
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

Festival of Heroes I

The Chameleon Troupe sneaks into Cube for the Combat Exams. Their goal is to scout members for the now-empty Seat of Black. It isn't easy for the Chameleon Troupe to do this, however.

From a street food stall, I make peace, knowing that I am prepared for the subsequent meeting with the Chameleon Troupe.

I bite the strange street food on a stick while I alertly scan the surroundings. I see that Cube is currently filled with Heroes that the Association is dispatching for security measures.

In comparison to the original story, the active Heroes playing security detail now belong to the more famous bunch. Several Heroes are on the lookout in disguise. I can only pinpoint them from the common folk because of Cube AI.

I am currently in my Cube Cadet uniform and am mixing with my fellow cadets. I see parents, visitors, and staff milling around. The Combat Exams from the novel are a kind of public event that allows visitors from outside Cube, thus the presence of unfamiliar faces.

Since the infamous Djinn Attack some time ago, the Hero Association wants to ensure the populace of the safety and security of Cube by increasing the scale of the Combat Exam. To be extremely frank, it sounds idiotic and smells fishy of something more politically inclined behind the scenes.

If the upper brass of Cube is in any way sane, then the smart choice would be to increase security. I see the government's POV though.

Deciding to increase security only gives clues to the netizens that the government has something to fear. As my mind wanders about the political landscape of Korea, I arrive at a pizza parlor. "I freaking love pizza." I enter, hungry for some munchies.

The 'Festival of Heroes,' they call it, is a week-long event, instead of being a two to three-day occasion. The scale of these Combat Exams has increased by quite a margin. I buzz the All-Coms-Channel to see how everyone is doing. "Hey, guys? Any abnormalities?"

"None," Hajin, Rachel, and Suho reply at the same time.

"None, so far, so good…" Nayun adds hastily.

"Yes, it is all good!" Yeonha contributes as another set of eyes, having the opportunity to check on the CCTVs around Cube from her containment area.

"Jonghak?" I ask.

"… None. No abnormalities," he succinctly replies.

In the end, we decided to involve Jonghak in the operation to increase the ground we could cover.

Of course, there is a safety net to it—Hajin has fed Jonghak a medicine modified with his Setting Intervention that will automatically activate if he has any thoughts about revealing our organization to others. The medicine's effect is that it will make Jonghak forget every piece of information related to Sinful. It will essentially reset his memories before he joins Sinful. It is extreme, but Jonghak is quite unstable.

To make it fair, we also had every member eat the medicine, even Hajin. The punishment though may vary a little differently from each of us. For me, the punishment of betrayal is for my vocal chords to be crushed, and my fingers severed.

"Sir, what do you want?" A waitress asks me.

"Hawaiian, please~! Make it the second biggest from your menu, and I also like a glass of bubbly fizzling Sprite." I answer almost singing. While waiting for my pizza slices, I observe my surroundings, trying to collect information at my convenience.

I detect Rank 1737 High-Rank Grade 6 Hero Oh Junhyuk and Rank 2000 High-Rank Grade 7 Hero Seo Youngji. I eavesdrop on their seemingly interesting conversation incognito.

Oh Junhyuk and Seo Youngji are strong. And while they consider themselves fairly powerful, they are ultimately merely common rabble if compared to the truly strong. That doesn't mean they are weak, though.

My judgment of them is obviously biased as my point of reference is just unfair. I sigh at how ridiculously powerful I have also become. I must be careful, though, to not let it go to my head, as I have yet to test my current power.

I sip my newly arrived glass of Sprite, the dazzling carbonated drink on a straw, fizzling and sweet. "Thanks," I perfunctorily thank the waitress.

"It feels complicated, you know? I'd rather join the efforts to hunt Djinns than stay here…" Oh Junhyung, a built guy with handsome looks, complains to his partner. "But clearly, if the Association thinks that it is better for us to stay here, then we should…"

Seo Youngji, a small female safely superior to most loli in height, echoes her sentiment. "Me too… Honestly, I feel that we are not even needed here."

Finally, my Hawaiian has arrived. The waitress slices it in front of me. I love my pineapples. I don't understand the others' hate for putting pineapple on pizzas, but damn I will let them judge me as much as they want. "Yum," I instinctively cry in delight as I make the first cheese pull of my life in this world.

It is like the golden stream of pure bliss!

I bite into the pizza slice, chewing it slowly but surely. The zest of the pineapple stands in strong contrast to the cheese, tomato, and ground pork. "Ah~ Bliss…" I moan.

Because my [Always Here] is activated, I don't have to worry about others feeling awkward about my rather exaggerated response.

"Hyon, your All-Coms are still open," Hajin buzzes from my earpiece, his voice is distinctly annoyed.

"So-Rry ab-Out that~!" I reply while still chewing.

"Talk or eat, choose one…" I heed Yeonha's reprimand as I focus on chewing. Just to troll her and them, I pick up my earpiece and place it near my mouth to give an ASMR treatment to their ears.

"Stop being so childish, oh God… Give me the strength…" Nayun seems to be at the limit of her patience, so that's enough for my bullshit.

I place my earpiece back to where it should be while I delight myself with the Hawaiian. I continue listening to Oh Junhyung's and Seo Youngji's conversation, and their topic has gone to gossip about which Hero is dating which Hero.

Seo Youngji leans forward to Oh Junghyun almost conspiratorially in a whisper. "Hey, do you know about that rumor?"

I, knowing nothing better, listen with keen interest.

"What rumor?" Oh Junhyung asks almost expectant that he might hear a gossip he has not heard yet. I share the same curiosity.

Seo Youngji smiles slyly. "Chae Joochul will be attending this festival…"

Kuff~! Kuff! Cough!

What? Did I hear it right? Attending how?

I choke on my food very painfully, I hit my chest multiple times until the food is finally settled. I down whatever remains of my glass of Sprite. At this point, the All-Coms-Channel is still open, so they must have heard of my suffering.

"Hyon? Are you okay? What is your status?" Hajin asks worriedly.

I ignore him in the meantime as I focus my ears on the gossiping duo while trying my best to appear minuscule. Sadly, it seems that I have been caught by their attention. Both Heroes look at me suspiciously.

"Why are you eavesdropping? You are one feisty kid." Oh Junhyung is intimidating when he wants it.

They are High-Rank Heroes. They are strong. I should not discount that they are extras who will be easy pickings for me to do as I like.

Seo Youngji is similarly galvanized. "Name, and Cadet Rank." She demands.

"Ugh…" I let out a sound of disgust. "Hyon Hyung. Class Veritas. Rank #1111." I reluctantly confess.

There shouldn't be any problem. I am only eavesdropping! Is that a crime against humanity? I also want to gossip, okay? My brain works in tandem with my AI System trying to engineer a way out of this.

I guess I should just be me. Okay. It is decided. The usual annoying route as an escape method is a tried and true method. "Chae Joochul? He will be attending. That immortal Chae Joochul? His granddaughter is here. Is he visiting because of her?" I yell almost shouting, but with a gossipy nature.

"Shhh… that's just a rumor." "Shut up, damn kid!"

Seo Youngji runs up to me with superhuman speed as she clasps my mouth from making a commotion. Oh Junhyung settles on another chair. He looks at my pizza slices halfway on being devoured. "Pineapple, really?" He sounds miffed. Sucks to be him.

The commotion is subdued easily. I am not really trying to attract attention as I am still under the effects of [Always Here].

"Don't shout, okay? Blink once if you understand," Seo Youngji tells me seriously. I blink once. She finally lets me go. Seo Youngjin sits on my right side, while Oh Junhyung is on my left side. I only want to eat pizza to kill time. But if Chae Joochul is really coming, then it is to our benefit to know.

"Chae Joochul is a legend! He is a comrade of Shin Myungchul and one of the strongest Heroes to ever exist in all of humankind! Can you please tell me more about him?" I try my best to project nerdy vibes as much as possible. "If it really is just a rumor, you don't need to react like this!"

Now that I am hearing myself, I am more inclined that this rumor is most likely true. I wonder though what Chae Joochul's motivation for coming here is.