lived a full life of escaping and killing tell one day one of his father's followers find him codename *the doctor* rank 21 * the doctor*: wow you are really an abomination look at you a cat ear on the left and a wolf one on the right and foxtail and your green eye is like a Beast eye good Thing you have one eye and your rank 63 for a 10-year-old hell kid now I believe you are the boss son the boss want you alive but you are dangerous for this goodbye *bang* *bang* *bang* Ron He was shot three times, once in the heart, once in the liver, and once in the head Ron looked at his killer and He closed his eyes for the last time, or as he thought

m_42 · Anime & Comics
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the evolution is a......

[ inside of the black cocoon ]

Ron: system

/name: RON *the red Abomination*

/titles: *the red Abomination* * the red angel* * the blood fox * *???*

/race: ?????Faunus

/age: 10_eternal

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/ ????

/level: 23

/job; expert assassin/aura user/beasts hunter

/ex job; Hunter/Rogue/expert Hunter/assassin

/element; necro magic

/semblance blood Petal Burst

/ aura dark blood aura and grey cyan aura

/host can customize his look's in evolution host can have a 15 old look and can add new parts to his body

Ron: I can do wait now

/host can customize his look's now and add new parts like

/gills / scales / other eyes / fur / sup brain / poison glands / canines / night view /wings/and more

Ron: ok now let me customize myself

/[ after an hour ]

/[ sea form come out when entering the water]

/ Deep-sea fish gills /crocodile scales / White shark fines and canines / king cobra poison glands /Shark's eye and nose/ night view /Honeybadger claws/Whale lungs / dolphin tail/rabbit heart/ Jackson's Chameleon horns /Turtle ears/ sup brain/ looks like a 15 year old

/[ flying form It appears when the host activated it ]

/eagle wings/ crows eye/ Mongol eagle feathers/ honeybadger claws/ leopard heart/ eagle tail / Addax horns / owl ears /sup brain / looks like a 15 year old

/[ normal form ]

/ as it was but cuter and stronger

/[ *the red Abomination* form ]

/ all in one

Ron: I miss the time I sang with my sister

/system: host you sing don't make me Laugh You will sound like a horse that wants to die

Ron: Do you want to bet

/system: yes if you win I will give you 1.000.000 and if you lose you You have to be a cute loli girl for the rest of your life deal

Ron: deal now Which song should I sing... ah you are king

/system: your choice be ready to become a cute loli host

[ Music begins ]

Ron: 1...2...3...go

[ three minutes later ]

Ron: you are king

Ron: I win now give me the money

/system: no why can't I have a cute loli host why ok take it and How can you change your voice?

Ron: and

/system: and what

Ron: my missions my daily missions...Don't tell me you forgot

/system:... no, I did not ok take it

/Live your first day and don't die

/ you got to water breathing

/ Obtained Shadow Clone skill

/Kill the first hundred

/you got a Nanite sniper and five hundred ammo

/Kill the first ten

/ you gut 100 sp

/kill the first thousand

/ you gut fire ruby sword

/ your small dimension has become a normal dimension measuring 1750 km x 1750 km

/ your shrine can now develop a Faith But because you are not a god your faith will turn into sp [1---->25

/ Choose your two religion [war /Harvest / Peace / Hunting / Fire / Blood / Light / Disasters ] you choose [ hunting/harvest ] the demi-human can now prey for hunting and harvest in your shrine

/ your dragon heart has become a high dragon heart

Ron: open the shop

/shop 1.000.134

/ buy [ cloning {you can clon yourself and customize them } for 500.000 ]

/[ bloodline sacred white bat ] for 100.000 { let You see everything is white and evil is black and no evil will see you}]

/[bloodline of grey eyes ] for 200.000 { the grey eye of the great * ZERO * the first of the NUMBERS can let you see Five seconds before the future, it can only be used once a week Using it too much can lead to blindness thus who *ZERO* fall }]

/[bloodline of the Grimm] for 10.000{ you can see negative feelings and Grimm will not attack you for no reason But be careful not to become one of them and their master can see you}]

/organ [ blood bank ]for 50.000 {you can store blood to heal your wounds}]

/organ [fire glands] for 40.000 { you can shoot fire out of your left hand need no magic just eat more spicy food All the spicier, all the more powerful of a fire} ]

/[ soul ego] for 100.000{ Like another soul with which your body can bear more strength aura you can give weapons and mindless clones an ego }]

/ because of the new ego, you got a new semblance, control of the shadows

/ Someone started Trying to control you... The intruder has failed and been blinded on Your place Because of bloodline sacred white bat

/half-hour to finish the evolution

[in another place]

in a dark place, a white woman was sitting on. a dark throne In a moment, she rose from her place

???: What is this strange feeling like a new Grimm I can't control but It disappeared faster than it appeared why and what was it

[back to Ron]

Ron wack up and was trying to break the cocoon he is in Slowly cracks began to appear and a hand appeared out and then a red Hair kid who looked cute

Ron: system Show me my stats


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