

Machine Translation

Gu Ye laughed evilly. "In any case, the father and son don't get along well. Hahaha, my brother probably keeps a straight face all day long and loves to fight with my nephew over his mother. My nephew hates him very much. " Every time he thought of his brother's defeated look, he would feel extremely satisfied Gu Ye felt very satisfied, very satisfied!

One had to know that he had never seen such a brother before. Ever since his nephew was born, he had seen him often. It couldn't be any better!

Xi Wan:"..."

Gu Ye then started to coax the three babies to play. The three babies also gave him face and played with him very enthusiastically.

When mother Jiang came out with the first plate of dishes, she saw her daughter sitting on the SOFA watching TV. Next door, Gu ye and the three babies were having a great time.

Mother Jiang's eyebrows twitched. "Little Ye is here too. "

Gu Ye nodded. "Auntie, I saw Xi Wan's car, so I came to see her and the babies. "

Xi Wan: Actually, the main point is the babies. ������

Mother Jiang smiled. "then have lunch at Auntie's place. Oh right, call your wife over too. Auntie will cook more dishes. "

Gu Ye blushed. "I'm so sorry. "

Xi Wan looked at him suspiciously. "hehe. ".

Gu Ye smiled. "You know what I mean. ".

"If auntie says so, then I'll be thick-skinned. Hehe, it's been a long time since I've tasted auntie's cooking. I miss it so much. "

Jiang smiled. "I've said it before. I live here alone. You and your wife should come to my place often to eat and accompany me. "

Gu Ye nodded. "Okay. " Then, he called Hua Fei.

Jiang went back to the kitchen again, humming, "Penghu Bay, waves and waves. "

"Oh, right, Xi Wan, let me tell you something exciting. " Gu Ye hugged Linlang with one hand and teased her little finger with the other.

Xi Wan looked puzzled.

Gu Ye said, "isn't my boss Lu Yuanshan? "

"I know. Are you trying to tell me that he was killed by his love rival? I've seen this news. " Xi Wan nodded and looked back at Gu ye.

"No, no, no, it's more than that. You don't really think it's love killing, do you? "

"Or else? "

Gu Ye pretended to be enigmatic and shook his head. "Love killing is part of the reason. Revenge is the most important reason. "

Gu Ye turned serious and sighed to Xi Wan "Don't you think it's such a coincidence to expose the long FA group's drug trafficking on the Internet wave by wave? " Those netizens even took out many high-definition photos and some evidence of the long FA group's drug trafficking. And they looked like they were saying, "I'm not afraid of you. If you have the ability, you can sue me" "Do you think a small citizen would dare to fight with a big corporation or even a big corporation involved in crime? " Don't be ridiculous It was too late to hide, okay The Drug Enforcement Police couldn't kill them every year, so how could a small citizen.

After hearing this, Xi Wan had a flash of inspiration in her mind. "You said that... it's... "

Gu Ye nodded. "I only found out because I accidentally heard the conversation between the director of the company's Public Relations Department and the police some time ago. "

Although his boss was usually very calculative and had played with many male celebrities in the industry, he didn't dare to agree with his private life. However, he never expected that in his relationship with Song Xian this time, he would actually develop a real relationship. For the sake of this relationship, he even revealed a lot of dark information about the long FA group. In the end, he was taken revenge and died in a car accident.

Xi Wan was also extremely shocked.

No wonder.

When she saw the one-sided news about long FA selling drugs on the Internet, she felt that it was impossible for the long FA group not to use their own network to suppress these reports. However, these reports were still overwhelming This meant that in addition to the large number of netizens participating in the expos��, the expos�� side had also hired a group of Internet trolls to guide the news.

And Long Fa's public relations ability was obviously not as good as that of one of the three big agencies, idler. In terms of public opinion, it could also be explained that the expos�� side was better.

Moreover, there were so many high-definition photos. The reporters who took the photos obviously did not dare to expose them. After all, the underworld selling drugs was really not a joke.

They were a group of outlaws who wandered outside the moral and legal lines. They were doing black-hearted undertakings and earning black-hearted money.

If they knew that you were the one who reported to the police, then your whole family would be screwed.

This was not a joke.

You might think that they were very far away from ordinary people, but in fact, they did exist in the dark, and they were staring at you with their sharp eyes and snake-like tongues.

No matter what type of reporter they were, their experience was always broader and they thought more than ordinary people, not to mention the gossip reporters in the entertainment circle.

When these reporters took these photos, generally speaking, they did not dare to use these photos to report to the police anonymously. It was not that they did not trust the police, but they really did not have the courage to put the lives of their entire family in the hands of others.

It was still the same saying, "don't be afraid of anything, just in case. ".

However, this time, this reporter gave them, and he even gave them a full hd photo and video. One could imagine how close he stood to that private room!

When they turned around, the drug dealers would only need to check through the surveillance video to see who had entered the nightclub. After a few random checks, the reporter's identity would be exposed.

This reporter dared to be so bold. There were only two situations. One was that he had a strong backer and could support him. The other was that he had a large amount of money in his account. Once he had it, he would hide his identity and escape.

Obviously, it should be the latter.

This reporter received a large amount of money from Lu Yuanshan and gave his photos to Lu Yuanshan. Then, Lu Yuanshan revealed everything. His purpose was to make long FA group suffer.

Xi Wan had this guess.

However, after that, Gu ye sighed and said to Xi Wan, "Sigh, my boss has been monitoring that person called Shen Chen for a long time. These photos were all taken by my boss who asked the reporter to follow him. "

Xi Wan:"..."

She had never thought that the truth would be like this.

"actually, the main reason why long FA group could be toppled in one fell swoop was because the boss provided a lot of evidence. These evidence were all in a safe in the boss's house. It was the boss's cousin who tidied up the boss's belongings and found them. "

Xi Wan nodded. No wonder the police had issued a wanted notice to all the upper echelons of long FA group not long after this. It turned out that there was so much inside information.

"after long FA fell, Shen Chen somehow got the news that everything was ordered by my boss, so he took revenge on my boss. "

"But didn't Huang Mao and long FA escape to country m? Why didn't Shen Chen? "

Gu Ye shook his head, "I'm not sure. Anyway, he fell into the net. Sigh, he has harmed so many people, so it can be said that the law can not be overlooked. "

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