
The Non Existent Extra

Life is unfair. That's something I figured out when I was young. It's not just life but the world itself is unfair. I was an orphan who joined a game design company trying to survive. But I was fired when the owner's son wanted the damn job. Thankfully I had backup plans. However, all those were thrown out the window when I was thrust into the world of one of the stories I created. My first story. And honestly, I felt...happy. This was a place where I could take advantage of everything! I could live a peaceful yet rich life! All I had to do was follow the story. There was one problem though. I was an extra. And to add to that I had no memory of who I was. ___________ Ok so just a little disclaimer this is obviously based on The Author's POV but I did also base it mostly on ORV as well as IOAMI

WorldEater_11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Entrance Exam (3)

I tried exiting the test room while I listened to the people discussing the written test around me.

"Hey, how do you think you did?" 

"It wasn't too hard, so I think I'll be fine,"

Stumbling out of the exam room I let out a depressed laugh "Haha I'm screwed," mumbling that I recalled the tests I had just finished. 

To say it was a disaster would be an understatement. Even though I studied I could barely answer all of the questions I mean who the hell introduced an entirely new way to do functions? They are fucked as they are! Or were…whatever…

Stumbling to the reception desk I showed my card and was given another pass and number. Sitting I waited for a bit I then noticed Noah who currently looked uncomfortable as a girl was talking to him. 

But the thing I noticed was that she was the same girl who told me to move. Looking at the scene I could tell what was going on. 

That girl…I forgot her name was someone Noah was forced to get along with. However, she had developed a crush on him but Noah didn't like her at all. This caused a whole lot of other stuff which I wasn't going to get into.

Ignoring the scene and poor Noah I waited for the physical exam to start. From what I remember writing there was a simple maze race, a dodging thing, a strength thing, and sparing. 

Isaac was easily able to clear all the obstacles however, his sparing partner did pose a problem for about a few chapters in the novel. However, he'd deal with it pretty quickly so it didn't really matter. 

Besides he meets Madison again so I'm sure he had a good time. As I was thinking about stuff like that I heard my name being called so I got up. Looking around I saw the instructor holding a clipboard. 

Getting up I started to walk toward him. Noticing that a few others were also starting to follow I let out a sigh as we were following the instructor. 

The reason was simple there was someone beside me who was extremely bothersome. And who else would it be if it wasn't Noah Winslow himself? 

It seems that the girl wasn't called or Noah ditched her so in boredom I asked "Your girlfriend did not come with?" 

"She isn't my girlfriend," Noah responded simply "just someone from the Lupus clan,"

"That so," with that reply, I decided to remain silent

"Why are you applying to Nexus?" he asked 

"Circumstances," I replied after a bit. While I could reveal that I was a PEN student he'd probably ask which guild which means he'd either see me as someone talented or someone worth nurturing. I'd like to stay in the background thank you very much. 

'Wait I could've just said why wouldn't I?'

I mean it is only one of the best academies for humans and the last defence against the demons but yeah I just had to go because of "circumstances". 

'Fucking moron' I cursed myself

"Were you forced to by your parents?" 

"Something like that," I said but then I decided to ask him the same question "What about you? Why are you attending?"

Noah let out a sigh "My clan is forcing me," 

"That so? I heard the 7 main clans can be quite strict," I replied blankly 

"Indeed they are, so I have to get in otherwise my parents would kill me," 

"I see, well then I wish you luck," I said with a shoulder pat before we made it to the examination room. 


Noah observed the youth who was standing right beside him. 


That was his observation of the youth. He didn't really stand out and Noah had to focus his sense on the youth just to find him otherwise he'd lose track of him like in the examination hall. 

But what made him interested was the calluses on his hand. Much like his hand which had many calluses he could also feel and see many calluses from that guys hands. 

However, the thing that solidified his strangeness was his response to his question. 


What circumstances are there to force a student to attend one of the most elite schools in the human domain? 

Quite a lot actually but the response itself was strange.

He could've just said it was the best academy and Noah wouldn't suspect a thing. 

But Noah decided to throw those thoughts away for now,

After all, he had an exam to ace. 


Looking around at the area I noticed that everyone was confused. I couldn't blame them as the room was completely empty with some runes on the floor that were scattered around. However, soon their confusion was lifted when we were handed our AR Vision earpieces.

When I put on the AR Vision gigantic walls appeared in front of me as if it was always there. And judging by the surprised voices around me the people around me could also see the giant wall that appeared in front of us.

The course itself was pretty simple. 

Essentially we had to make it to the end of the maze in the fastest time possible. We could use everything and anything at our disposal. 

However, we couldn't fight each other or break the walls also we couldn't climb the maze either. But what made this more of a challenge was the augmented monsters that were in the maze. 

With my gift, however, it would make this way easier. But to keep lowkey I'd just walk around and waste a bit of time. 

"Alright, you may enter,"

Hearing that everyone started to run into the maze. Some even activated their gift or movement techniques and entered the maze. 

The goal of this exam was pretty simple. 

Dungeons always get mapped however, sometimes they don't due to certain circumstances or are used for tests. 

Watching the others running I let out a sigh while I followed behind them. Keeping my slow pace I noticed that there weren't a lot of monsters which was probably thanks to the people ahead of me. 

Activating The Lost Eye of Wisdom And Knowledge I looked around and immediately was able to find a path to the exit. 

'If I remember correctly Noah broke the record by finding the way out in 25 minutes' 



Before I could think any further a bunch of goblins spawned around me, noticing that there weren't any other people around caused me to let out a sigh. 

'They respawn huh?'

I didn't write this part in my novel as Isaac was easily able to get past the goblins and was ahead of his competition.

My sword appeared in my hand and in a flash, all of the goblins had giant holes in them causing them to turn into pixels. 

"What a pain," 

But as I was walking I noticed the walls "I wonder," 

When I pressed my hand on the wall it didn't go through. In fact, when I touched it, the wall felt like…well a wall made of stone. 

"That's Augmented reality for you I guess," 

I continued to walk and as I did I noticed a group of examinees fighting a horde of goblins.

Walking past them I then made a wrong turn causing me to be in a dead end. I quickly made my way back to where I came from and saw the other youths fighting the goblins coming toward me. As they ran past me I thought about the written exam I took.

'Maybe that one I got wrong?'

I was trying to figure out what exactly I had gotten on the exam. I was hoping for a high score so I couldn't fail but when I actually did the test I knew I probably didn't get a high score. 

This meant I needed to change the plan. 

Just a little bit though. 

The only thing I needed to do was to do good on the monster subjugation thing and give a good show at the sparing. 

As I continued to walk I thought if that would be enough. 

"Ha goddammit,"

Checking the time I decided to wait for about 35 more minutes. Considering that it had already been around 16 minutes I should be placed near the top of the middle row. 


As I walked I noticed a few jackles appearing in front of me. They looked exactly like the ones I saw in the dungeons down to the last details. 

'Maybe I should try it,'

While I trained for the past months a certain idea popped into my head. 

The idea revolved around my technique the repulsion part to be specific. 

While I can repel stuff it was only because I could wrap the repulsion force around my fist however, around 2 weeks ago I was able to increase the distance. If the person was about 30 centimetres away from me I could repel them from there. 

However, a week ago I figured out that I could shoot out the repulsion force like a canon ball minus the high speed and extreme impact. 

But despite that, it was only enough to cause a little pain. 

I was able to change the shape of the repulsion force a bit however, shooting it was another matter.

"Well, I have a few minutes to it test,"