

The next day....

"Good morning Chief" some workers that were lucky to caught a glimpse of the super or maybe earliest bird of a chief greeted Evie.

She nodded as per usual but maybe because of the notebook she saw last night that gave her encouragement that maybe she still could find her very first boyfriend, she greeted them back.

In which, left those workers in shock at what just happened.

As for Evie, she didn't care about their reactions and hopped towards her office.

Where in the outside world, she still looked her usual stoic face only that it is eased her aura a bit.

She entered the empty elevator as usual ( no one would wake up this early -4:00Am- to come to work) and when the elevator doors are about to close a hand slipped in and a very dashing handsome man came inside the elevator and smiled towards Evie.

At first, Evie was surprised at the sudden action of his but the slight displeasure slowly died down upon seeing 'that' face. Well, can't help it, our female lead is also attracted to beautiful things.

She adjusted her glasses and thought to herself

'What a face, too bad I won't be fooled by looks. Besides I already got used to seeing handsome men in the past.'

The man then curiously took a glance at Evie and the pondered.

And somehow...

The man uttered his thoughts out loud. Well, not that loud but only loud enough that Evie can also hear it.

"Black and white clothes, black rimmed glasses, a high up bun and looks very strict. It really is the famous Evelyn Go..."

Evie's eyebrow twitched upon hearing that 'compliment' about her.

Although she do hear that a lot and as per usual she would ignore it as she really didn't care.

But why today?!

When her mood was already great and flowery?

She whipped her head towards and the man and narrowed her eyes upon being displeased.

The man was still oblivious that he muttered that out loud, but when Evie glanced at him.

He turned his head towards Evie and then smiled.

He then brought his hand out for a handshake, still wearing that smile that almost seem annoying to Evie and said

"Good morning Chief, I'm Liam, the new financial accountant that's going to be under you from now on. "

He introduced himself in a pleasant tone, almost like you could see flowers and the sun's ray behind him.

Evie was just about to ignore him, when she heard the name 'Liam'.

'Oh so he was that amazing newbie'

Evie then received his handshake and then in turn introduced herself

"Yes, it's nice to meet you Mr. Roberts. I'm Evelyn Go, the Chief Marketing Officer of the company"

Well, 'Mr. Roberts' did have a slight bad impression on Evie, but it doesn't matter to our workaholic, professional, business minded Chief.

The two faced into each other, one still smiling and giddy and the other one with a serious blank face.

Giggle, what an 'encounter'.

What do you think made Evie 'used' to seeing handsome men in the past?


BTW guys I changed the title, I think it was too cheesy hahahaha

Singledogcreators' thoughts
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