

RON: is one of the best assassins in his world his codename is *the red Abomination* ranks 63 his family are assassins and killers his father codename *the God of death* ranks 0 and his mom *the mad one* ranks 1 his family is in the thousand he Only knows two of his spellings, his older brother's codename *the dark crow* rank 20, and his older sister's codename * the singer fox* his life is fine tell his father was trying to eat him He has survived three times. The first time was when his father put him in the fridge after he seasoned him But his brother saved him, and the second time, when his father put him in an oven, his brother saved him again The last time he was in prison and dropped the soap, his brother saved him After the last accident, he lived a full life of escaping and killing tell one day one of his father's followers find him codename *the doctor* rank 21 * the doctor*: wow you are really an abomination look at you a cat ear on the left and a wolf one on the right and foxtail and your green eye is like a Beast eye good Thing you have one eye and your rank 63 for a 10-year-old hell kid now I believe you are the boss son the boss want you alive but you are dangerous for this goodbye *bang* *bang* *bang* Ron He was shot three times, once in the heart, once in the liver, and once in the head Ron looked at his killer and He closed his eyes for the last time, or as he thought

m_42 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

change of plan...now to beacon

Ghost: Hey captain, are you going to tell me why we swam to this continent and not just fly I'm so tired now and how are you not hurt at all and why do you look like that

Ron was now in his [ sea form] and he looked kind of weird

Ron: ok stop now we need to kill one Grimm titan and ten alphas we have a week to do it or no more new weapons and kill MR Leonardo also Rimuru is helping miss Amber now and can't be here so all we need to do is...*bang**bang**bang*

Ron was shot in the heart and Ghost was shot in his leg from the trees Some men came out and looked at Ron and Ghost

the man boss: look we get new Slaves now man g...*bang**bang**bang*

all the man was killed by Ron who was alive and kicking

Ron: dame It was so long since the last time I lost a heart it hurt f#$% you Ghost get up we need to kill the Leonardo guy and a Grimm titan now get up

Ghost is looking at Ron weird and asked


Ron: bonus for having a mad Mother it comes with 3 hearts and 4 lungs and you being f#$% in the head ok don't ask now let's go and kill some Grimm and rest I need to rest for a week for my heart to grow back

Ghost: captain how many hearts do You have again

Ron: 3 why

Ghost: I will never ask again

Ron: now night... were is night

[Ghost mind ]

system: you have a call from Rimuru answer or not

Ghost: yes

Rimuru: hi Ghost how are you did something happened today to Ron

Ghost: yes he guts shot in the heart and guts back up as nothing happened to him

Rimuru: wow you're first time seeing it

Ghost: yes who

Rimuru: it happens a lot of times one time he lost an arm in a battle so he pick his arm back and use it as a weapon and gut his heart was ripped out by a big guy so he do the same and that time he ripped his heart out to save a kid from death door I remember it as our first meeting. Wait it's was our first meeting man tell you he is back you will have a hard time sorry I need to go miss Amber is being attacked so bay

ghost: wait

system: the call has ended


ghost: wait what

Ron; o S$%^ she maybe in beacon change of plan now we are going to beacon and Then go kill the Grimm now run like the wind

[ in the city of VALE or is it VALE ]

I little girl is walking looking like she is lost a blonde-haired girl is talking to her

???: hi little one are you lost

[Author: sorry I get some surprise exams so I will Only go on Thursdays and Fridays or more now bay]


the next chapter will be [Do you want to know why they call me *the red Abomination* ]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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