
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

First Iteration VIII

The past few days have been crazy for me. I think the 'program' that has allowed me to fight Lancaster while unconscious is still embedded in my freaking brain, thus making me sleepwalk... and most recently, have robbed a bank.

I wake up with a startle, my eyes snapping open. Something feels off, and I sense a weight on my face. I gasp and sit up, only to find a toddler with beautiful blue eyes and little strands of blonde hair literally sitting on my neck.

"What the...?" I mutter, blinking in confusion.

The toddler giggles, oblivious to my astonishment. I cough with difficulty, feeling a tickle in my throat, and hastily grab the baby by its armpits. She's naked, and it seems to be a… girl. Yeah, of course, I just called her a she. I hold her at arm's length, still trying to process the unexpected morning surprise.

"Rachel," I manage to croak out, my voice raspy. "Wake up!"

Rachel stirs beside me, groaning softly. "Ugh, what's going on?" she mumbles, rubbing her temples.

I gesture towards the toddler now in my hands. "Look at this! How did she end up here?"

Rachel squints at the little intruder. "What the...? Did we adopt a baby last night or something?"

I shake my head, bewildered. "I have no idea. But we need to figure this out."

We both realize the absurdity of the situation as we sit on the floor, surrounded by the aftermath of what must have been a wild night. Rachel complains about her hangover, and I glance at the clock. It's morning, and we apparently spent the entire night on the floor.

"Well, good morning to us," Rachel mutters, running a hand through her disheveled hair.

I glance down at the toddler, who's now giggling and reaching for my face again. "Yeah, quite the wake-up call."

As I sit on the floor, cradling the baby in my arms, a flash of memories from last night rushes back. I recall returning from my escapades only to be greeted by an unexpected good night suplex courtesy of Rachel.

"Ah, that explains the sore back," I mutter to myself.

Rachel, still nursing a hangover, perks up as she catches sight of the baby in my arms. Her eyes widen in surprise. "What in the world...?" It finally registers to her how real the baby situation is.

I look at Rachel, then down at the baby, who gazes back at us with those beautiful eyes—eyes that mirror Rachel's. A sudden realization hits me, and I feel a mix of amazement and disbelief.

"Rachel, do you still have Evandel's Seed?" I ask, my tone both curious and urgent.

Rachel furrows her brow, searching her pockets. After a moment, she shakes her head. "No, I don't have it. Why?"

I take a deep breath, a smile spreading across my face. "That means... this baby here is Evandel!"

Rachel's eyes widen even further, and her jaw drops. "What? But... how is that possible?"

I chuckle, still processing the extraordinary situation. "It's like Evandel was reborn, or... something. This baby is technically your clone, but more than that, it's Evandel!"

Rachel's disbelief transforms into a wide smile, mirroring my own. We exchange a glance, understanding the profound significance of the moment.

"Wow," Rachel says softly, reaching out to touch the baby's tiny fingers. "Hey there, little Evandel."

I continue to hold the baby, marveling at the unexpected turn of events. The room is filled with a sense of wonder and the shared realization that we've just witnessed something extraordinary.

As Rachel and I marvel at the baby Evandel in my arms, a mix of joy and confusion fills the room. Despite the complications surrounding us, this unexpected moment of happiness is a welcome reprieve.

Rachel looks at the baby, her expression a mix of bewilderment and delight. "But why is Evandel starting as a baby? I mean, from what we know, she should at least start at 4 years old physically or more, right?"

I furrow my brow, pondering Rachel's valid question. "You're right, it's strange. Maybe it has something to do with the magic power in the atmosphere."

Rachel raises an eyebrow. "Magic power?"

"Yeah," I explain. "Remember how Evandel's growth is linked to the magic in the air? The stronger the magical presence, the older she starts. Maybe, in the absence of that, she begins as a baby."

Rachel nods slowly, absorbing the theory. "So, it's like she adapts to the environment. That makes sense, in a magical kind of way."

I grin, appreciating Rachel's attempt to make sense of the fantastical situation. "Exactly. Magic power can be unpredictable, after all."

We both turn our attention back to the baby Evandel, who's now making adorable cooing sounds. Despite the uncertainties and challenges surrounding us, this tiny, magical being has brought an unexpected and heartwarming moment of joy.

We share a silent agreement to embrace this newfound happiness and deal with the complexities later. For now, we revel in the simple beauty of a baby's laughter and the magic of the moment.

The joyous atmosphere takes an unexpected turn when baby Evandel starts crying. Panic sets in; I've had a daughter before, but she didn't start as an infant. I find myself utterly clueless about how to soothe a crying baby.

"Oh no, what do we do?" I mutter, frantically rocking the baby in my arms.

Rachel, equally flustered, suggests, "Maybe she's hungry. Babies usually cry when they're hungry."

Desperation takes over, and without thinking, I blurt out, "Show her your boob! Maybe she needs some milk."

Rachel's eyes widen, and she blushes deeply. "What? Are you serious? I'm not even pregnant, I don't have milk!"

I stammer, realizing my mistake. "Right, right, sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."

Amidst the chaos, baby Evandel continues to wail. In a bizarre turn of events, she suddenly starts peeing, and the stream is headed right for my face. I sputter in surprise, trying to shield myself from the unexpected shower.

"What the—!" I exclaim, caught off guard.

Rachel bursts into laughter, and even baby Evandel seems to find the situation amusing, as she stops crying and starts happily cooing, seemingly rejoicing in the fact that she just relieved herself on my face.

I wipe my face, both annoyed and amused. "Well, that's one way to make her stop crying, I guess."

Rachel grins, shaking her head. "Parenthood is full of surprises, isn't it?"

As chaos ensues, we find ourselves caught in the unpredictable, messy, and strangely amusing world of raising a magical baby. Truthfully though, forget unpredictable. Maybe I am hoping for something like this as a change of pace after all.

After a whirlwind of panicking, chastising, and attempting to care for baby Evandel, Rachel and I finally manage to calm down. Right now, Rachel has taken charge, holding the baby in her arms with a newfound maternal ease.

"Wow, you're a natural at this," I say, watching Rachel cradle Evandel expertly.

She smiles, a mix of pride and exhaustion on her face. "I guess motherly instincts kicked in."

We decide to take a more rational approach. Rachel takes a deep breath and says, "I'll browse the internet, and figure out how to take care of a baby. I'm a fast learner, so I should get the hang of it in no time."

I nod, grateful for her determination. "That sounds like a plan. The internet has to have something useful." Only now I notice that Rachel has a smartphone on her person. "Here, my number, don't forget to add it." I give Rachel my Nokia, and she seems to be confused by the model, but she adds my number nonetheless.

As Rachel immerses herself in online baby care guides, I grab the opportunity to step out and buy some baby necessities. The local store is just a short walk away, and I hope to return with everything we need to make Evandel comfortable.

"Call me if you need anything," I tell Rachel as I head towards the door.

She looks up from her phone, already absorbed in the wealth of information. "Will do. Just come back soon, and don't forget the diapers!"

I chuckle, promising to make a quick trip. The chaos has settled, and with Rachel taking charge, I feel a sense of relief. I better make my trip fast.

Hailing a cab, I quickly request the driver to take me to the nearest mall. The past few days have been nothing short of insane. From accidentally committing a robbery to miraculously evading the authorities by utilizing every skill in my arsenal, it's been a wild ride. It's even more astounding considering that most of my skills became inaccessible after arriving in this peculiar timeline.

The cab speeds through the city, and I arrive at the mall in no time. I make a beeline for the baby section, determined to gather all the necessities for Evandel. Diapers, baby formula, milk bottles – I grab everything we might need. The list runs through my mind like a well-practiced routine.

Then, a thought crosses my mind, and I pause in the feminine care aisle. Might as well be considerate. I add a box of tampons to my basket, ensuring that I don't forget Rachel's needs in the midst of the baby chaos.

With a bag full of supplies, I head back to the cab, reflecting on the surreal nature of the situation. Who would have thought that my day would involve both baby care essentials and tampons? Life, it seems, never runs short of surprises. I glance at the bag in my hand, hoping that these purchases will contribute to a sense of normalcy amidst the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in.

I swiftly pay for the baby essentials at the mall's counter, using a credit card connected to an offshore bank account. With the supplies in hand, I waste no time and head back to the motel room where baby Evandel awaits.

Entering the room, I can't contain my excitement. "Daddy's back!" I shout, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically.

Rachel, seated on the bed and holding a peacefully sleeping Evandel, shoots me a look of embarrassment. "Hey, keep it down! We're in a motel, not a playground."

I sheepishly close the door, realizing I might have been a tad too loud. Ignoring Rachel's admonishment, I head to the small kitchenette and fill the kettle with water. The room is equipped with basic amenities, and I set about boiling water for the baby's formula.

As the water heats up, I prepare a bottle of milk, measuring the formula with care. Soon, I have a warm bottle ready. I walk over to Rachel, who's still humming a soft lullaby to the sleeping Evandel.

"Here you go," I say, handing her the bottle.

Rachel takes the bottle with a grateful smile, careful not to disturb the baby. "Thanks."

I watch as she gently feeds Evandel, the room filled with the soothing sounds of a mother humming and a baby softly slurping on the bottle. In these quiet moments, despite the chaos and craziness of the past days, there's a sense of peace and warmth.

As Rachel tends to Evandel's needs, I can't help but feel grateful for these simple, tender moments that make the challenges of our unusual situation a little more bearable. Sigh…

In the quiet motel room, Rachel and I find peace simply watching the little baby. Evandel sleeps peacefully, and a shared sigh escapes both of us. Our eyes meet, and, almost synchronously, we burst into laughter.

"Rachel, this is insane," I remark, still chuckling. "You're a young mother now!"

She playfully nudges me. "Shut up. This is unexpected... I don't know if this will be good for us though." She frowns, a hint of worry clouding her expression.

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Look at her, she's so small, so precious!"

Rachel sighs, contemplating the reality of our situation. "I don't mean that. Our expenses will balloon up. This is a totally unfamiliar world to us, a world without magic power, friends, and resources. As an infant, I'm sure we'll also be spending money on her now."

I nod, understanding the weight of her concerns. "True, it's a whole new set of challenges. But we'll figure it out, Rachel. We always do."

She gives a half-smile, appreciating the optimism. "I hope you're right."

As we continue to watch over the peacefully sleeping Evandel, there's a silent agreement between us. We should be able to do it. At least we have together to rely on in this world.

"You are right, but I got you covered!" I say with a confident grin.

Rachel raises an eyebrow, concern etching her features. "Hyon, won't building up the Interdimensional Router be delayed if we keep being distracted by her?"

I sit down beside Rachel, leaning back. "A distraction, huh? Maybe, but Evandel is a necessary distraction I am willing to have any time of the day. Moreover, I just robbed a certain rich asshole, and I think we won't have much trouble for the foreseeable future..."

Rachel's eyes widen with a mix of surprise and amusement. "You did what?"

I chuckle, explaining, "Long story short, money won't be bothering us anytime soon. Trust me, Rachel, we've got this under control. We can build that router and take care of Evandel at the same time. It's just a matter of juggling priorities."

Rachel smirks, shaking her head. "You and your unconventional problem-solving methods."

I wink. "They work, don't they?"

"And I have more good news too!" I announce with a hint of excitement.

Rachel looks up, curiosity in her eyes. "What is it?"

I take a deep breath before revealing, "This timeline we now find ourselves in, I think this place is occurring at a time a hundred times or much slower than our real timeline. I'll be honest. Building an Interdimensional Router without magic power and with the available technology will take me..." I gulp, "an estimate of several months to years."

Rachel's expression shifts to one of concern. "That's bad, isn't it?"

I nod solemnly. "Yes..." I think I misjudged the situation when I said it was good news, but it feels like a piece of good news, right? For instance, we do not have to be so pressured.

"Give me the money you robbed some time ago," Rachel demands, her expression serious.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why? I was planning to use them to buy parts from the auto shop later."

Rachel shakes her head firmly. "No."

I hesitate, feeling a bit uneasy. "But—"

"Give it to me. We need better living conditions," Rachel insists, her tone unwavering.

I sigh, resigned. "Okay." I point at the two bags lying in the corner. "Those two bags are filled with cash."

Rachel eyes them, and I can sense her calculating the possibilities. I still have money in my offshore accounts, but there's no need to disclose that to Rachel at the moment. As she heads towards the bags, I wonder how this decision will impact our unconventional journey in this slowed-down timeline.