
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Volume Eighty Nine

We are all stunned to see if happen again, it's a first for me though. Apparently Autumn had done saw this side of Marcus before in the woods. Does not remember what he does in his sleep?!, or does he not recognize what he is doing?!. The Prodigal stood over him, he examined Marcus closely. " Marcus?, do you have any memory of your birthplace?. Maybe a place that you can draw, or describe to help us.". His wife helped Marcus up from the loveseat, even though he is covered in water. His clothes dried off rather quickly. He guided him to their kitchen, he sat down on a custom made chair. The cabin was made of fire Amber, that doesn't surprise me though seeing how this man can control all of the elements. The wife brought out a plate filled with mashed potatoes,corn, steak, and a slice of bread. Marcus sadly gazed at the woman who had made the dish for him." I'm sorry ma'am!, but I have no use of eating anymore. I bet that your food taste wonderful.". She still left the age on the table,the steam roaming off the plate. Prodigal asked Marcus in a very different tone, why did his tone changed?!. " Marcus can you recall anything from your childhood, maybe some place or type of people that you saw. I know that it can be hard to remember anything from so long ago, but it's very urgent for us to know about the place you were raised in.". Marcus had no emotions on his face, that was something I haven't seen before. Well at least this time I haven't seen it this bad before, normal I've seen it when your emotions slowly leave your body. " Honestly me telling you won't change anything now will it!. Trust me you don't want to hear the stories I have, I've told people before about my life. They laughed at it!, they laughed at the fact that what I have felt was nothing but my own imagination. Seeing how you are very desperate about my past, I can tell you. I'm warning you though it's not pretty!. Let's see when I first arrived at the town I guess. Their people had pure hatred for me as a child, not knowing from right or wrong. I could neither write or speak in full sentences, that did not matter to them. What they saw was a monster inside of a child's body!, their clothing was in better condition than Daragain. While being forced toward a direction. The people spitted on me, stoned me, cursed me. Then I saw something shinning in the distance coming closer to use. The shinning thing I saw was the same thing that is on Jim's armor, that person told me that God should create another place for my sould to be tortured. I was shackled, dragged to the place where I was tortured. For the next ten years of my life, I wander for a little while if my mother and father looked for me. After a year or two my faith of my family looking for me went away, those people treated me as an enemy of God. I can't tell you the place where my pain was organized. Simply cause I don't know the place, I've never seen the place. Before taking me inside they blindfolded me. I did receive some type of love inside of that place, the rats who inhabited the place. Treated me as one of their own, even defended me from those people. They took in others to try and provoke me to using this power, for some reason I don't know it didn't show it self. That place showed me the emotion of death, it's cold. But yet for me it's very heartwarming, when I finally escaped that place. I left those people behind who helped me, and those same people are the ones who haunt me the most. I just want one day, just one day were I could enjoy their smiles. That day will never come!. I realized that a smile can be as deadly as a blade to the heart, I've saw women smiling at me when they were plucking my body apart. The one thing that a child has the most of they took that from me and shredded it. Once I left that place these weird dreams keep showing up in my sleep. It is my fault that this happened to me, if I would have just done what they wanted from. I could have avoided all this pain, well I at least hope so. So when I first arrived at Daragain I wasn't shocked when I saw other people being used as a toy. I wanted to save them, I saved someone before coming to this world. I caused that person more harm than good, I've saddened to say this. Why couldn't I just die back then?!. They could have killed me, most times they did kill me. I'm sorry for rambling on for so long, all I know is that. If that place is still up I want to see where it is?!, I want to save the others for once in my life. I want to save someone!". You could hear the grass outside growing that is how quiet it was inside of that house. " Jim this boy saw your kind before they were all wiped out, so the places are very limited. We all know that only two places appreciated the Christians. Those two places are Nord,Ketile. It can't be Ketile, cause Ketile was one of the Kingdoms that Adamsin had wiped out. So that only leds us to Nord. Last time I heard any news about Nord is that they had recently struck, a very large mine. Jim I'm sorry to tell you this but your Christian Faith is on the verge of extinction!". There is so much to understand from all of this," My Faith is in Good Hands!!".