
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Volume Hundred and Thirty Two

We must be in Elven land, I couldn't tell though. I haven't experienced any things that leads up to eleven territory. So how could we have possibly encountered a Elf out here, I don't know what to do about this person. Clearly Eten is his sister. How come she didn't tell me this before?, I didn't ask her so I can guess that is my fault as well. I'm going to have to treat this Elf. " I'm sorry for being rude. But do you think you could take us back to your village?!, cause right now Eten your sister needs to be home with family. She has entered womanhood. I think it's best for he to be with family, another thing do you know the best way to get to Nord form here?.". He brushed passed me hugging Eten while in the process. " Welcome back home sis!. Also congrats on your first step into womanhood". I couldn't tell if he was excited or was he pissed of that he wasn't there when it happened. He pick up his sister, he walked into he forest past the tree. I followed him. This is a first for me, I wonder if it's okay for humans to enter an Elven Kingdom. Walking past the trees of what I've just recently investigated. Knowing that this place is unhabited by humans, I do wonder what kind of magic did they use to cover this spot up. How long have they covered it up for?!, and why is there elf's in Nord?!. Walking along side Eten brother it's the perfect time for me to ask questions. I don't have to worry about the safety of Eten, if I didn't even know that this placed existed. I hardly doubt that anyone else would no about this place. It's very strange how some of these elves that I've seen around Nord. I would think they would hate humans cause of Adamsin, he was a human. I know that he is one the world thinks that he is some kind of abomination of God's mistakes. I can't change the minds of those who have suffered the effects of Adamsin. It wouldn't be right for me to make a case for Adamsin's onslaught on the world. That would be a great reason for them to hid this place from us. The deeper we went into the woods, the more I realized that I've only just started Adventuring. It's something else though I can feel something isn't right with Eten's brother. Why was he the only one out here?, does he not know that it's too dangerous to be only. Or maybe he doesn't know about the outside world. Don't tell me that the elves do the same as the humans, us humans cast out the poor. Or the weak cause we see them as lesser beings cause that can't provide much for society. Which is very wrong of us I thought that means we were the only ones to do so. " So can I ask you a few questions?!. Why are you out in the woods by yourself?!, I mean it's very dangerous out here. Besides it's better to have company trust me on that. It's hard being alone, I know that more than anyone.". Eten began to walk by herself know she was able to calm down enough. It must be very hard for to deal with this dramatic change to her body, I heard rumors that elf's puberty phase. Is very hard for them. I was told that once they first enter that phase of their life, everything happens all at once. Increase libido, breasts size, glute size as well increases. Along side mood swings. That reminds me when my wife as pregnant with my baby girl, she couldn't stand the way I smelled. I use to cover it up with anything I could get my hands on. I know her mind must be racing with all this knowledge gushing to her head, from a young age girls are often told about womanhood. The problem with being told this is that you often fantasize about it, so your childhood fly's by you. I would like to know when my wife had become a woman. I think they had force that onto her, after being used by several demons. So I think naturally her body thought it was the perfect time for her to enter womanhood. Of course it wasn't natural. Eten voice is very fatigued. " I'm fine. How is mother and father Lea?". He just nodded. They must be fine, also his name is Lea. Elf's has some unique names, I can't say anything I have two first name's. As we approached three trees that form a triangle. Lea tapped on the grass between the second and third one, and he air between the trees become a fog. He entered with his sister. My party as well as my family were scared. I would be lieing to if I was to say I wasn't a bit token back. I need to go further out during my next quest, I entered the fog first to make sure nothing was to happen to my party. I was met with a village of elf's. These people were terrified of me just being there, the air of this place is much different than the rest for he world. How come the air is so clean in this void?!. Is this the magic of elf's?, after being go for maybe a minute I felt a tiny snug on my pant leg. I want into instant protection mode when I felt that tug, the elf's quickly went behind some trees to hid from me. I didn't mean to make that my first impression. It's just I just wanted to protect my family. Am very old Elf came from the middle of the pack, with two circle necklaces made out of daisies. This woman must be the elder of the elf's. With a very scratchy voice. " Welcome to Ofven!. Jim!".