
The nuclear test (Rough draft)

After the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world was afraid of the might of nuclear threat. Due to this scientist tried to find a way to create a more controlled way to create a weapon. After a breakthrough, some scientists found a way to use nuclear waste and alter it in order to give people special powers. Numerous human experiments were made until finally there was a breakthrough. A little after this many advanced countries became able to succeed, however even if there was a breakthrough, the rate of people who were able to acquire powers after being exposed to the waste was still low. After numerous experiments in 1990, all the countries of the world decided to gather and sign a treaty to stop human experimentation. However, when the first generation of children was being born the radioactive molecules in the air gathered in different spots and created gates to different realms. These gates contained massive resources and along with it come monsters and new civilizations. These gates were successfully hidden from the public by governments around the world. It's now the year 2014, Luis is living a regular life in New York. Not liked by anyone, he was adopted his aunt's family due to his parents' death. His only moments of peace were when he trained his body and when he watched and read anime and manga, and hangs out with his cousin. One day during one of his runs a strange bag fell on him, which will lead to a change in his life.

Grasshopper_sensei · Urban
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94 Chs

Academy (Part 3)

She didn't follow me after I said that, what a relief. If I remember correctly the phone has a navigation app, I kind of want to make sure that I know where the dorms are before it's she's out of my sensing range. I open my phone and open the navigation app. A dot appears on the screen, so this is where I am?... If the phone has a GPS signal that means they can track wherever we go at any time.

This has become more tricky since there's also the rule about always keeping this phone on you. That principal is a bitch... well, I knew I would have unfavorable conditions if I decided to take this offer and I knew that there'd be some sort of trick behind all of it.

...So, I only have 1 hour to move freely every 48 hours. That's plenty, I"ll head to the library and then to the dorms. It looks like dorm B is to the right of the library, ok. I look at the map again examining everything...there's a building that has a strange name. "Point Reediming shop," so there's a point-based system here?... I'll figure it out later.

Are the dorms separated by gender?... I highly doubt it, they are in a lack of magic soldiers and they have that rule about sex. So then... I look at the map, the high school and the middle school are next to each dorm so that means that it might be separated by grade then? In all due likelihood, but what about relationships between middle and high schoolers? This is confusing, I'll head to the library and find out more about this.

I noticed this before but the library of this place is way too big! Not only that, but walking also takes a considerable amount of time. I kind of wish that it was on the internet but it's all classified information so it's bound to be on books only

It's five floors based on the windows I can see on the outside. It has columns on the outside and it's pure white. It has a massive decorum, honestly, how did they get the architects to do this? Was it worth making all those contracts just to make this place look aesthetically pleasing...

...Actually, isn't there a chance that kids of this place are taught they are special or some shit if that's the case? They have all of these unnecessarily luxurious buildings and shit...I sigh, I have to experience this firsthand in order to make assumptions. Right now most of the things I think about this place are baseless guesses.

I walk inside only to see rows upon rows of books. The inside is just as massive as it looks from the outside. There are books as far as I can see along with a shit ton of shelves. There's no one else inside besides a woman with grey-brown hair sitting at the reception.

I look around, this place is too big for me to think of searching for too many things. In that case, I need to set priorities for searching today.

I go and find a chair to sit on so I don't just stand at the entrance. Now, what exactly do I want to know? If it's about this school I will most likely find out once it starts, I have no rush in that regard since I'll be here for long. If t's about the system of magic here I'll be learning that as school goes on too. What's most important right now....is learning about this neo waste.

Also, the thing about these realms I've heard about before...anything else?... I can't think of many others that come to mind. These two will do for now; I can't rush this too much. I still have about 2 years before the next presidential election. Which does make me wonder why do they make us resign it?

Is it an expiration date related to the contracts or does it have to do with politics... I should really stop getting derailed. I'll go to the counter to see if there's anything to help me search.

I walk up to the counter and I see a woman that looks old, the first old person I've seen in a while. She's on her phone looking at something. The counter has two chairs and a computer on each, along with some books on the shelves on the back and a printer. I go up to the counter and look at her.

"Excuse me, I need to know where to find some books."

She looks up from her phone annoyed.

"Which type of books?" She says annoyed

"General information neo waste and general information about the realms."

She stares at me.

"... I've never seen your face before, are you sure you're from this school?"


She keeps on staring at me. I stare at her back, after a moment of silence she shrugs.

"About the General information of Neo waste and General information about the realms, correct?"


Why was this person staring at me? Did I do something to her in any way shape or form? She types some stuff into the computer and then prints something out.

"Alright, I'll take you there kid."


Wasn't she annoyed that I stopped her from looking things at her phone? Why does she want to come along now? I could easily just get the book if she gives me the place, what if she's planning something then? She did ask me if I was from this school so she might think I'm not allowed to be here, I'll remain alert in case she tries anything.

Even if she's on the older side and I don't sense magic from her I can't let my guard down, I won't again. We keep on walking in silence until she decides to speak up.

"You are a new student here, right?"

"Yes." I try to keep my voice as neutral sounding as possible.

"You're pretty interesting for a new student you know."

"..." What does she mean by interesting?

"That little staring contest we had, you didn't back down at all."

No shit, why would I look away from an old hag?

"I get the feeling that you may have done a couple of things in the past that were in extreme and many things that you regret doing? Don't you agree?"

I lost count of what I regret already, just two months was enough to make me doubt and regret many things I had done.

"What are you getting at hag?"

I say in a wary voice

"Pretty rude, aren't you? You don't have to be wary I'm not really getting at anything, though telling you not to be wary might make you more so."

"If that's the case, why would you say so?"

She stops out of nowhere and my muscles tighten. She looks to her left and takes out a book and gives it out to me. Is she messing with me?

"This one is about general knowledge of Neo waste."

I quickly snatch the book.

"Calm down kid, what can a 53-year-old woman do to someone with magic at his disposal."

"Appearances are deceiving hag."

"I guess so, I have a name that I'm called frequently, and it's Ms. Tess, remember it well."

She turns around and starts heading for the stairs. I look at the book, "The history of Neo waste." For now, it seems that she's taking me to the actual places I'm supposed to go to. I start following behind her.

"Let me ask you, something kid."

"I have a name, and it's Luis, remember it well."

"Pretty funny are you. I want to ask you, have you ever killed someone?"

"...What does that have to do with searching for the books?"

"Nothing, I just found it interesting how the higher-ups let such a dangerous element into their precious school."

That's the one thing that bugs me as well, even if they have that contract magic. Based on what they know, aren't they being too careless?

"... That's a very good question don't you think?"

We stop at the third floor and she takes me to another section of the library. She then stops at a nearby bookshelf and takes out a book

"Very good one indeed. Though I can tell kid, even if you are resentful and distrustful of people. I can see that you aren't a bad person," She says as she hands me the book.

"Well, Tess, it looks like your age is finally getting to you," I say as I take the book.

"We'll see about that."She says as she walks away.

I look at the book title, "History and information about the other realms." Who was that hag? Well, it doesn't matter. I have some reading to do. I look at a chair and decide to sit on it.

Wondering who the librarian is? I'm wondering about that too!! It's a character that I had a hunch I had to include! Whether that hunch is true or not, that is to be seen. But I'm just setting things up for the future so here she is. She will be an interesting character for me to think up since I only have an extremely, and I mean extremely! Vague idea of what role she'll play, that's all!

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