
The Novel's extra i'll rewrite

A reader passes The Novel extra and takes the place of the haji who has ascended to Godhead but is it the world of the world to interpret or..... I copied a little from other reader's books. The book I wrote earlier had a lot of errors and inconsistencies. so I put up the book and decided to write this novel this way.

Kaan_ZEYREK · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Today I've been waiting for it to come for a long time actually because today was yoo yeonha Kidnapping day and I was back to my Daily Routine. When I re-entered the gym, Many Students were starting to look at me again. Of course it was about the Attraction. I started again with Running, and continued with Bench press.

When the evening hours came, I had my dinner and was currently Waiting for Yoo Yeonha's Message. And the message I was waiting for came. But this time it was Chae nayun, not Yoo Yeonha, who sent the message.

"Hey how are you, what will you do in the exams"

Now I understand that the story has changed once again

"The system is Yoo Yeonha Kidnapped and If She Was Kidnapped, show me your location"

Yoo Yeonha was currently detained in the attic of Cube's sophomore dormitory.

Yes Yoo Yeonha had been kidnapped and I needed to act immediately I Exited my Dorm room and using my foot steps I ran towards a high hill.

Yoo Yeonha Perspective

I was trying to text someone after they were kidnapped. The Person I sent was Kim Hajin, but Yun Hyun, who caught me before I could text, looked directly at my watch.

"Oh, is that him? The nimble who says I'm a genie?"

Yun Hyun looked at Yoo Yeonha's smartwatch and grabbed it and grinned.

"Looks like I'll have to kill him later..."

Yun Hyun dropped the smartwatch and stepped on it. Cube's proud smartwatch shattered easily.

"Sure, he can't come here even if he understands what you mean. There's a barrier around here, you see."

Yoo Yeonha fiercely glared at Yun Hyun as she grit her teeth. Seeing Yoo Yeonha's gaze, Yun Hyun trembled in ecstasy.

"Oh, great. Those eyes are great. It's okay Yeonha. Soon you'll start to like me too."

Tap, tap.

Yun Hyun slowly approached Yoo Yeonha, who was tied to a chair. He fought fiercely, but the restraint spell prevented him from moving.

"Your skin is beautiful."

I was so desperate right now and there was nothing I could do. Yun Hyun said that their chances of finding me were very slim. I wish I had listened to what Kim Hajin said.

Yun Hyun put his hands on Yoo Yeonha's hips. A faint handprint remained on his white skin. Yoo Yeonha burst into tears with a disgusting feeling like a snake licking herself.

"Once is enough. You won't be able to escape later. Lilith-nim has allowed that for today as well. That's right, Lilith-nim wants you too."

Yun Hyun spoke slowly. The Magic Demon enchanted people at a basic level. When Yun Hyun did what she wanted, Yoo Yeonha would be a completely different person.

"Yeonha, weren't you alone? I know that feeling too."

Convincingly speaking, Yun Hyun placed his hand on Yoo Yeonha's neck. A mind-blowing magic power was infused into his breath. Yoo Yeonha trembled. No matter how strong his mental strength was, the euphoria forced upon by his magic power was something he could not resist. If he could, he wouldn't hesitate to bite his tongue to end his own life.

"It will be easier if you give up."

At that moment, Yoo Yeonha was in despair.

"Someone come and save me"

"No one will come, it's just you and me here"

But at that moment, a flash of light came out of the window and a translucent beam of light pierced Yun Hyun.


Yun Hyun was stunned by the unexpected attack as he fell to his knees. As he tried to comprehend what had happened, an unidentified voice rose from the room.

"Hey, you should have listened to my words even if it was just a little bit."

Yoo Yeonha's eyes opened with the familiar voice. Yun Hyun used this chance to infuse magic power into his injured leg, but the Djinn's special regeneration power did not activate and only the pain increased.

"Hey You Can't Get Rid of That Wound. There's nothing you can even do"

"Cut it out!"

Yun Hyun jumped out with a roar. Red magic power erupted from his body. His bloodshot eyes stared blankly at the empty room.

"Where are you! Show yourself!"

"Do you really think you have a chance if I show myself?"

"Show yourself you coward"

"Well I'll be there in a minute Don't move"

Right now, unlike Roman, I was landing directly next to Yun Hyun. With the magic power I gathered under my feet, I used my footsteps and my speed exceeded 100 Km very easily and I stopped right in front of Yun Hyun.

Yun Hyun desperately swung his magic power. A storm of magic power swept around him, but nothing out of the ordinary. 'Cause he was too weak to impress me

"I am right in front of you right now. But I couldn't see much of his ingenuity"

Yun Hyun then moved to Punch me. So I grabbed his Fist with one hand and I Cut off his Arm by giving my Gun a light feature. Yun Hyun started to shout bitterly.

—Very durable... Yoo Yeonha, I'm about to consume all the bullets you gave me. If you have a conscience, give me something better.

Yoo Yeonha couldn't laugh at the man's playful words.

Yun Hyun was in a pathetic state as a man was protecting her from a distant place. He was relieved when he realized that he would be saved. As the tension in his body dissipated, drowsiness overpowered him.

—If you're tired, just sleep. Kim Suho and Chae Nayun should arrive soon.

Before falling asleep as the man said, Yoo Yeonha asked the only question on her mind. I then grabbed Yun Hyun's head. And I Aimed On The Head With Tabnacam. At that moment, Chae Nayun, Kim Suho, Shin Jonghak and others entered through the Door.

Kim Suho looked at Me and Yun Hyuna who was standing on her knees. And that's when I pulled the trigger and killed Yun Hyun.

"Did You Have to Kill Him"

"Kim Suho Mercy is good. But Never Show Mercy To Your Enemy Or He Will Come For Vengeance In The Future"

Hearing these words, Everyone in the Room was startled. So I started walking towards the Exit and Shin Jonghak cut me off. and he wanted to prevent me from leaving. I used my footsteps art to avoid messing with it and got lost right in front of it. Seeing this move, Chae Nayun started laughing at me.

While things were a bit messy, overall I was happy with the result.

Yoo Yeonha opened her eyes. A plain white ceiling filled his vision, and the sound of something cutting tickled his ears. He turned in the direction the voice came from.

Kim Suho was cutting an apple with a fruit knife.

"…What are you doing here?"

Yoo Yeonha asked in surprise. Kim Suho looked at Yoo Yeonha before smiling shyly.

"Are you awake? You don't hurt anywhere, do you?"

"…I am good."

"The doctor said there's nothing wrong with his body."

Yoo Yeonha raised her upper body. He felt a little stiff and achy, but not so much that he couldn't move.

"I want to know why you're here."

"We take turns looking at you. Me, Nayun, Shin Jonghak, and Kim Horak."

"From where?"

Yoo Yeonha asked genuinely curious.

"Well, that's partly our fault..."


Yoo Yeonha was lost in thought because of Kim Suho's incomprehensible words. How was it their fault?

However, despite thinking about what had happened, he could not find an answer.

"Did they do something I don't know about?" Yoo Yeonha looked at Kim Suho, demanding an explanation.

"As members of the same team, we should have been more careful. Especially when Kim Hajin said the demon's name."

"…I am sad."


Yoo Yeonha chuckled at Kim Suho's shy apology. On the contrary, he realized how stupidly gentle this man was.

"You don't have to be sorry. I got what I deserved."

Kim Suho scratched his neck and handed Yoo Yeonha a plate of sliced ​​apples in the shape of a rabbit. Yoo Yeonha unconsciously smiled. As a girl, Yoo Yeonha liked cute things.

"They look beautiful."


Kim Suho laughed innocently. His handsome face was shining. Yoo Yeonha looked at him in surprise before suddenly remembering something and asking.

"...Oh right, um, did that person come?"

"No. Did not come"

Yoo Yeonha could not say her name out loud. He had a conscience. He did not expect her to visit him after what he had done.

"No, never mind."

He looked out the window. There was not a single cloud in the clear blue sky of the East Sea. The world looked particularly bright under the shimmering sunlight.

Seeing this dazzling sight, Yoo Yeonha was lost in thought.

He learned a lot today.

Of course, the 17-year-old's personality wasn't going to be completely changed by this incident alone. Tomorrow's Yoo Yeonha may not be much different from today's.

But there were definitely many things that he felt from the bottom of his heart. He wasn't sure if it was self-reflection, introspection, or gratitude.

He picked up his smartwatch before writing everything down in his diary and thinking about it.

He still had something to do.

[Thank you. I will definitely pay off today's debts.]

The sender was Yoo Yeonha. The corners of my mouth curled into a smile when he saw her name.

I wanted to say something cool but the person sitting in front of me asked for one more confirmation.

"Hm... So can I have this money? Really?"

I looked back at the man. Park Soohyuk has been like this for a while. I can't count how many times he's asked if this is true.

huh. I couldn't help but sigh.

It was my money in investment places, why was he so on duty when he left? Just buy a HUV (hunting gear) and a suitable magic pouch right away!

"Yes, yes, yes. Please take it! Please!"

I stood up and bent at a 90 degree angle.


"Oh, well, I..."

"What, do I have to choose? I will!"

"No, no! It's me! Thank you so much for investing in SH Agency!"

I am currently investing. Because versions will help me pretty fast.

"We should buy a lottery ticket."

I ticked the poster that said [Lottery ticket is on sale]. Honestly, it was a first-come-first-served method to make money, as it had an absurd level of luck. But I wasn't able to do so as much as it won due to my 'underage without guardian' status.

"Come on, drawing a lottery is a waste of money. You may be too young to understand the works, but the lottery is a scam."

"It's not a scam. There's good luck, so I'm probably going to win something. I'm going to invest my earnings into SH Agency, so give it a try."

"No, tell you it's a hoax..."

"Just follow me."

I'm dragging Park Soohyuk to the market. He bought instant lottery tickets at the counter and, with Park Soohyuk's targeted aged face, didn't even ask his clerks. After saving the ticket, I brought an authority that protects them.

"I need something to scratch them."

"Oh, here's a coin."

Although he had just said that the lottery tickets were scams, he gave me a coin with expectant eyes.

"Then I begin."

shahaq. I started drawing the silver foils on the ticket. The first failed. I just moved on to the second. Another failure. I scraped the third ticket. Another failure.


Park Soohyuk had already lost interest and yawned. I continued to scratch without hesitation. Fourth, fifth, sixth…

As Park Soohyuk wandered the trophy ramen aisle, I scraped the tenth lottery ticket.

"Oh, finally."

"You won? How much?"

Park Soohyuk casually asked after taking a cup of ramen.

"20 million won."

"Oh good."

Park Soohyuk then started walking towards the counter and suddenly stopped and lowered his head. "Did I hear wrong...?" ' he muttered, turning towards me.

"…Can you repeat that?"

"20 million won. It seems like it takes a lot to get the first prize."

First place was 100 million won.

I showed Park Soohyuk the lottery ticket. Their jaws dropped instantly.

"W-What, is this real?"

"It's real, so take it."

I gave him the ticket.

"B-why are you giving this to me?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm still a minor so I can't claim the money. You can have it. It's an additional investment, so send me a modified contract."

Park Soohyuk looked at me in surprise. He didn't think to close his open mouth. The cup of ramen he was holding could probably fit in his mouth. It was definitely big.

"Take it."

"Oh yes."

Park Soohyuk immediately put the lottery ticket in his pocket. Then he quickly looked around and started sweating as if he had just committed a crime.

"You can let your guard down. No one will steal it."

"No, you don't understand how scary the world can be..."


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kaan_ZEYREKcreators' thoughts