
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 24 Tea

Chapter 24

Nea pov.

With its ability countered the creature does not stay still, with astonishing speed moves towards the rear of our group.

Letting out a scream like a soul in pain, the sword appears in my vision from the side area.

Turning my body I quickly intercepted it with my own sword. Sif quickly jumped to my defense only to be hit with a left, a pale gray aura pulsating from the sword she was maintaining the clash with, launching me to the opposite side of the room. (-200hp)

<mana blast>

While flying towards the opposite area of my arrival, I see Vanessa extend her hand and explode all the mana in the vicinity of her.


The creature lets himself be ejected by the shockwave thus avoiding the blast damage, at that he quickly pulled out the lux bow and shot straight towards his body which is in a weightless state, at the same moment I see Sif running towards him from the opposite side. <moon weapon>(-150mp).

Being hit by the arrow with golden aura, he let out a fatal scream as if hundreds of voices were screaming at the same time and before he can even come back to himself, he is knocked towards one of the walls by Sif's blow.(-60mp)

"mismagius Umbral Pulse!"


Followed by his body crashing into the sarcophagus area, mismagius' ability charged with Vanessa's mana hits him squarely.


Giving a slash to the cloud of smoke that has come out due to the impact, the creature is seen again now with the tip of the sword towards the ground.


Letting out unknown words, pale grey energies rise from the sarcophagi and multiple hanging corpses, these gather on his sword giving it a grey aura all over its blade.

"Looks to me like he got angry."


Followed by his newly made side cut, the aura shoots out all over the room which getsuga tenshou.

<dark control><dark magic><shadow ball>.

Seeing this energy coming towards us, Vanessa, mismagius and I cast whatever magic we can with so little time.


When the two types of energies collided, an explosion was the expected result, giving rise to a cloud of dust that plunged the entire room into darkness.

[you have been cut by Cursed blade]

[your left arm has been disabled].

Amidst all this dust and mess, a transparent blade pierces my left arm, there was no blood or pain, only a numbness that spread throughout my arm.

Followed by this strange experience, the blade comes back again, this time for my right arm, spinning over my own body to gain extra strength, at that the two blades collide producing a horrible scream from the opposite blade and sparks from mine.


In the gloom of the dust explosion, multiple points of light flash along with Vanessa's voice, at that I managed to see the sword again coming towards me.

Charging the mana on the blade of my sword, she shouted the name of the skill "<moon weapon>"

Boom, or so I expected it to happen, with the blade of my sword piercing through his, the energy of the ability shoots out towards the ceiling and his sword continues on its way towards me.

"Sif, to the rescue!".

Coming out from the side where the dust hadn't dispersed due to the explosion of my ability's mana, Sif arrives with her hair completely wet and threw herself on top of the ghost.

With the sound of boiling oil and white steam rising from its body, the creature lets out a shrill scream and goes up in smoke.

"Is it dead?

"Yes, the holy water must have undone the bonds that kept the souls forcibly bound, resulting in it collapsing of its own accord."

To Sif's question, the answer comes from the mouth of Vanessa who emerges from the previously dust-filled area.

[exp +4000]

[pool exp +7820]

Already with all things accomplished the looting begins, sword, corpse, sarcophagi, everything went to the ring.

"According to my memories, now you have to come a safe area, right."

Ask that to the expert of the current dungeon.

"Yes, the next room will be a rest room and the next one is the centipede room, according to me what comes next will be the boss."

All clarified we move towards the tunnel the skeletons were coming from, it was obviously the same as the previous stone block structure torches every so many steps and nothing new.

As we walked through the tunnel, I asked the system something that has been on my mind

"System I have seen that even though my ability is <dark control> and Vanessa's is <dark magic> they use the same mana, that is, of darkness, then why her spells are of bones and mine of pure darkness."

"This is due to many things: attitude, aptitude, desires and more, between all that stirring a unique magic is created, of course always with the base elements in their cores, not all people can have this kind of magic, to achieve it you have to overcome the will of the element you want to change its form."

"I understand then my, <dark magic> is true dark magic because of the race I belong to, while Vanessa's is a product of her desires only dark oriented due to the mana she uses by default."

"Yes, this is a good summary."

With the conversation finished, I see that we were approaching the exit, already after crossing a decrepit wooden door that guards the rest room we are faced with a rather odd room for the place we are in.

In the center of the room there is a round table with a tea set made of porcelain and surrounded by different chairs, under it is full of grass that spread all over the room and this, it was magically illuminated, since we are underground.

"¡God save the queen!"!"

"Sif, why they drink tea doesn't mean they are British."

"I didn't say it, you did."

Already after a few steps we reach the table in the center, it lights up and on it appear many plates with different kinds of desserts, pastry sweets, coffee cake, cupcakes and even some sandwiches.

"Yes, they are British."

"Confirmed, master."

"It's obviously not, it's English."

Wait what? The British are around, well... Muscovite=Russia you know this was coming.

With much hesitation we move to the chairs around the table, as we take a seat a teacup, teaspoon and small milk smelling jug appears next to the teapot.

"Well, it seems that the necromancer of this dungeon is English."

"Wait, just a little tea and we've already crossed him off as English."

Hearing Vanessa's words, I jump to the poor necromancer's defense.

"Drinking tea is normal, but milk... This is not common in the federation, the southern empire, mainly drinks coffee and the dynasty drinks green tea, then it can only be English."

Speaking forcefully, Sif broke into the conversation.

"So you've been to all those countries?".

"Not all of them, but you learn something on your travels, as the Southern empire had again had a war against their viceroyalties, the English empire has again tried to get more islands and the dynasty is continuing with its isolationism."

It seems to me or all the envoys have a European streak, because the truth is I don't think the countries will be called that way at the beginning.