
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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141 Chs

volume Hundred and Thirty Seven

I wonder how outlandish these stories have become since the death of Adamsin. Why did the stories become a thing?!, if I wasn't around the death. Then how could my name come up. Is it because I was around him the most?. Before I realized it had fell asleep next to the pond. Mouth dry as Cotton, grabbed my water canister. Drinking the five day old water that had become boiling hot. Even with it burning my tongue I still need to drink, I felt a cool breeze run across my chest. Wait a minute I felt the cold wind. I remember I still had my armor on before sleeping, did the chief took off my armor while I was sleeping. I started running back to homes of the Elven people. While running back to the elf's, a mosquito bite me on my ass. Well this isn't going to be a pleasant sight for my party. Neither will it be for my family seeing their father come back with no clothes to cover him self. Scratching his ass, as I got close the homes. I heard laughter cross the woods my nerves quickly died down. I'm grateful that these people don't see them as monsters compared to the rest do the world. Walked over to where the laughter was coming from, my party with some of the elves were sitting around telling stories. The mage was speaking when I arrived. " Let me just say this if your going to have some fun. At least check the goods first.". The crowd of elves began to laugh their lungs out, maybe we don't need to head back to Nord. I do enjoy their company. My daughter was sitting on a tree stump, plucking a flower. Their was a elf behind her braiding her hair, seeing this type of atmosphere gives me hope for the further generations that will soon follow this words temptations. I hope that those royal guards that I've gave them the book too their answers will led them away from that temptation. Is shouldn't be hoping that they will guide them away, but the power of Jesus Christ that will do that. I wonder if these elves believe in the same morals as we do. I wished that those people that were killed by Adamsin knew the man, of course that doesn't make what he did right. Those people also didn't know the reasoning behind the madness. All they saw was a humble man gone crazy with power, all he wanted to do was just be able to see his family once more. That option was taken away from him. I got closer to them I felt a warm since of happiness creeping inside of me, this type of feeling I've haven't felt since the birth of my daughter. While sitting next to my wife and daughter. A swarm of elf's came over to me, sitting on the floor looking up to me. The smallest one with his voice slowing falling out of his mouth, " um. Mr. Jim. Do you mind if you tell us some stories about Adamsin?. If you don't mind, we heard about him from the chief. That is the problem though the Chief only heard stories about him as well, your the only one here that actually knew him.". The excitement in their eyes was very hard for me to make a declining decision. I'm not a huge fan of talking about my friend. I can see why they would want to know more about him, younger people would have never heard of him. I placed my daughter on my lap started petting her head. I'm doing this to ease my nerves, each time I talk about Adamsin I started to feel nervous." Um. Let's see where should I began. I have so many stories I could tell you all, I remember the first time I saw his spare with another adventurer. That was something else. He is the only person I've seen that could never do anything wrong in the sense of hand to hand combat. The person he was fighting against was know for wrestling, which is not very easy to handle in hand to hand combat. He knew when to counter the grabs. The person was in the top ten for strength in the world, before your time we would rank each other. He had the number one rank spot in all of the rankings. Speed, strength,wisdom, intelligence, patience, whatever you can think of he had it. So of course he had a giant target on his back in his younger years of his life. I still wonder why he started helping others get stronger. Right when the match started the wrestler rushed Adamsin, going for a double leg takedown. He succeeded in grabbing both of his legs. He fell right into trap though he wanted for the wrestler to go for a leg takedown. So what Adamsin done is something I thought was humanly impossible, he just simple leaned forward. Fully extended his arms to perfect reach. Once he did that he started elbowing the guys liver, once erhe wrestler drop down to a knee. Adamsin stopped the match cause he knew that he had just won. He walked over to the wrestler holding his side where he was just mauled by Adamsin. " You done good against me. Next time a double leg takedown is a good attack, but you could confuse me if you done a faint. Go in for a takedown, then twist your body the wither way and go for an elbow to the nose. That is just one way you could add to your plan of attack, not trying to sound cocky though it won't work on me. Well I'm glad that we done this.". Shortly after that match, the wrestler I've been told become top five In strength. Every fight that Adamsin done against his fellow comrades, he never once used his blades against them!.".