
The Nueva Espada

When Ichigo, Rukia, and their friends are Betrayed by the Soul Society, They Want Revenge, They join with unlikely allies to build an army to destroy the Soul Society.

angelhalad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 21: Ni-isama

A shadowy figure stood next to a window, looking straight up at the night sky. "You sure about that?" he asked in a cold, emotionless tone.

"Yes, I have no doubt," someone replied by the door.

The man said nothing for a few seconds, acting totally calm as if nothing surprised him. Finally, he spoke. "Fine. We will go and check it out."

"Yes," the other man bowed before quickly leaving the office. The door closed and it left the man all alone in the dark room.

"Sensei, see you next week!"

"'kay, now hurry up and get out of here!" Ichigo shouted back at the last few students who were running down the hallway to go home for a relaxing weekend. "I should get going too," he mumbled to himself as he arrived at his office. He slid open the door and closed it after stepping inside.

"You're late," an angry voice growled at him.

Ichigo glared. "Well, it's not my fault I wanted to be cautious. If I had hurried up things might have looked suspicious to some people."

Angel, who was sitting on top of his desk with one leg over the other and her arms crossed under her chest, returned the glare. "Still, it couldn't have possibly taken you this long."

With a groan, Ichigo walked over. "I just had to stop by and give Zander something," he told her as he reached over to lightly kiss her on the cheek, "Then I caught some students smoking behind the gym." He sighed as he dropped his tired body on his chair and stretched out his legs. "Thankfully Zander decided to take care of the rest so I could come up here. So you should go and thank him."

"Hmph," she grunted, "Then you could have texted me or something."

"Fine, I'm sorry," Ichigo finally gave up as he placed his head atop of his desk.

"Good boy," Angel smirked as she ran her fingers gently through his orange hair. He replied with a quiet moan as he leaned closer, wrapping an arm around her waist before plopping his head on her lap. A chuckle came from her throat. "You liking this?"

"It's really relaxing," he sighed.

Silently, Angel continued her sweet strokes while looking out the window that was just behind her. She peered down to see the school grounds completely empty and the sun just ready to set. "I think it's safe to leave now."

"But this is so nice," he mumbled, already half sleep.

Another chuckle came from her as she stopped her hand and gently placed it on his shoulders. "We still need to go get some supplies from Mark. The faster we do that the faster we can go home," she reasoned.

"Fine," Ichigo sighed in defeat as he reluctantly pushed himself off of his girlfriend's legs. He quickly started to pack his stuff. "Why do I assign so much work," he mumbled to himself.

"Because you are a sadistic teacher," Angel faked a pout as she jumped off his desk and straighten her skirt.

Ichigo was about to retort when there was a sudden knock on his door. The two stiffened before Angel quickly looked around for a hiding spot while Ichigo quickly reached for the door and held onto the handle. "W-who is it?" he asked.

"Me. Open up."

Quickly figuring out the owner of the voice, the two calmed down before Ichigo opened his door with a glare. "Next time, a warning would be nice. You almost gave us a heart attack."

"You just need to be more careful. Besides, how many times have I told you not to meet up in the school?" Andrew asked while pushing up his glasses. Without giving his friend a chance to answer, he quickly held up a piece of paper. "Here," he simply said.

Ichigo frowned as he took the paper. "What's this?"

"Something about the monthly report the principle wanted you to go over later. Full detail is already on it," Andrew shrugged. "I suggest you read it thoroughly since we don't know if there's something really important in there or not."

Ichigo grunted in annoyance as he skimmed the paper. "Fine, whatever," he groaned. He was about to push his friend out but Andrew quickly stepped aside and looked over his shoulder.

"Make sure he actually reads it," he said to Angel.

"Got it!" Angel smiled.

"Oi!" Ichigo shouted at the two before grabbing Andrew's shoulder and pushing him out, "I thought I told you 'I got it.' No need to set me up with a babysitter."

"I'm just doing what's best for you," Andrew commented before calmly walking away before Ichigo's fist could hit him. "I'll see you later tonight for dinner," he said before disappearing.

"Fucking jackass," Ichigo mumbled to himself as he walked back to where Angel was standing. "Anyways, I guess we should just head back home in case we get interrupted again."

"Agreed," Angel nodded as she grabbed her bag. "We need to get all our stuff so you can meet your friends in time. I'll go out first," she said, "I'll meet you by the corner just before Rodriguez's store."

Ichigo merely nodded as he watched Angel peeking out of his office before quickly running down the hallway and out of the school. He waited for the second hand to move across the clock on his wall before also heading out. He wanted to put as much distance between them as possible.

Andrew watched from the window as Angel quickly made her way out of the school building.

"Any student causing problem?"

Andrew turned around to shake his head. "Looks like today's a bit quiet."

Zander nodded as he joined his friend by the window. Soon the two noticed Ichigo slowly coming out of the school and heading the same direction that Angel went a little while ago. "I wonder how things are going with them."

"I'm hoping it's going well," Andrew sighed, "I wouldn't want something bad to happen when the school year is almost over."

Again, Zander nodded. He then looked up and frowned. "Looks like it's going to rain."

"Rain?" Zander looked up and frowned as well. "But it's fucking winter."

"You shouldn't swear at school, Fernandez-kun."

The two men gasped as they looked to their left to see Kyla also looking out the window.

"R-Reyes-san,"Andrew stuttered, "What are you-I mean, how long were you standing there?" He was sure he was the only one in the faculty lounge before Zander came in, and when the gentle giant came there was no one else with him.

Kyla slowly looked up and gave them her usual smile. "Long enough," she replied.

Zander grunted. "Then did you hear what we were talking about?" he asked as he turned around to see if anyone else was also with them. But thankfully, there seemed to be nobody else in the room.

"Yup," she continued smiling.

Andrew choked on air. "Is-is that all y-you have to say?"

The woman merely shrugged as she looked back outside. "I already knew Walker-kun and Bushū-san are in that kind of relationship."


The young woman chuckled at her friends' shocked faces. "I said I already knew everything. Oh! And don't worry! I won't tell anyone," she gave them a determined look.

Andrew stared at her before clearing his throat to regain his composure. "So, you're not upset?"

"Why should I be?" she smiled, "I'm finally free."

Zander smiled as he watched his friend taking in a deep breath to steady her shaking voice.

Andrew also smiled as he looked away. "Free, huh?"

Kyla nodded as she faced the window again, but this time dropped her head to wipe away some tears.

"Yeah," Zander replied in stead of the woman as he looked away also.

When the sniffling subsided, Andrew looked over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Wanna join us for dinner? Walker is buying."

Kyla looked back up to smile, though her nose and cheeks were still a bit red. "Okay."

It took Ichigo only ten minutes to reach the store with his slow pace. When he turned the corner he noticed Angel leaning against a fence, humming a random tune. He smiled as he walked over and planted a kiss on her cheek. "What you humming?"

Angel shrugged her shoulders as she smiled back at him. "Nothing in particular. I'm just having a really good day."

Ichigo just laughed as he grabbed her hand and led her to the store. He slid the door open and shouted, "Mark, we're here!"

"ARA!" A singing tone came from behind the back room before the man himself popped out with his fan covering his huge grin. "I haven't seen you two in awhile."

"Where's Lucy-san?" Angel asked.

"She's still sleeping. You young'uns aren't the only ones who know how to have fun," Mark laughed out loud.

Ichigo and Angel both cringed at his words. "Fucking pervert," Ichigo muttered.

"He is and he's too proud of that fact."

The other three slightly jumped when Lucy approached from behind the door and smacked Mark on the head real hard. "Ara, that hurt Lucy," he half cried and half laughed.

"That's what you get for talking too much," she growled at him before looking over to smirk when she saw Ichigo and Angel holding hands. "Shouldn't you guys be more careful?"

Angel looked down and immediately yanked her hand out of Ichigo's grip. "T-that-Nothing happened," she stuttered.

"Sorry but I already got a picture!" Mark chuckled as he held up his camera phone, "And I should send it to Jacod-"

"Don't you fucking dare!" Ichigo shouted as he ran over to grab the phone but Mark just stepped aside.

"Getting a bit slow, are we?" he teased, "Maybe I should call Jacod about how weak you got so he can start up your training again." Before Ichigo could retort, Lucy quickly took the phone out of Mark's grip and deleted the picture. "Aw, why did you do that, Lucy?" he pouted.

"Because Jacod doesn't know Angel's still a high school student, you dumbass," she glared at him.

Mark nervously chuckled behind his fan. "Aha, I knew that."

"Yeah right," Ichigo scoffed as he smacked the shopkeeper behind the head. "Anyways, we're here to buy some stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Mark asked, suddenly all happy again, "We range from simple fruits and vegetables to sex toys you can't get anywhere-"

"I meant household items, you sick bastard," Ichigo smacked him again.

Lucy shook her head before grabbing Angel. "Com'on, I'll help you pick some stuff out," she said.

"Okay," Angel nodded before following the older woman to the back of the store where items from toothbrushes to computer parts were being held. Ichigo silently watched as the two women disappeared.

"They sure are beautiful," Mark commented, "We're a couple of lucky guys, don't you think?"

"Yeah," Ichigo smiled as he watched Angel from the doorway, "Yeah, we sure are."

Mark smiled as he leaned against the wall, next to the doorway where Ichigo was standing. The two remained silent as they listened to their women talk to each other about which shampoo smelled better. The older man then turned his head and broke the silence. "How many more months left until she graduates?"

Ichigo turned to look at him before counting in his head. "Well, since its January that means there's only three more months left."

Mark nodded. "Then you two don't have to hide your relationship anymore."

Ichigo stared at him before smiling. "Yeah," he nodded, "We can finally come out from hiding."

"It'd be a happy day for everyone," Mark said but he covered his serious expression with his fan when Ichigo turned back to see Angel coming back to him. Hopefully nothing comes in the way before then.

"You done?" Ichigo asked as he grabbed the basket Angel held out to him.

"Yeah," she replied, "There really wasn't much stuff that we needed.

Ichigo nodded as he placed the basket on the counter and started to pull each item out. Mark came over and quickly registered each item.

"This comes up to be 4000 yen," he said (A/N: around $40).

Ichigo quickly pulled out some money and handed it over to Mark who took it. "Thank you! Come again!" He smiled. Ichigo and Angel waved back as they left the store.

The door to the shop slowly slid back shut, closing off the bright sun. The two remaining occupants stood still as the darkness surrounded them along with a gloomy atmosphere.

"So?" Mark asked while still staring at the closed door.

Lucy frowned. "I have a bad feeling, Mark," she said, "Something-more like someone-will come. I just know it."

Mark nodded as he heard the thunder clouds outsides. "It seems it might come sooner then expected."

Angel cowered closer to Ichigo who was using his jacket to cover both of them as they ran to their apartment. "Why is it suddenly raining?" she shouted over the loud downpour.

"How am I supposes to know! The weather channel said it was supposed to be sunny!" Ichigo shouted back.

The two grunted as they continued to run, water splashing onto their legs as they ran across the street and quickly to their apartment. Ichigo shook his jacket off of them and started to swing it up and down to get rid of the excessive water. "Man, its pouring cats and dogs out here."

"I agree," Angel dusted her clothes. "Com'on, let's get home and dry off." She turned towards the stairs and the two quickly made their way up. But before even reaching half way, Angel stopped to peer back outside.

"What's wrong?" Ichigo asked as he eyed her weird stance.

"I just noticed there are a lot of new cars out there that I haven't seen before," she pointed outside towards the parking lot.

Ichigo followed her example and peered down before letting out a low whistle. "Looks like the king moved in here."

Angel nodded before straightening up to continue her way up the stairs. "Today's been a weird day all together."

"I know what you mean," he added as they finally reached their floor. Ichigo took her hand in his and smiled when Angel leaned over to lean her head on his shoulders. He placed a quick kiss on her head as he gently led her towards their apartment. But for some reason, with each step they took, something felt weird. "Is it just me or does this place feel eerier than it usually is?" he asked.

Angel looked around and tightened her grip inside Ichigo's hands. "I know what you mean. Something feels out of place." The two looked at each other with a frown before heading towards their door.

Ichigo pulled out his keys and inserted it into the key hole. But instead of turning it, his entire body flinched.

"What's wrong?" Angel asked when she noticed he wasn't moving.

Ichigo slowly turned to look at her. "You did lock the doors this morning before you left, right?" he asked.

Angel stared at him before slowly nodding her head.

"Then why is it unlocked?" he whispered as he gently pulled his keys back out.

Angel's eyes widened. Another burglary?! she thought to herself as Ichigo pulled her behind him. He slowly gripped the knob and started to turn it. She remained half-hidden as the door slowly opened. At first glance, there was absolutely nothing.

It was pitch black.

Ichigo took a quiet step into the apartment and reached for the switch to turn on the lights. The moment it came on, everything changed.

In front of them were tall, muscular men wearing black suits and black sunglasses, with their arms crossed in front of their chests as they stood behind a man who was examining the pictures from their summer vacation on the wall.

And the said man sent chills down Ichigo's spine in merely a single glance.

He was taller than Ichigo by several inches and had long black hair with pieces of kenseikan on one side of his head. He was also wearing an expensive-looking Italian suit with alligator-skinned shoes. Everything about this man screamed at Ichigo to quickly run and hide. He was literally emitting a killing aura.

Angel did everything she could to stop a scream as she stared, wide-eyed, at the man standing before her. It was like her worse nightmare had come true. "N- Ni-isama," she mumbled low in her throat. And Ichigo immediately stiffened when he heard her.

Zack Bushū calmly turned his head towards the door and stared at the two figures standing by it. An eerie silence enveloped them.

Angel cleared her dry throat as she broke the silence. "Wha-what are you...doing here?"

"It's not Bushū-like to stutter, Angel," he simply said in an icy tone that made Ichigo want to cower away in fear. When the silence came back, Zack took a step to the side as he stood with his body facing them. "Hurry up and get inside. You're letting the cold wind come in."

Ichigo was still stiff but was forced to move when Angel lightly pushed him inside. The two slowly slipped their shoes off and stepped completely into the apartment, letting the door slam shut by itself. They visibly flinched at the loud "BANG!" and noticed that with the thunder outside, the lights were starting to flicker on and off.

Ichigo quickly stepped to the side, keeping Angel behind him, and stood in the middle of their living room, several feet away from the emotionless man and his bodyguards. "Wh-" he cleared his throat when his voice lightly squeaked, "What are you doing in here? Did you break in?"

Zack's cold eyes immediately went up to stare at Ichigo, who was trying his best to stay calm. "I don't think you have the liberty to speak here, Ichigo Walker."

Angel gasped. "How do you know him?" she asked breathlessly.

"I know everything when it comes to my business, and that includes my family," he said as he looked at his sister again. "And I believe I didn't raise you to cower behind someone else no matter what the situation. You're wearing a very pathetic look."

Angel lowered her head as she stepped out from behind her boyfriend. "Forgive me," she said.

For some reason, just seeing Angel-the same head-strong Angel he fell in love with-quickly flinching in fear, got rid of all his jitters. Ichigo looked back at the man in front of him with a full on glare. It only boiled the anger in him. "Don't order her around like some fucking dog," he growled.

Angel gasped as she grabbed his arm. "Ichigo! Don't say that!" she whispered in a panicking tone.

"I can if I want to," he looked at her, "I won't stand around and let some guy talk shit like that to you."

Angel's eyes widened before they narrowed down to a scowl. "You idiot. Although I appreciate you trying to stand up for me, he-" she slightly nodded at Zack , "-is not the person to put yourself up against!"


"You would do wise and listen to my sister," Zack stepped in, "She knows what will happen to you if you continue to fight me." He turned back to look at Angel and simply said: "We're leaving."

Angel stopped breathing. "...Ni-isama."

"I already got all your stuff packed," he continued, "We're leaving right now."

Ichigo gritted his teeth. "You fucking bastard. I don't care who you are but you have no right to break into someone's house and go through their stuff!"

"And you have right to have a relationship with my sister?" he questioned with an air of superiority. "I will have you arrested for tricking Angel-"

"No!" Angel stepped in front of Ichigo and held her arms out, "Please, I will follow you if you promise to leave Ichigo out of this!"

Zack's eyes narrowed into slits. "You dare stand up for this man?"

Although slightly shaking, Angel kept her stance with a firm look. "Yes, ni-isama."

"I see this man has corrupted your mind," he scoffed, "I knew something happened when you didn't come back home after your apartment got raided."

As his words sunk in, Angel's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait a second...how did you know about that?"

"Don't tell me, you..." Ichigo trailed off.

Zack merely looked down to remove a piece of lint on his black tie before looking back up with his same cold stare. "Yes."

A low growl came from Ichigo's throat as he pulled Angel next to him. "Fucking bastard," he cursed again.

"I wanted Angel to come home on her own two feet, admitting that she couldn't live alone in this world," he stated, "Of course I never took into consideration that there might have been someone to whom she could go to. A grave mistake that I can assure you I will not make again."

Ange watched on as she watched three men coming out from their bedroom holding her possessions.

"What the fuck?" Ichigo cringed, "You can't possibly be planning on forcing her back home, are you? I don't know much about you or your fucking name, but I won't stand by and watch you take Angel back to that hell hole."

An eyebrow went up as Zack continued staring at him. "You still dare to stand up against me when your life is being threatened?" he asked as his eyes narrowed into slits, "Do not mess with me, ichigo. I can do worst things to you then simply getting you arrested." He looked back at Angel who was starting to shake. "Come, Angel," he ordered.

"Wha-" Ichigo's voice got cut off when suddenly they were surrounded by Zack's bodyguard. He glared at them as he placed Angel behind him. "Get away," he snarled. But they promptly ignored him and tried to reach for Angel.

"AH!" Angel screamed when somebody suddenly grabbed her wrist from behind.

Ichigo quickly turned around and send a kick to the guts at the man who grabbed her. Once he was down on the floor, Ichigo quickly placed an arm around her shoulders and held her close. "Get away!" he yelled again.

"This is taking too long," Zack sighed, "I permit you to use force."

At those words, three men quickly dashed forward and tried to pull Ichigo away from Angel's .

"NO!" he shouted as he tried to punch with one arm and hold onto Angel with the other.

Zack watched from a distance as his three men fell on the floor. He looked at them before drawing his eyes to the man in front of him. "You're being stubborn. Angel already agreed to come back with me if I didn't call the cops. But if you continue to resist, I will have you arrested."

Angel gasped but Ichigo just tightened his hold. "I don't care. I won't let you take her away from me."

"Ichigo! Are you crazy "Angel shouted at him.

"I don't care!" he said again as he held her against him, "I promised to protect you and I'm going to keep that promise."

Angel looked between her boyfriend and her brother, unable to say anything. What should she do? Stay here and risk Ichigo getting in trouble from the authorities, or leave with her brother and end their relationship? This isn't what I wanted, she cried inwardly.


The said woman looked up at her brother who suddenly called her.

"I order you to step away from this man if you know what's best for him. If you come now, I will leave him half alive," he said as his stare got colder, "But if you make me wait any longer, I will have him killed right now."

Angel 's eye's widened at his sudden threat. "Ni-isama!"

"Get it through your fucking head!" Ichigo interrupted, "Angel is staying with me so leave us alone!"

"Three months, Ni-isama!" Angel shouted, gaining both men's attention. "In three more months I'm graduating. Will you permit me to see him then? When we're legal to meet?"

"Angel!" Ichigo gaped at her.

Zack remained silent as he eyed his sister. A thin eyebrow went up when his eyes met with a pair of eyes that held so much determination, hope and authority. "Three months?" he asked.

"Hai," she responded.

"...No," he said as soon as he looked away. As soon as his words fell off his lips, three more of his men came up from behind and ripped Ichigo away from her.

"Angel!" Ichigo shouted.

Angel looked back and was about to reach for him when two men grabbed her. "Ichigo!"

The orange head struggled against his holders. "Fucking bastards, let go!"

"Shut up!" one of them yelled as he sent a heavy punch straight at his guts.

"ICHIGO!" Angel screamed as she watched Ichigo going slightly limp. "Let go!" she shouted at the men holding her as she tried to reach him, "Let go of him!"

"Enough Angel," Zack called out as he went over to grab her, "You're making a scene that is improper for a Bushū."

But Angel didn't hear a word he said because she was too busy trying to reach Ichigo, who was gasping for air as he got steady on his legs again. "Bastard," he cursed again, "Let her go!"

"Shut it!" Another man shouted as he punched Ichigo across the face.

Angel had to watch in horror as punch after punch, kick after kick landed on Ichigo whenever he tried to struggle. She screamed, squirmed and even bit the hand of one of her holders but she couldn't reach him. "Ni-isama!" she turned around and begged with her eyes. "Please, let him go! Stop this!"

But Zack merely ignored her as he indicated with his head for his men to start dragging her out the door.

Ichigo, who was wheezing, looked up to see his girlfriend being dragged out. "No! Angel!" He was about to rip his hand out of the vice-like grip when an unexpected person suddenly came flying through the door.


Everyone stood frozen as Jacod Walker looked around the apartment. He was shocked to see so many suit-wearing men inside, three of them holding his son back while others were seemingly dragging Angel outside...Angel... Jacod's widened as he noticed the uniform she was wearing.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Jacod gasped.

"Walker-san..." Angel whimpered.

Zack, who was standing off to the side, merely stared at the old man before grabbing Angel's elbow. "Let's go," he said as he continued dragging his sister out.

Getting back his senses, Ichigo started struggling again. "NO!" he shouted, "ANGEL!"

"ICHIGO!" Angel shouted back as she tried to escape Zack's grip but it was impossible.

When Zack came to the door, he stood in front of Jacod with a cold glare. "Move," he ordered, "Or else I will have you arrested as well."

Jacod, still completely confused with the whole situation, stepped aside as the cold man walked passed him.

"Walker-san!" Angel shouted this time.

Jacod was still not sure what was happening but the moment he heard his future daughter-in-law crying for help, his arm came up and quickly grabbed Zack's wrist that was holding Angel.

Zack came to an abrupt stop and slowly turned his head to glare at the man who now had over five guns pointing at him. "Do you wish for an early death?"

Jacod glared back. "I don't care about my life," he said in a serious tone, "I'm going to die sooner or later. But what I do care about is the fact that you're trying to steal my future daughter-in-law against her wishes. And as a father, I can not just stand by and watch her get taken away."

For a second, Ichigo and Angel both felt a glimmer of hope rise in them.

"Is that so?" Zack raised his chin to give the infamous Bushū's 'I'm-better-than-thou' look. "Then are you saying you were aware of their social standings and the fact that this relationship is illegal? You should just be glad I'm not pressing charges on your son for violating my sister."

"Ni-isama!" Angel shouted, "I'm telling you that he didn't force me!"

"Enough!" It was the first time Zack showed his annoyance by raising his voice. He gave Angel a deadly look that had her frozen in her spot. "I will not listen to this rubbish anymore." With that he pushed Jacod aside and continued the final steps out of the apartment.

"Angel-urgh!" Ichigo grunted when one of the men in black punched him across the face again.

"If I was you, I'd stay quiet," he threatened. The beating continued, not stopping even for a second when Jacod tried to stop them. Finally, they released their hold on him causing Ichigo to fall face-down on the ground, and straightened their clothes. "Count yourself lucky that we didn't kill you," one of them said before they all quickly left the apartment.

"Ichigo!" Jacod quickly dashed over to his son and held his shoulders as he helped him to his knees. "You okay, son?"

"Angel," Ichigo gasped as he wiped off some blood at the corner of his mouth, "Fuck," he muttered as he tried to stand up. But he quickly lost his footing and almost fell again if his father hadn't caught him in time.

Jacob cringed when he noticed the bruises and cuts over his son's body. "Ichigo, enough. She's far gone by now."

"No," Ichigo gasped as he tried to push his father off of him. "I need to get to her. I promised I'd protect her-ugh," he grunted again when he tried to take a step forward.

"That's enough!" Jacob grabbed him tighter, "You'll do no good if you go to her in this condition! You'd only get yourself killed!"

"But I have to get to Angel-"


Ichigo immediately froze when he heard his father raise his voice at him. He was half-kneeling on the ground, straining his body to stand up, but couldn't move any further as his father continued.

"Ichigo, are you a fucking fool or were you too busy thinking with your dick to ignore what you did?! Angel is a student!"

"I know that!" Ichigo shouted back, causing Jacod to flinch back in surprise. "I know that..." he said in a quieter voice as he fell completely on his knees and hands.

Jacod stared at his son for a while until he noticed his shoulders shaking. "Ichigo..." he called out as he came over to hold his shoulders again.

"I know that..." Ichigo repeated as he clenched his eyes shut to stop any tears from coming, "I know...but I love her!"

Only silence replied back as Jacod stared at his son, not sure how to react to the sudden confession.

But Ichigo continued. "Only three more months," he cried, "We only had to wait three more months and then we wouldn't have to hide things anymore."

Jacod continued to stay quiet as he held his son close to him as he cried out loud. He could hear the rain outside pouring down even harder.


Zack remained quiet as the car continued to drive further and further away from Tokyo.

Angel took in a deep breath as she tried to stop her voice from shaking. She looked up at her brother and spoke. "I promise never to defy your words again. I promise to live up to the Bushū name and do whatever you ask of me," she paused to see if her brother was listening. Though he wasn't looking at her, the fact that he wasn't doing anything else was enough to indicate that he was. So she continued. "If only you promise to leave Ichigo alone."

"..." Zack crossed his arms over his chest and looked out the window. There was nothing but silence for a few seconds before Zack answered. "...Agreed."

Angel looked down at her two clenched fists and saw two tears dropping on top of them. "Thank you, Ni-isama."