
The Nonpareil of Resh (Act 1)

After a portal transports him to a planet on the edge of the cosmos, Gwyn Black finds himself in an alien world unlike his own. Strange denizens inhabit the world: a people that resemble a treasury of gemstones, a group who all have bony crowns adorning their heads, a tribe ruled by beastly giantesses, and an advanced nation of reptilian folk. The strange world, known as Resh, is one full of advanced science and groundbreaking technology. Magic of the past has become rare and the practitioner’s taboo. Towering cities fill the skies, and impressive machines help terraform barren land. Armed with a mechanical creature that can graft to his arm to grant powers, Gwyn must navigate the world as conspiracies and long-awaited plots begin to unfold and reveal themselves. Whether he will be consumed by a dark curse or embrace the path of a hero is something only time will tell.

Ochroleucous · Fantasy
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212 Chs

Contact Exchange - End of Volume 4

From: Fiona Whitlock <PrankPrincess@QuenthCastle>

To: <NunGroup>

Hello everyone! I hope you all have had time to get settled! I wanted to send out this message, so we have each other's contact! I have started a <NunGroup> as well so we can send messages to everyone easily!

I also wanted to raise a question to everyone! Since our last beach trip was ruined by our Japhinth friend, I was thinking we should try planning another! Any objections?!

From: Harlan Sal <ScienceOfficerHarlan@WeskBase>

To: <NunGroup>

I will be busy then.

From Rheba Arms <Warrior1258789224@ShlillBarracks>

To: <NunGroup>

Harlan, we haven't even picked a date yet…

From Odell Fio <MechanicPrince@HobithCastle>

To: <NunGroup>

I'm down for a trip. 👍 Cecilia might have been checking my mail as well, is it okay if she comes? 🤔

From Hal Bloodmurder <PoetSwordmaster@RoanokeOffice>

To: <NunGroup>

I was going to say no, but my sister was looking over my shoulder and wants to do it.

From: Fiona Whitlock <PrankPrincess@QuenthCastle>

To: <NunGroup>

That's great! I bet we can invite even more people! I'll start working on a date, everyone ask around and see if there is anyone else who might be interested in coming!

Thanks for reading! As of this chapter, we have officially reached the end of what I like to dub “Act 1” of this story. Going forward, I will be dialing back from this site (the story will continue to be released weekly on other sites) in an effort to focus my attention. As volumes build up, I expect I will bulk-release here.

Next month, from June 9th thru 11th, I will have an artist alley table at Animate Columbus in Ohio. I will have print copies of Resh V1, as well as my novella Order, and some small things like bookmarks and keychains. If you can come out and stop by, please feel free! I would love to meet you.

Thank you all again for reading so far, and I look forward to moving on with you into what the future events of this story will carry!

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