
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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143 Chs

volume Fifty Eight

This demon child was used for breeding, sadly she cannot bear any children. It's probably cause the mercilessly amount of sex that was forced onto her. When I raised my hand to try and set free the shackles from her demise, she began to cry into my chest. Her age was no different than mine. These demons have no remorse for their own kind,her eyes keep staring at the door. She had ever right to look at the door, the door didn't seem to be a door for her. That door was a the gateway to all of her problems, only if I had gotten her sooner then I've could have possibly change the outcome.if I save this demon child then the rest of the Crusader's while hunt me down for my crimes against God. Those type of Christians aren't the real ones not in my eyes. If they were here, the only action when entering this demonic place is too only burn it down. I put my hand over my face, showing her not to make any noise. She tried to stand on her own, her legs were as wide as a child's bracelet. Her legs couldn't support her weight, this made the escape harder seeing how I couldn't defend myself. The door was still open when I've decided to throw her on my back, she felt as if I was carrying an empty sack. Walking past all the bloodshed that the demons have committed, I would come back. The problem is that all of the people that I'm passing by were already gone. Hopefully they were right with the Lord before seeing the light. It took several minutes to escape with h her. Once we got back to where I was collecting the Herbs, she was confused as it why I saved her. I know their is no reason in trying to communicate with her, demons don't speak to same language as us humans do. I held her hand and started walking back to Daragain, Shit I can't walk her back their. Demon's are the number one hunted thing in Daragain. I can leave her out here though if I do the other adventures will kill her on the spot. Screw it while walking down towards Daragain I saw out of the glips of my left eye, was a broken down shack. I approached the shack, placing her inside of it. After gently placing her down. I left her inside went outside checking to see what I could put in front of the door to keep out intruders. Outside on the right side of the shack was a broken great sword, I stuck the sword into the door. I took a couple steps back to see if it would hold, I'm not too worried about any others coming around these areasm cause the amount of demons that lurk around these parts of the woods. I have very little time until it's dark, while running toward Daragain. Thoughts of her being drag back into that dungeon called a home for her, still is another but another test of my faith. I was in such of a hurry knocking over children that was in my way, later I would give them bread for dinner. The guild back then was totally different, it's was being watched intently by the leader of Daragain. I stumbled in the Guild, I was still very new to the guild. While covered in the smell of death,and blood. Even though I've never killed anything, " guild master, here is the herbs!.". I tossed my bag at her some of the herbs fell out onto the desk. She took my bag out from the front of the desk, grabbed a small bag from her right side. The reward isn't a lot but it should be enough for a least a piece of bread, and some broth. I need to hurry before she died due to malnutrition, if anyone ask me why I'm in the hurry I'll just tell them I'm helping somebody with an errand. I could care less about he amount of money for my self. I ln the situation my needs are no longer first priority, their is a chance I could save them. I have plenty of regrets. Too many of those regrets have keep up me up at night, as time goes by I'm slowly losing the memories of my people. I went to street vendors the closest one was selling cinnamon bread, I quickly bought a loaf from her. Stuffing the bread into my bag, reached deep in my pockets pulled out the remaining change." Crap all I have left is one copper piece". I had to beg for the bread lady to reduce the price, she finally caved in. The butcher was as easy though, negotiation prices for a full ten minutes I have him the rest of my money. He humbly grab my change came back with two slices of ham, I darted out of the butcher shop. Dashing back to the woods were I left the demon child. I could hears screams of demons far off in the distance, the sounds came from a different direction. That was a relief for me, knocking over limbs. The ham I've received from the butcher was cold, that doesn't really matter though as long it's good. The shack was still their not in ruins. With he great sword still barging the door, I pulled the great sword from under the door. The door slightly opens I poked my head inside, noticing that nobody has sneaked on while I was away. The door closed behind me, she is still very terrified of me. I can't say I blame her her whole existence was just to be used as a vessel for another life. I pulled out the bread and ham that I've paid for. Making a sandwich for her consumption, once the sandwich was made she started sniffing the bread, opened her mouth and bite down onto it.