
The Novel's extra i'll rewrite

A reader passes The Novel extra and takes the place of the haji who has ascended to Godhead but is it the world of the world to interpret or..... I copied a little from other reader's books. The book I wrote earlier had a lot of errors and inconsistencies. so I put up the book and decided to write this novel this way.

Kaan_ZEYREK · Fantasy
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33 Chs


After Rachele got my notebook delivered So I spent my back Klan time going to the Study room for training In the gravity room I was currently trying out the Footwork It mostly felt light I actually started to question whether I was in a martial arts novel.

It's like the system heard me later

"No You Are In A Martial Arts Novel"

"Hmmm really"

"Yes definitely"

Then Kim Suho Messaged Me Invitation To A Meeting For Today On My Watch. I accepted His Invitation because I already knew why. After taking a shower and taking a light nap after the gym, I left the dorm and Kim Suho's perspective on me was 303 adjusted.

An integrated team had gathered here - Shin Jonghak, Yoo Yeonha, Kim Horak and Yi Yeonghan.

It's almost like a scene from my novel, Kim Suho and his friend, Shin Jonghak and his henchmen versus Romana, The only difference is that Chae Nayun was there. Those inside, taking advantage of me.

"Why did you call me?"

He asked as if he didn't know. But that innocent question alone was enough for Shin Jonghak to frown. Fortunately, Kim Suho explained before Shin Jonghak expressed his displeasure.

"I haven't told Hajin why we're meeting yet."

"Well, what?"

Kim Suho rose at my question.

He should have stayed seated. The size bothered me a bit. I set the height to 185 cm. I'm a little sorry now.

"Hajin, you heard about the students disappearing, right?"


"It's about the point. Cube has entrusted the cause to us to investigate. Of course they'll do their own research, but they think it's easier for students to investigate than a student they've consumed big."

I was about to casually nod my start, but when I realized it was the first time I'd done it, I didn't open my mouth, pretending to be surprised.

…But why me?"

I Answered Exactly As In The Novel and Everyone In The Room Started Staring At Me.

"You have good eyes. You think you can see a thousand miles away."

"Well, yes... I have good eyes."

So was it really for one reason? I tried to smile and sat in a chair nearby. As a result, Kim Suho naturally sat down at the head of the table.

Kim Suho looked me in the eyes and asked.

"Will you help us?"

"I don't know if I can but. I try to help as much as I can"


Kim Suho smiled happily.

They then implemented several scenarios, starting with the Sven incident. I couldn't stand this bullshit any longer, so I intervened.

"Yes You Can Have All Your Scenario Predictions. But there is a very big problem. Not all demons are connected to a single demon, so I think most scenarios are wrong."

At that moment Everyone Turned Their Heads to Me and Looked

"So I'm wondering if you can think of anyone suspicious? Someone you know who's been acting weird lately..."

I knew the real culprit.

But without any proof, I hesitated to reveal his name.

He should have left behind the traces of his criminal act, but he was going too fast. In the original story, six people went missing in two months, but in this story, three people went missing in just two weeks.

I felt guilty for letting more people die just so I could wait for the story to catch up. At this rate, there may be more victims than in the original story.

Maybe it was better to write his name down so the investigation team had an idea where to start.

"Yes, I have one in mind."

Six Pairs of eyes focused on me.


...Suddenly, a deep silence descended on the room.

No one seemed to be reacting to my comment.

Yoo Yeonha was almost in shock compared to the Normal Novel because she was in constant contact with the Club President. But that wasn't the real issue.

Kim Suho politely objected.

"That person has an alibi. We've already investigated him because he was close to the first victim."

It was clear that Yun Hyun had a witness.

"But what if the victim went to Yun Hyun on her own?"

A mental magic that could lure a student? Yes, that makes sense."

Shin Jonghak mockingly protested. The contempt and contempt in his eyes was as if he was looking at an insect. I definitely don't like these looks of him, the part that sees himself above everyone

"If it's mind magic, yes. But..."

If it was 'love' it would be different. That was the biggest difference between magic and mental magic. One who fell in love did not know that he himself was fascinated.

"Forget the empty talk."

Shin Jonghak cut me off before I could finish my sentence. He then kicked an empty chair that rolled against my leg.

"I think you are more likely to be a genie than anyone else"

Normally Yoo Yeonha would have used this sentence, but it was strange that she used Shin jonghak instead of Yoo Yeonha, but I couldn't see any difference. Chae Nayun directly opposed and defended me.

"No, There Is No Such Thing"

"Why don't we beat him up first?"

Kim Horak hurriedly stood up. The way he snapped his fingers and showed off his muscles, he looked almost like a miniature giant.

"I'm sure he'll sing or transform if defeated. Hey, get up."

Yoo Yeonha and Kim Horak. Shin Jonghak and Yi Yeonghan.

Everyone except Kim Suho and Chae Nayun looked at me suspiciously. Yoo Yeonha Hayla was in shock but the room seemed to think so. And he was right I couldn't tell him anything

As the person in the middle of it all, I was furious. This has never happened to me before, even in a mafia game. So that's what it felt like to be wrongfully accused. Now I understand how the real Kim Hajin feels So I started to look directly at Kim Horaka with my eyes slightly dark.

"Jonghak, I can break an arm or two, right?"

Dev sought Shin Jonghak's approval. I jumped out of my chair before Shin Jonghak could reply.

"Yeah, come to me, you fat son of a bitch. I wonder how you could hit me. I actually thought about smashing his fist in the first place so I could beat him up but later on he was the one who attacked me first So it would be okay if I hit him a few times"

"Idiot, do you think that will frighten me?"

Kim Horak positioned himself to leap forward. I also lowered my center of gravity. I had aether. I can cook a stupid pig whenever I want.


But at that moment, Kim Suho came between us. He even had his training sword out.

"Now is not the time for this. Hajin, calm down too."

"Anyway, I made myself clear. The culprit is that piece of shit Yun Hyun."

After leaving those words to 'last victim' Yoo Yeonha, I turned around

Just At That Time Who Tried To Attack Me Using The Gift Of Horak Direct Footsteps Using Art I Turned My Face To Him And Clenched His Fist

And I threw him a Strong Fist and Tsolated the wall next to Shin Jonghak and then Shin Jonghak Stared Backward

"If one day you have the courage to meet me, come to me yourself and I will welcome you with pleasure"

After saying these

"You... son of a bitch."

Kim Horak stood up.

"I guess I should teach you a better lesson."

But Kim Suho stopped us once again. This time he did it with actions, not words. Magical power rose from his sword and separated me from Kim Horak.

He shouted at Yoo Yeonha. Kim Suho's angry gaze made even the proud Yoo Yeonha shrink.

"…Wait a minute."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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