
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Volume Eighty three

The bones went past both of us, seeing his spine break against the tree. His body flopped down to the grass. The other guards were in complete shock so were we, what did Marcus do. His armor has no marks of the blade on them, it seems to me that the blade down no damage. How come though?!, that blade looks sharp as needle. " Marcus!, stand down I don't want to fight them. They are not worth are time, also we are not prepared for this!.". I looked back at Marcus his face was covered in Numbers. Which spooked me, what kind of person is Marcus. He stepped in front of us. His body had changed since the encounter of the royal guards, " I would leave us alone, if you don't then I don't mind making a grave for everyone in your family.". The royal guards quickly put their shield up to protect themselves. With each step Marcus made the trees would slowly age, I've noticed the season changed from fall to winter. What is his power?. Did he recently discover this type of power?, or he was he hiding it away from us. While looking at the back of Marcus. I've noticed that his arms our both covered in Numbers, with each moment passing by more and more Numbers appeared on him. What are the numbers for?. Autumn tried to step in front of Marcus to calm him down, she got to close to the royal guards. The one standing behind the leader, bashed her with his shield. Causing her to bleed, she collapsed onto the grass next to Marcus. I had to speak out. " Marcus do not cause anyone to be hurt okay!. I repeat myself please don't provoke them, Autumn is fine.". He kneeled down next to Autumn. I heard his voice it sound just like Darkouls, " if you are okay stand up if not. Then don't get in my way!". Marcus glanced at me with a frown. Why does he seem sad in the heat of a moment?, even when I think that he is having fun. He never smiled once. Marcus rushed toward the group of guards, the guards tried to defend themselves. It was too late for them though. Seeing them being, broken, snapped,in half, hanged,skinned, as the last guard fell down. Marcus stood over them, like a wolf to a fox. Shortly after the blood stopped raining from the sky, once the numbers disappeared from Marcus. It went back to summer time. His body was completely drained of all the energy. Autumn catched him before falling down, well I have no reason to help back to Daragain. Actually I want to head back their to see if I can find her body, to give her a proper burial. I can't stand the idea of someone being left out in the public dead. The blades that Marcus now weld are down by his side, Marcus is sound asleep. Autumn tried picking up. He was to much for her so I helped her, " what do we do now?!, it's not like he can help us. Plus I don't like the idea of not knowing what he is capable of. So I think it's best for us to leave him by himself. Unless you can help him with this mysterious power then maybe. But I don't think anyone can help this poor child, I'll pray for him. That's all I can do!". We carried out for the woods. Tripping over the bodies that he had dismantle. If he does get a better grip of his powers then we would have a no chance of taking over the world. That's not the goal I want though, I just want the world to become a better place. I'm tired of the world destroying itself cause of the actions of one man. That man didn't want to cause the world to fall into chaos, he just wanted his family back. The world took his family so he took the world. While carrying Marcus back to he home of Adamsin, I've noticed that the blades we stuck in his back. It seems like the blade has made itself a place holder inside of Marcus body. It's identical to how Adamsin once would keep his blades, what is Marcus a lost child of Adamsin. No that's nonsense his age doesn't match at all. So that rule that's possiblity, nevermind that idea." What do you think causes Marcus to pass out like this?!, is it because he is very fatigued. Or is it because of his power!?". Me and Autumn gently placed Marcus down on the cracked floor, I closed the front door. It's not like people this place actually exist. " Jim!, what do we do now!?. We can't leave Marcus like this. What would happen if there is a group of people like earlier?!. If he messes up, that could be the end of his life. He is too inexperience for us too take on!. Look I understand that you don't want to leave him behind neither I do. But what other option do we have Jim!". I started shaking my head trying to think of ideas to protect Marcus. Every idea I came up with ended with him dieing. " We could possibly take him with us to another kingdom, and drop him off. I don't like the idea or we could see if anyone is missing a party member, think about it what party wouldn't love to have him. These woods are not safe for him, neither is Daragain. If he stays here, the royal guard will hunt him down. If he stays out in the woods the beast that lay in these woods will kill him.". We were puzzled to what to do with Marcus, Autumn spoke up. " How about Nord?!, I heard that's there is Adventurer try out for the hero's party?!. Maybe Marcus could join there party!.". Her idea doesn't sound bad, " Okay!, let's head to Nord!".