
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · Fantasy
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141 Chs

the Number Five volume twenty five

Her face quickly changed into the same girl's body who did before I left with Five. Her body changed before my eyes and was nothing but the dead Body of that child. I grabbed both her shoulders, shaking her body back and forth trying to bring her back to life. Her death was all my fault. I could have saved her instead of Five, he lived a whole lot longer than she did before that moment. The woman's voice behind me brought me back to the reality of this new place but this was the first time I experienced something. The girl I was shaking trying to bring back to life, replied with a smile and a giggle. " Do it again!That was fun!.". The woman behind me was worried for me but also had a giant smile on her face. The kids quickly rushed into the house that I was hiding behind, and the other woman came over to us. "Sister, who is this beautiful child you have right here?"That woman in front of our path was gorgeous in a scary way though. From the look of both their faces I knew I had to come up with a name on the spot, because I had to hide the fact of the past. A strong stink came from my armpits, that's when "Sophie!" Sprung to my head for my new name. Both of the women reached both their hands out towards me and suggested that we should hold hands into this new journey of life, I had never experienced. The experience was a warm embrace of another, an actual concern for my well being for once.not just for some sick game or Riddle. As I entered this new shelter the walls had the same smell of the past ones, but there's ones filled with the screams of Five. But the biggest difference between this place and the other one is that this one was filled with pure joy. We continued down the halls, kids screaming out with joy,the little girl who greeted me was showing me around pointing at the different rooms. The door that stood before us had slash marks on it, the little girl explained. " The person who lived there had a bad relationship. Their love was very controlling, not letting this person look at another. Or even think about other ones, she hasn't come out of her room for days now.". A knot in my stomach started to form at the idea of why she hadn't come out of that room. Too scared of her lover or maybe something more sadistic. The little girl left with the woman who helped me . I grabbed the door knob. The knob was too smooth like freshly cleaned glassware, as the door opened a foul odor brought me back to that place.the room had two beds, the room was split in half by some kind of sliding door. one half of the room was completely empty, all there was a mattress, I quickly rushed over to the mattress. My bottom never felt this softness before, the smell continued to linger. I finally got the courage to open the other half of the room.I slid the door open. My gaze was not ready to see the horrifying thing behind that door. A body that was laying on, some many cuts sound her forearm all the way up the neck. The way her body was sitting reminded me of how Five was after experiment twenty five. By simply looking at her physique I noticed that some of her ribs were broken. I walked over towards her body. Placed my hands on her right rib cage. By the way , I can tell that there are some missing or broken. Started skating to the person that was lying in front of me. Her eyes were the same color as bricks that were holding my walls up. She quickly grabbed the blanket that was across her left leg. I spoke to her " hey, what is your name?. And who did this to you". Her eyes avoided my sight as he was in disgust of me, " look you wouldn't understand what I'm going through, all of this is for him". Her hands were shaking while pointing at a picture on the wall with her, with some guy around her clinging to each other. " When I first met him it was after child protection service took me away from my abusive father, and neglected mother. He gave me a sense of comfort, he went with me to this place who welcomed me with open arms. The first month was the worst.I was going through hell, flashbacks of my father hitting me with a ball pein hammer. While mother just turned a blind side to the actions of my father". I looked back at her and there was only one question that came to mind when I saw her in this state, " why did you start doing self-harm?' How come your boyfriend didn't come to your aid?". Her gaze met me with a crooked smile " he made me do all of this, he knew I was in a variable state, and I would do anything to keep him by my side. He knew that I would, so he used my trust against me, he turned me into an output for his lust fantasies". I didn't know what to say or even how to react to what she just uttered. I could think that someone I knew my whole life is alone again. I put my hand on the back of my roommate who I just met. Her spine is close to poking through the skin because of her lack of nourishment. " Where I grew up, there was a kid who gave me hope. But he gave up every sense of humanity.". That sentence stood in the air waiting for us to bring up another conversation so it could squash it. Her voice broke the sentence" where is he now?"Looking through the window. " I'm trying to find him telling him that he is finally free, before he realizes that he might not be." The reason I say that was because I knew that his mind would play tricks on him. Because of the hell he went through he would experience withdrawal, trauma. I quietly went back to my side of the room and laid myself on the floor where I felt most comfortable. The woman who put me in this house was knocking on the door, " ladies it's time for dinner". I went back to the other side of the room where my roommate was still looking at the entrance of my side. " By the way, you never told me your name?"Before I realized what I just asked, I couldn't tell her my real name. She spoke without looking in my direction of " Anna", several names bursting in my head thinking of a right off me in this new world. I finally decided on Sophie something nice but also mysterious, her reply was cutthroat." Cool,mine is Jenifer". She walked past me pulling back the dresser shelf, where she pulled out a blue shirt.