
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

Dear Jonghak II

In an empty clearing surrounded by trees, Chae Nayun, Kim Hajin, and Shin Jonghak walk on foot until they reach a relatively wide expanse devoid of any monster activities.

"Ahem," Nayun fakes a cough as she addresses Hajin. "First and foremost, I am sorry, Hajin, for not consulting you guys. This is the thing, I want to recruit Jonghak now rather than later…"

Kim Hajin processes the meaning of her words in a span of seconds. The reason why Nayun is doing this is that she is certain that Hyon will object. It is just an assumption on Nayun's part, but it is not wrong for her to think like that.

Hyon Hyung's and Shin Jonghak's beef is not so easy to resolve, especially with the latter's stubbornness. As Hajin understands Hyon, his fellow transmigrator should be amenable to accepting Jonghak into the team.

After all, Shin Jonghak is a member of the main cast.

The problem, however, is Shin Jonghak himself. He is stubborn, annoying, self-centered, and annoying. "Did I repeat annoying?" Hajin feels that it is too troublesome, but if it is Nayun, there is a good chance they should be able to rein in Jonghak.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jonghak voices his doubts, but Nayun and Hajin choose to ignore him.

Hajin lists out Jonghak's qualities, deciding to bounce ideas with Nayun. "He is strong, so he will be a great asset to us. If he manages to awaken his attribute, he will be a mean killing machine on the battlefield with his dark magic power that absorbs the magic power of others. He will be menacing against Djinns especially. There are also his leadership abilities." He recalls the few memories he acquired from Nayun.

If they manage to acquire Jonghak and nurture him early, then he will be a great help for the future battles ahead. However, Nayun mercilessly lists Jonghak's bad qualities. "I did bring him… but I don't really want to be responsible for him. He is insensitive. Yes, he can lead, but he is not a good follower. He is not a team player. Our organizational structure is loose, but we need people who can synergize. Jonghak might not show it, but he is really slow… He is childish, arrogant even!"

Shin Jonghak doesn't register the words 'organizational structure', but everything else that Nayun says registers just fine in his mind. He is being dissed by the girl he likes. "I… I will change…" Again, his words are unheard.

"No, you have my back on this one, Nayun…" Hajin makes a decision as the leader of their club. Their next objective is to get in touch with Chameleon Troupe.

According to Hyon, the Chameleon Troupe will end up recruiting, Kim Hajin, as the seat of black. However, in The Returnee Hero, the Chameleon Troupe chooses to recruit Shin Jonghak. Just to play safe, Hajin might as well include Jonghak in their roster early on.

Even if they fail in recruiting Jonghak now, this memory, this particular moment will serve as an impetus and reminder to Jonghak every day… Yes… This is like one of Hyon Hyung's manipulations using impression and curiosity as bait to arouse people's interest.

Hajin still remembers that day when Hyon Hyung made his flamboyant debut by showcasing his shenanigans in the classroom. The impression he leaves at that time remains in Hajin's mind as a funny memory.

"I will leave this to you, Nayun." Hajin declares, letting Nayun do as she likes.

Chae Nayun finally gives Jonghak the attention he deserves. Her eyes are cold and barren of any warmth. "Shin Jonghak. You are being recruited for a great cause. You only have one choice— join us."

Hajin gulps. He does not realize that Nayun is going on the tyrannical route, and to be this extreme.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jonghak draws the spear slung from his back. He can clearly feel the killing intent radiating from Nayun. "Nayun, what is happening to you!?"

Chae Nayun fought in the Great Devil War. Her experience overshadows every member of the Devil Hunter's Club in terms of battle. Her strength too currently is at the level that Jonghak cannot stand against.

In fact, among the members of the Devil Hunter's Club, she is their best fighter. "Jonghak. We don't have anything to offer you. To give to you. But we want you to join us nonetheless."

Nayun draws her training sword from her waist, beaming with thick magic power. "Come, challenge me with your spear, and if I deem you unqualified, then I shall hone you here until you become," she imperiously tells Jonghak, beaming with superior arrogance. Nayun has known Jonghak for a long time, and only through brute force can she convince someone like him. "Come and find out why you are always in third place."

Her words send a different message to Jonghak this time. When they are in the Agent Military Academy, there is a short interval when Jonghak is in second place. However, suddenly, he is stuck in third place.

"Are you holding your strength back then?" he asks, his heart bleeding with self-hate. "But you are Chae Nayun. It is only natural that you are first."

But then, like an arrow stuck to the bone, grinding the inside from the littlest movement, Nayun tells Jonghak more hurtful words. "Suho is my equal, but you are not. Join my organization, and you may find out what it is that you lack."

Shin Jonghak's ferocious eyes squint, narrowing down on Chae Nayun. "I like you. We are perfect for each other. Those are my sincerest thoughts…" And then a thrilling guffaw escapes his lips. "I have never been wrong!"

Jonghak flexes his spear, pulsing with his own magic power. His magic power is wild and uncontrollable, but condensed, unlike Nayun's which is solid and tough. "Nayun, you have always been kind, but you are meaner today. I like that too. But I prefer the kinder you."

Jonghak vanishes in a mirage, picking up a certain trick from a certain someone.

Hajin has long separated himself from the two, simply watching as a spectator and also a referee if the need arises. He also kills the wandering monsters that reach the range of his eyes so that Nayun and Jonghak's fight remains undisturbed.

Nayun stretches her sword and swings it 360 degrees, negating the surprise attack that Jonghak has prepared. She takes mental notes of the fight, seriously tracking Jonghak's current abilities. 'His camouflage is good but inferior to Hyon.' She is able to discern the fluctuation of the air from her released magic power, so pinpointing Jonghak has been easy.

"Don't learn any useless skills like that! It doesn't suit your style, and it is a waste of time!" She severely scolds Jonghak while she pursues him with speed. Her sword leaves a trail of magic power as she swings it with ferocity.

Sparks fly away from the collision of their steel as Jonghak parries Nayun's sword to the side. Nayun's attack does not stop as she unleashes an onslaught of strikes, every attack aimed at non-vital parts, teasing Jonghak that he is not even worth Nayun's time to use more sophisticated skills.

Nayun is the kind of swordswoman who prefers brute force, but she also knows how to use skills, just that if she decides to use them now, then Jonghak will not even be able to fight back. 'His fighting ability is between Hyon and Suho.' She objectively judges Jonghak.

"Haa~" Jonghak spiritedly thrusts his spear, summoning a deadly beam of magic power, creating a dozen-meter-long trench from where Nayun stood. "I missed," Jonghak realizes too late. He can feel the cold steel touching his neck, and Nayun standing behind him.

Nayun too realizes something. "I haven't sparred with the current Hyon yet. While Jonghak has become stronger since the Djinn attack, I feel that Hyon will still be a more troublesome opponent."

"What do you think, leader?" Nayun asks Hajin, who should be watching them.

Jonghak's ears perk up at the mention of the leader. "You are the leader?" At this point, Jonghak has long forgotten Hajin. "Who are you again?"

"I will explain." Hajin starts off with the reality of their situation. "We need your strength, Shin Jonghak. You will only become stronger from here… You have seen Nayun's abilities, but I am sure you are still unconvinced, so how about a round with me?"

"There is no need, right? I beat him up already?" Nayun simply wants Hajin here as a witness and as someone who will clean up her mess if she makes a mistake. Strictly, Nayun has gone over how to convince Jonghak, and everything seems to be going well. "See, he lost now."

Like Nayun, Hajin also knows Jonghak, which is why he is sure that curtailing this guy will be difficult. "Yes, but I can read his face like an open book. He must be thinking we are pranking him. Look, Nayun, my cadet rank is way too low. They are in tatters. There is no way Jonghak will acknowledge me as a leader. So I might as well just fix the pecking order from here."

"Honestly, I am unconvinced," Jonghak says with a battle-hungry smile. "Isn't this just recruiting me to that Devil Hunter's Club? You just have to ask me, Nayun, and I will go." He flirtatiously smiles at Nayun, still not realizing the gravity of the situation.

Hajin cannot even say a word more as Nayun's killing intent explodes with her fury. "You think I am joking?" She kicks Jonghak's back, sending him flying away and crashing into several trees.

"Nayun… your eloquence is not really your strongest suit…" Hajin softly reprimands Nayun, sweating nervously for Jonghak. They cannot really tell Jonghak about Devils, Djinns, and the stuff that is happening recently, because… he is SHIN JONGHAK!

God knows what trouble this guy might cause if they tell him about the end of the world and fail to recruit him. Kim Hajin is someone who always works within a safe margin of error where he can retreat and advance as much as he likes.

"Do not worry, he is tough. He will live through that." Nayun soothes Hajin's worry for Jonghak.

From the bent tree, Jonghak stands up with his spear as his crutch. He is in disbelief. At first, he thinks that Nayun's killing intent is not real, but it cannot get more real now.

"Stand up, Jonghak." Nayun raises her voice, deciding that she is not done yet with Jonghak. "I guess, I really cannot go easy on you." This method of convincing someone by beating the shit out of them is only effective if the person involved knows what is truly at stake.

Hajin has to think something fast to fully convince Jonghak. If it is possible, he wants Jonghak to join their Great Cause as early as possible. "I knew that recruiting Jonghak would be difficult even with Nayun's help... but there is something wrong with this Jonghak... He feels... unmotivated..." He finally realizes what is wrong. "This is not the Jonghak I know."