
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

Destiny III

I raise my daggers, the cold metal glinting as I grin behind my mask. The tension in the air is palpable as Shin Myungchul, a formidable leader, leads his superpowered cohort toward me with monstrous speed. Without hesitation, he flickers into existence right in front of my face, swinging a spear burning with black flames at me.

"I'll save you for last, Shin Myungchul," I declare confidently, dodging his initial strike. With graceful movements, I duck low and pivot under his looming presence. My martial arts, [Heaven Meets Earth], relies on the contrast of opposing elements, thoughts, and laws.

Taking advantage of this philosophy, I lightly stab my heel at the back of Shin Myungchul's knee. Surprised, he kneels on one knee, momentarily thrown off by my unexpected attack. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly disengage and make my way toward the other seventy-two superpowered adversaries, each with unique abilities waiting to be unleashed. The battlefield awaits, and I'm ready for the challenge.

The battlefield is dimly lit by the moonlight, the air heavy with anticipation as I approach my first opponent—a nameless member of the mob, a mere punching bag for my practice. I don't possess any expertise in dagger arts yet, but that's precisely what I aim to change. As I navigate through the crowd, I spot a foe armed with daggers, an ideal opponent for my learning process.

I decide to merge my existing [Throwing Art] and [Parrying Art] into a cohesive martial style. With my opponent before me, I make a quick, light jab forward. The speed catches my foe off guard, and he hesitates for a moment as he takes a step back. Seizing the opportunity, I exploit his lowered guard by delivering a swift knee to his midsection. The encounter is almost disappointingly easy.

The dagger-wielding adversary crumples to the ground, knocked out but not fatally wounded. Today, I feel a sense of mercy. Perhaps it's because these nameless mobs are like children compared to my abilities in totality. Although I'm not averse to killing, the vast difference in our abilities makes it seem unfair. I'll save the lethal force for more formidable opponents. For now, I'll continue honing my skills in this makeshift training, where every encounter is a step toward mastering the intricate dance of martial arts and dagger techniques.

I stand amidst the chaos, surrounded by the echoes of battle. My taunts fill the air as I challenge my foes.

"Come on, you lot! Who's up for a round in my personal punching bag club?" I shout, a smirk playing on my lips.

Suddenly, from both sides, two attackers converge on me, hurling insults that sting more than their weapons ever could. "You fucker! Die, you garbage! I will pierce you!" "Hey! Your momma is so fat she'll still live after I shield bash her!" The left one wields a deadly spear, while the right is armed with a sturdy shield. Ignoring the verbal assault, I focus on my left adversary, charging towards him.

The spear wielder attempts to stall my advance with a swift swipe of his weapon. I sidestep, evading the attack effortlessly. "Nice try, but your strategy is as obvious as a sunrise," I remark with a chuckle.

Without missing a beat, I hurl my dagger at the spear wielder. The blade finds its mark, the hilt striking the eye. "I'm being careful, you know. Wouldn't want to kill you too quickly," I jest, relishing the chaos.

With a flying kick, I send the spear wielder crashing to the ground, incapacitated. As he falls, the shield-bearing assailant finally catches up to me. He seizes the opportunity to unleash his fury, declaring to others that I underestimate them. "Don't look down on us!"

I laugh heartily. "You think I'm looking down on you? Relax, I won't kill you. No need to take it personally."

Engaging with the shielded opponent, I thrust my left hand forward, penetrating the defense with my sheer strength. "Your gear is too weak! What is this? Paper?" Grabbing his throat, I execute a choke slam with ruthless precision. The chaos continues, but now three of my foes lie defeated, the taste of victory lingering in the air.

I pick up the dagger from the ground, its hilt cool against my palm. With a swift motion, I proceed to massacre my challengers, the blade dancing in my hands without really killing them. Seven down.

Arrows come at me, a deadly rain seeking its target, but I easily dodge them or parry them with calculated precision. While at it, I also make quick work of the bunch of grouped-up melee fighters carrying swords, axes, maces, and spears. Thirteen down.

A confrontation against speedy types unfolds, but I outrun them, prioritizing taking down the easier opponents first. I deal with the seemingly cautious types who thought I wouldn't reach them. Twenty-nine down.

Confronting the archers trying to shoot me from a distance, I outflank them, swiftly closing the gap. I happily give them the karate chop right on their neck. Forty-two down.

Damn! Is this even training? This is too easy!

Without mercy, I plunge into their formation, utilizing my much stronger stats. Finally, seventy-two down. I wipe the floor with them, the daggers are an extension of my deadly dance. Woohoo~! Yehey!

Of course, midway, I also began using my Gift [Nobody Knows] since my challengers were getting more and more desperate. Now, only one remains—Shin Myunchul stands before me, rapidly sweating, yet his grip on his spear remains steadily firm. Black flames pour from Shin Myungchul's skin.

Shin Myungchul asks me, fear in his eyes slowly becoming apparent. "What are you? This strength… it is unreasonable…"

I look him in the eye, my daggers not a drop of blood smearing it. I frankly tell him, "I am Savant of Sloth," the moniker I use in my own timeline. Of course, there is no need for Shin Myunghcul to know I am from a different timeline.

Shin Myungchul rushes at me with incredible speed, his movements a blur that belies the true extent of his abilities. The air crackles with energy as he closes the distance between us, a trail of ominous black flames summoned with each lightning-fast step. Despite the apparent speed, I sense there's more to him than meets the eye.

His spear gleams menacingly as he thrusts it toward me. With a swift and practiced motion, I flick it aside with one dagger, my reflexes honed through countless battles. Seizing the opportunity, I lunge forward, the other dagger poised for a counterattack. However, Shin Myungchul effortlessly takes a light step back, his movements graceful and controlled.

Suddenly, he launches his spear with unexpected precision, a serpent of black flames slithering toward me. Instinctively, I snap my elbow up, intercepting the pole of the spear. The weapon veers off course, missing its mark, but the black flames leave an unsettling sensation in their wake. My right arm feels weak and dysfunctional, a stark reminder of the peril his dark powers pose.

As an undead, vulnerability to these black flames is an unfortunate truth. I can't afford to hold back any longer. With determination, I channel my powers and cast [Not Here], cloaking myself in invisibility. Swiftly, I reposition, appearing at Shin Myungchul's rear with the element of surprise on my side.

In a calculated move, I aim for his carotid artery, delivering a powerful karate chop. The strike connects, and for a moment, time seems to hang in suspense. Shin Myungchul staggers, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected attack. The advantage is mine, and I seize the opportunity to turn the tide in this intense battle.

I smile, complimenting Shin Myungchul. "Impressive speed, Myungchul. Those black flames add quite the flair to your moves."

He smirks, acknowledging the recognition. "You're not so slow yourself, bastard…" Shin Myungchul stops his fall using one knee via his sheer will. I cannot believe he resisted the magical karate chop that 10 out of 10 times (in movies) knocks someone out into sleep.

I grin. I give Shin Myungchul another karate chop in his neck and he finally drops unconscious.

For the next few days, I entertain Shin Myungchul's gang, indulging them in practice sessions. They seem to have misconceptions about my abilities, attributing to me a Necromancy Gift and a Martial-Art-related Gift. I don't bother correcting them; their beliefs serve my purposes just fine. The more people gather on my fortified territory, the more it becomes a recognized safe zone in this tumultuous world.

Before I know it, I find myself forming an alliance with Shin Myungchul, the dynamics of our relationship evolving beyond mere combat. We share strategies, resources, and build a mutual understanding.

Amidst the chaos, a certain Chae Joochul occasionally attempts to stir trouble, but I effortlessly silence him by turning his own antics against him. It becomes a game, a subtle display of power that solidifies my influence. Hah-hah-hah~! I fondly recall one time when I floored Joochul in a contest of wit by challenging each other in a quiz bee of sorts.

I continue to designate more undead creatures to the abandoned factory where I left my Extradimensional Router, ensuring its security and expanding my network. Time and time again, I grow in power, adapting to the challenges of this unpredictable world.

After three years of navigating the intricacies of this timeline, the Tower of Miracle manifests just in front of my castle. Its appearance is both awe-inspiring and ominous. Destiny beckons to me, and I can feel the weight of significance in the air. The journey that began as a mere survival instinct has evolved into something grander, and I prepare to step into the unknown with a newfound sense of purpose.

The Tower of Miracle stands tall and imposing, a challenge that has stumped even the formidable Creator Sacred Grace, the no.1 guild from my timeline. Their failure to conquer it is evident, but Chae Nayun, at the peak of her abilities, manages to clear it seemingly without complication. I ponder over the difficulty of the tower – a challenge that has proven insurmountable for some, yet conquered effortlessly by others.

Despite the unknown dangers that lie within, a spark of determination ignites within me. I don't consider myself inferior to Chae Nayun, but the Tower of Miracle presents an opportunity for growth. It could be excellent training, and a chance to push my limits and uncover the extent of my capabilities.

I turn to Shin Myungchul, revealing my plan. "I'm going to challenge the Tower of Miracle. While I'm away, I'll leave you in charge of the fortified castle."

His surprise is evident, eyebrows raising in response to my brashness. "You sure about this?" he asks, a hint of concern in his voice.

I shrug, a smirk playing on my lips. "Yeah, I always have been the reckless kind, haven't I? Besides, what's life without a few daring adventures?"

Shin Myungchul chuckles, a mix of admiration and disbelief in his expression. "Well, good luck then. Don't get yourself killed."

I nod, appreciating the sentiment. With that, I prepare to face the Tower of Miracle, fully aware of the challenges that await me within its mysterious confines. Miracle Stone, just wait for me! This daddy is going to claim you!