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The Beings That Brings All Existence Into Ruins. That’s A Characteristic Of A Successful Demon God! The Person Who Brought Salvation For The World. That’s What People Call The Hero! Then What About The Protagonist Of The Story ? The Protagonist Is The Winner, Lucky Encounter, Beautiful Heroine, Breathtaking Adventure, All You Can Pick Crazy Fiesta Kind Of Character. So What About Me ? Just Died Of Old Age And Reincarnated Into This World. Wait.. Isn’t This That Insane Hell Difficulty Level Apocalyptic Novel World! Forget It.. There’s No Hope.. I’m Just Gonna Be A Salted Fish In This Life.. [Ding!] [Ordinary Choice System Has Been Bound]

Odlanyer · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Mom (2)

Humans are such a frail being, a little bit of stress can change their personality. Zeon in the last life always has that awareness. In his last life many parents always protested how hard life is if you already have children. But these parents never seem to think long about the future of the children they bring into the world. At least that is what he thinks about his past life father who dragged him into a hell called earth. He doesn't want to be an irresponsible person himself or even bring another irresponsible kid into this world. Only his mother and sister who can make him keep fighting hard in life. As long as he can take care of them it's enough, his happiness can go to another world or hell and back, it just doesn't matter.

The scene seems to change again. His sister seems to be crying a lot beside the hospital bed where his mother is lying. Zeon remembered that day, this should be the last time that he saw and talked with his mother. He remembered those moments, he seemed heartbroken and sad. The only person beside his sister that he loves the most will leave him at this moment.

Once again, this time, his mother didn't look at the middle aged man beside her bed but he can feel that her eyesight definitely fell on him, the current Zeon. A hazy figure reflected in her empty eyes, at this time, his mother should have lost her sight completely. With her last strength, his mother seems to say something to him. He remembered that in his last life he felt guilty because even in her last time, he disappointed his mother for not being able to hear her last words.

Now, he seems to understand why he can't hear her in his last life, it's because she didn't talk to him, but to Zeon that is standing in front of her right now. Some old and wise people say that when you are dying and at your last breath there will be a strange power that will help you find the right way, a different power that right now seems to pierce a different multiversal reality.

"Son, please grow healthy and find a beautiful person to be with."

Zeon can hear what his mother said in her dying breath.

=== End of flashback

Looking at little Zeon, grandpa Auguste doesn't know what happened, it seems like his little grandson is lost in thought and reminiscing some memories. It's weird because Zeon is only so old now, a 6 years old child, what memories he had to feel melancholic about?

He has lived with Zeon in the white palace for years. This youngest grandson with the weakest strength among his grandchildren has a different thinking and behavior pattern than a young kid his age. Always watching boring news every morning like an old uncle next door, always keeping a tab about important information on his little notes similar to those scientists from the federation, always keeping many medicines in his dimensional pocket like someone who's afraid of getting poisoned or injured. The weirdest part is that he's been bald from a young age.

That last part seems to stretch a lot, but his little Zeon is really pitiful. Grandpa Auguste has been worrying a lot about his grandson's baldness, he even personally brought a scientist from the federation when Zeon was still a year old to check Zeon's hair. After taking some samples and analyzing it, the scientist found that Zeon hair will never grow. Grandpa Auguste doesn't know what cruel future will little Zeon face ahead with his baldness. Grandpa Auguste has been hearing a lot that no girl ever likes a bald man from many girl fashion channel, it seems like a joke because in this age there are many technologies that can grow hair, but that scientist promised him that that even those technologies will never work on little Zeon, it's like Zeon's hair is from different dimensional reality. Grandpa Auguste has been worrying a lot about his little grandson's love life.

He even thought of taking the initiative to find a match for his little grandson's happiness. No family head in the humanities domain would ever dare to reject his request if he really wanted to. What does his grandson lack in any way? Power? Well, even if he's the weakest he still has me and his family. Money? Zahakkan family resources would never dry up even if Zeon has hundreds of children. Influence? The holy one and the church will always boost up the popularity of the Zahakkan family. Hair? … Cough! Cough! That's why I force you to marry my little grandson.

'Well.. Maybe it's time to find a beautiful girl for little Zeon's future happiness. I'm already retired anyway, there's a lot of free time to walk around the neighborhood in the humanities domain. Don't worry little Zeon, grandpa will hunt for a beautiful granddaughter in law for my little Zeon!'

Zeon's eyes are teary. Reaching for something in front of him, he seems to want to grab something. But he seems unable to find it. Tears started flowing from his eyes.

"Mom" the only word that he uttered while his eyes looking at the empty air, tears streamed down a lot from his eyes wetting his clothes.

Looking at this Grandpa Auguste felt heartbroken for his youngest grandson.

'Zeon must miss her mother a lot, but she will have a lot of work after this. As one of the strongest archbishop, she will lead the central city main branch church later after Jiu replaces me temporarily. The church has been understaffed ever since that bastard defected.'

Grandpa Auguste has never been so sure of finding a future granddaughter in law for his beloved grandson. He promised to himself that he will use everything possible to find the best match for Zeon.

'Humph! It's only baldness, everything else can be negotiated.'

Even though old, the pope is still one of the strongest human beings. He can be domineering and shameless all he wants and no one would dare to protest the words of an old man like him. Some will be annoyed for a moment, but they won't be taking it lightly. Joining the Zahakkan family meant a lot of things, power, wealth, influence and definitely a lifetime of safety in the humanities domain.

Back in reality, Zeon closed his eyes and enjoyed happy moments with his old mother. He can't answer his mother right now as he's already a different person with a different life in a different world. Zeon remembered a certain cardinal that seemed to remind him to remember his words that action speaks louder than words. He felt thankful to cardinal Miguel because now he has the right way to answer his mother's dying will.

After calming himself down, Zeon decided to live this life to the fullest. Grow up healthily and find a beautiful wife later. There will be many chances, especially when he started studying at the academy in the central city. There are so many activities that can garner more attention from many beautiful young girls.

Reciting his chant in his mind, Zeon remembered how life can be wonderful for a while and gone to hell the next moment you won't expect.

'First, holding thigh and acting cute.'

'Second, the more unlikely something to happen, the higher the chance that things will happen.'

'Third, at least plan C is a must.'

'Let's say that what grandpa recommended as my main weapon is my plan C then I need a plan A and plan B for decoy as well as assurance. But it also means that I need to train three times more than a normal person should. Let's not think about it first, I should choose plan A and plan B for my weapon ammunition backup plan. Grandpa ask me to be bold and get stronger faster, in another way that means I can ask him for more artifacts for my backup plan.'

"Zeon, are you okay? Should grandpa call your mother and order her to go home."

Cleaning his face from all the tears, Zeon felt a little touched by his grandpa's offer but he knows that duty calls for every capable person. He wants to but he can't afford to disturb the church chain of command.

"No, grandpa, I just miss her a little, especially her delicious food that she usually cooks for me when she's home. But, it's okay, I know she's busy. I'll grow healthy and find a beautiful wife later so she doesn't need to worry about me in this life."

Zeon doesn't know himself if he speaks for his mother in his last life or his current mother, but he's very excited to fulfill his promise to himself at least. Wherever his mother from the last life is, he hopes that she can live her next life to the fullest and find a more dependable husband. Wherever his current mother is, he hopes that she's always healthy. Wherever his current father is, he hopes that his father is safe because he loves him.