
The Novel Experience

Just some recommendations of fanfiction I like. Almost all the FanFiction I recommend are Noharem.As a member of the NoharemSect it is my duty to show the world the beauty of noharem. PS:[PRAISE THE GORGEOUS NOHAREMSECT]

Azathoth2 · Anime & Comics
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236 Chs

Elfen Lied & Ben 10

Name:Ultimate Lied





Ben Tennyson finds himself in an alternate version of Kamakura, Japan. Once he hears about the Diclonius and the about the queen, it's up to our favorite Omnitrix wielder to get to the bottom of it. Takes place after Ultimate Alien and right at the start of Elfen Lied. Going to mix things from both the anime and the manga. Eventuall BenxLucy


Elfen Lied & Ben 10, M, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, chapters: 36, words: 254k+, favs: 177, follows: 168, updated: May 26, 2021 published: Sep 26, 2019, [Ben T., Lucy / Nyu] Kohta, Yuka


∆ ✓ Thanks Sonu_Siraj for recommending