
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Volume Eighty Seven

That name is lost words to me. Autumn started hitting me in the shoulder, " Jim!, it's the mage!". What is she talking about I know that is he a mage, clearly he is a mage. I don't have any memory of a mage being part of Adamsin party, " it's been a long time Peter!, it's been what almost eleven years..", my skin started to crawl after hearing thebbame Peter. How does this person know my last name?!, I took that last name cause of the person who showed me the love of Christ. " How do you know my name?!, what are your intentions!. Autumn we need to leave this place now!". She rushed towards to unknown man, hugging him. What is she doing this isn't the time to break down, this man could kill us. He could be sent from the king to hunt us down just like the royal guards, " I missed you so bad how are you'd doing Contai!. I'm sorry for abandoning you all those years ago. You knew the reason for my departure!, I see that you have age very poorly.". I'm very confused on why she is so comfortable with this stranger, then she lashed out at me. " Jim put your sword down!, you don't remember the one who was with Adamsin when he rescued you!.". I took a long look at this strange man, nothing came back to me. I was hoping that something would come back to me, all I know is that he is an old man. Also apparently a very good mage, " hey Contai!. Why do you want to join us or even help us?!. By the way what do you know about the death of Adamsin. How come you didn't warn him?!. If you are a true friend of Adamsin then you would have warned him!, the one who saved me wouldn't died.". He placed himself behind the desk that was falling apart, " so how have y'all been?!". I don't believe this person one bit, if he was part of his party then how is still alive. Last person I know to survive the massacre is Autumn, it took her years too escape the public. So how come this old man saying that he had done it for almost the years. What if he says that he knew me from the beginning then how come I've never seen him around the grave of Adamsin. " Quick question for you sir?!, if you are who you say you are then how come you hid away from the world?!. If I recall the prodigal was a shell shocking mage. That even the royal guard couldn't touch, so why hid away with so much power?!. Was it because you were scared of the truth coming out!". Autumn kneed me in the back of the leg, I franticly looked at her. Her hand over her lips, making a sush sound. I need to get to the bottom of this false representation of a member of Adamsin. He placed the cloak on the desk, once the cloak hit the desk dust flew up. Making all of us cough, well I think the old man coughed cause of his age. The dust didn't scare me neither did the action of the old man. This old man is more sketchy than I would like anyone to be, Autumn is fair sketcher than this old man. She doesn't even look like she did back then. His voice sound very gentle, " So what is this quest y'all are going after?!. I never knew that Jim the crusader would party up with someone. But man look at you now you have two party members, Adamsin would be very proud of you. What's the story about Marcus?!. It doesn't bother me if you tell me or not, but after I poured out the most powerful healing potion on him. And no of the effects worked!. I would love to know what type of power he has, cause even Adamsin didn't have that type of power.". I would love to tell him everything about Marcus, I can't though. Cause I also don't know much about him. Autumn slowly opened her mouth, " About Marcus we know very little about him. All we know is that whatever power he has is on a different scale than Adamsin. We recently saw someone of the past that me and Jim both thought was dead, that person or being resides in Marcus.". I have to hush up Autumn. We can't fully trust this person who is proclaimed to be the mage, so far what she has told him is all we know. Besides the fact of Darkouls she hasn't told the name of that being. We have to hid the fact of that though, knowing his power he could possibly use to against us. " Look she told you all of what we know okay, you can trust me that we have no other knowledge about Marcus. Well besides the fact the he screams in his sleep, I doubt that is any use to you though. Are you still that same person though?!, with no disrespect I don't believe that you could do the same things as you once did. I saw what this kid Marcus can do. If I'm being honest with you, I don't think even Adamsin would stand a chance. So that person or thing we saw inside of Marcus, he asked us a very odd question!?.". The old man leaned in cause of what I've said peaked his interest, his tone changed. " What can this fragile child do?!. Your telling me that a child who is passed out on my loveseat is more powerful than Adamsin. Man did you get a good sense of humor since the last time I saw you. I am kind of curious of what kind of thing y'all saw inside of him though. You don't have to tell me though well not right now at least, so what was the question?!". I stared into his eyes seeing the lives he took, " He asked us too kill Marcus!!!!".