
The Not-so-invisible Tie

A story of stolen glances and broken promises, a story of love and rivalry and alliance. Born as the seventh princess to the Taneryan empire, princess El-Huaria was the brightest amongst her peers, considered as a jewel for her intelligence and skills, with no compitition whatsoever. Except of course for her one and only rival Hebaron from her days in the academy, and while they couldn't stand eachother he was the only person who deserved her respect for his great efforts at giving her a fair compitition. Only he can help her achieve her dreams, and she is the key to his success. Would they help one another?

bubblesicedtea · History
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40 Chs

Cuddles And Kisses

"You're marching soon." I told Hebron, my face still facing the door as he stood behind me, how close I know not. 

"Precisely, now you know the reason for my visit."

 His voice was so close, I could feel his warmth engulf me. His arm extended over my shoulder and I stopped breathing,"Hebron?" I could not recognize who said these words, but it must have been me. 

"Relax," he whispered, "You forgot to lock the door." a tick sounded from the door. His arm draped loosely on my shoulder, he wrapped it around my shoulders. I swallowed. His arm climbed higher, the blanket I had on me fell to the floor. "You're still very loud Ria," he said once more, voice husky and low," as well as underguarded." his arm came around my neck,I felt his other arm coming from behind to lock me in place, in the blink of an eye Hebron held me in a rear-naked choke. I could hear the blood pulsing in my head, my heartbeat getting slow. Air coursed through my lungs but to no avail, he had stopped the blood flow to my brain. Mere seconds and I would be dead, I should've let Amo in, I shouldn't have opened that window. 

Suddenly he released me, and I fell to the ground. I should not be this terrified, I am used to fights, I used to wrestle my brothers all the time. But this felt too real, too sudden, maybe I had trusted Hebron to keep me safe while we had an agreement. Here I am, shaking on the floor, once again at the mercy of my nemesis and by his feet. "Stand up." He spoke, high and mighty. I did not budge, not a single muscle in my body could move whether I wanted to or not. How could I let this happen? 

"Huaria Al-Taner, seventh to the Tanerian throne and head of the research department of their troops, stand up!" He spoke again, I refused to listen. 

Hebron grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up, forcing me to my feet and to face him. I turned my face away, I do not want to see him. 

A rough hand grabbed my chin, making me stare the devil in his eyes. The devil was handsome, charming, his golden glare was both bone-chilling and mesmerising, and I hated him, I hated him with all of my being. 

"Did you think I was about to hug you?" He asked. All he received back was silence. 

"Answer me, did you think I was here to hug you? Throw a few jokes, flirt, cuddle and kiss until the sun rises?" His voice came condescending. 

"No." I answered." I believe your tastes to be far more perverse." I tugged my lips up, my smile not quite reaching my eyes. 

He shook his head, sneering down at me,"Is this a joke to you, Ria? Do you think we're here to play?" 

"I am here to have a good time, everyone's invited to join, beasts included." I answered sarcastically. By the look in his eyes, he did not like my answer. 

"Play you say? Now? Here? In the middle of a nation-wide crisis?" 

"Mhmm, play. Isn't that what the two of us had been doing for the past few days? For the last ten years?" I teased, my hand reaching up to caress his cheek. "You're so good at this, Ron. You're such a devoted lover, such a lovely toy." His eyes darkened, his cheeks were red. "Too bad I can't keep you," my words tickled his ears, as I stood on my tiptoes," you're boring, and old, and your sword is…" I gave him a quick once-over,"rusty. You have to go." 

"Cut the bullshit Ria-" my knife was now held against his neck. His knife, I meant. The one I sneaked off his belt as my words reeled him in.

"Who should be my new toy? Hmm?" I hummed against his neck, a genuine smile growing on my lips. Maybe my dream will come true after all. "Axel? He's quite the gentleman, and I like his face." Hebron's breathing got deeper, he gnawed on his lips, was he anxious? "Talk to me dear, do you nomitae anyone for this position? Hmm? Speak. Cat's got your tongue?" I used my other hand to force his mouth open, then I inserted the knife in it and slid it across his tongue."Or maybe, I should get your tongue? I could hang it on a wall, the one facing my bed. You would love that, would you not?" 

Silence again, his gaze was following my every move. He could tackle me down so easily, I know it, he does too, but he did not. 

"Tell me, anyone I should consider after your demise? Someone to lie for me, to deceive people with me, to kiss me when everyone's watching." 

His hand gripped my waist and pushed me back. I staggered while I gripped on the saliva-dripping knife in my hand. 

"You do think we're playing, don't you?" He spat out, pissed. 

"Are we not? Weren't we in the middle of performing the greatest act known to humanity? You and I dear, only you and I with an audience filled with people from all over the earth!" 

"We are in war Ria! War! This is no game! You let your guard down and I could have easily killed you, I could still kill you. I could snap your neck, pull your heart out of your chest, stab you to death. Act like the princess I know!" he snapped at me, his chest heaving. 

"You think of me often?" I teased, cocking my head to the side.

"Way too often," he breathed out," you confuse me and rattle me and annoy me so fucking much I do not stand you!" 

"My offer still stands." I curtly answered.

"What offer?" He asked suspiciously.

"If you can not stand me, then sit on my lap." I smiled. 

"Fucking hell!" he cursed, running a hand down his face. He turned around and walked to the window, he opened it, setting his hands on the edge as he leaned his full body weight forward. He sat there for a while, and I started to worry. 

"Do you need a push? I volunteer!" I said cheerfully, whispering. This was so weird. Me in my pyjamas, him in my room, the raging fire in my fireplace and the cold wind. 

He let out a sigh, then I saw him slowly but steadily pull back and close the window." Someone spread a false rumour of our troops planning an early attack on the enemy. After the holy knights retreat there had been many voices against the war, we might lose the people's support, so we're being forced to move before they attack when we're unprepared." 

"By we do you mean you? As in just you guys? Us excluded?" I cautiously asked. 

"No, we will not send a few thousands. We're attacking. Soon. Everyone should be ready." He answered me monotonously. 

"How soon are we speaking? Tomorrow soon? Next month?" 

"We do not know yet, but be ready." 

"I can not just be ready! I am no soldier to carry a sword and head to the battlefield. I need time to produce and test the weapons. Clothes are not ready, other accommodations are not ready, we're set for failure!" I complained. 

"Make it work. Use what we have for reference, make up some shit. I do not care, make it work." 

"Your stuff? If it was good you wouldn't have asked for our help to begin with! This is so ridiculous!" 

"Does not matter. In any case, make sure our plan is going as planned, do you hear me?" 

I ignored him, grabbed his clothes and shoved them on his chest."Here. Go. your departure is long overdue, we have early mornings tomorrow." Then I stopped," Wait, weren't you supposed to be gone for a week?"  I asked. 

Hebron avoided my gaze as he responded,"Yes, but I had an urgent matter to take care of." he coughed, then cleared his throat,"I should head out. Goodnight." 

"Whatever you say." I said before closing the window. I had some cleaning to do.