
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Volume hundred and three

I crouched down to her height, smiled at her. " Yes!. Daddy is home". It had been all most a year since I've seen her. She had grown a lot since the last time I seen her, maybe a few inches in height that matter a lot to a child. I've missed precious time with her. That time I can't get back, she pushed the door open. Hugged me very tightly, I felt tears falling on to my shoulders. It breaks my heart to see my daughter cry. I know those tears are coming from excitement,I picked her up. Walked into my home which I've haven't been in a year, all most all of the food I had left them is almost gone. It still looks the same as I had left it. That's good though that means no one had broken in, I looked back to see if the others would follow. They were more stunned than ever before. I glanced at them, gave them a very warm filling smile. " It's okay. Welcome to my home!". While making my way through my house, I can tell that they wanted to ask so many questions. Especially about me having a family with a demon, well they probably think that I had adopted her. That not the cause though. I fell in love with that demon, she had also fell in love with me. I don't have to worry about them being hostile towards them. That's a great relief for me. I wouldn't want to fight them inside of my house with my daughter watching, that would leave a permanent scar on her. Also it would look bad on me as her Father to finally come back home and decide to fight people which he had brought with him. I walked to the kitchen were my wife was making dinner, I gently walked up to her. Put both arms around her stomach. Squeezing with very little force, she started to cry. She quickly turned around to face me with tears running down her face. " Welcome home dear!, how was the journey?". I don't want to talk about to journey I just wanted to be with my family. It's been a long time since seeing them, I'm glad that I can see them again. I'm tired of being away from them. I walked her over to the dinner table, I placed her down put my daughter on her lap. Cut the stove off, well I like to call it a stove. It's just a pot having over an open flame. " Baby!, the place these people are from they allow people like use. I've seen it they don't have any rules against mix breeding, that means we can live in a world that doesn't want us died. We can finally live in a kingdom where our daughters life isn't in a constant danger. I know it sounds make belief. It's not though I've saw it with my two eyes, I saw children smiling playing. I'm willing to risk everything for a chance for us to live in peace. You don't have to answer right away seeing how I've just only returned, if you don't want to make the journey. I don't blame you. Heck I understand why you wouldn't want to join us, but baby don't you want to live without looking over your shoulder.". I've finally said it. It sounds like a fairy tale, there is a piece of me that believes that it's not true. I have every right to doubt the place of Nord. Seeing how I know the reality of the world, the truth behind most of the cruel rules. They just wanted to keep us under their use of thumb. They had succeed in their plans, my daughter started to jump up and down with excitement. While spinning around the dinner table, " Daddy!, does that mean I can met others around my age. I can finally have friends.". That broke me inside hearing my daughter speak like that, it must have been hard for her. Experiencing life without anyone around her age, my wife stood up with smile on her face. " Fine!, I trust you. Let's head to Nord!". I hugged my family with all of my heart, this part of our life while finally come to an end. Us hiding will be nothing but jokes about our past. Eten spoke up while I was embracing my family, " Jim!, is this your family?. I would have thought maybe she would have been at least a human.". All three of us started laughing out loud, my wife spoke before I could explain to them." Well aren't you the brightest light bulb. I know it looks really bad, but it's not that bad. I've been with him since. Trust me we have been through a lot, it took me a long time for me to finally accept my feelings for him. I remember when he saved from me a demons Mansion, or the time were he stood against his own kind. So I own him every thing. Then he showed me the belief of Jesus Christ, it's hard for me seeing how Everytime I touch the book he made for me. It burns me it still doesn't stop me, I'm glad that I married this man.". The slave was still outside I guess she didn't want to come inside. It her choice to stay inside for the carriage that's probably her safe place right now, I place some clothes for the journey back to Nord. It's going to be cramped. That doesn't bother my family seeing how we lived in a shed for the majority of our life. While our luggage was being packed up, I looked back at the home. I decided to leave the door closed, to close that part of our life. Everyone began to settle inside of the carriage I can hear the laughter of my child in the back. " It's time for us to head back!".