
The Noble Queen-A Shadow Slave Fanfic

Volumes I and 2 are complete! Volume 3 is in progress. Queen Bee may have lost to Mongrel in the Dreamscape, but that is not where her story ends. Nor is it where her journey began. Get a deeper glimpse into the waking world of Shadow Slave through the eyes of one of the Dreamscape's top duelists. Special thanks to Guiltythree for all his help with the lore. I appreciate your time very much! Also thanks to Nonsensefree, the story's content editor. You made my life much easier. Thank you!

NobleQueenBee · Book&Literature
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280 Chs

Royal Library

"Was there anything else you wanted to tell me from these books?" Noble asked when the two ladies were alone once more.

Sarai thought for a moment. "Most of the things I found were about day-to-day activities or the Queen's raging paranoia. She was certain that Counsel was on the precipice of ascending. That was one of the reasons that she has been him keeping him from the battlefield. She didn't want him to give him access to power."

Noble thought about the day that Counsel had gone out to fight. He had claimed it was his pride that had made him go. Perhaps it was more complicated than that.

He had slain the creature the size of a hill. Had Counsel been able to get the monster's soul shards or absorb the creature's essence in some other way?

"He has mentioned trying to fully master his Aspect. I am not sure if he can ascend without that step." Noble was still piecing together how the natural awakening and ascending process worked.

If Counsel succeeded, it would go a long way toward her understanding.

Noble pursed her lips. "From what you read, do you think Counsel was the reason Emira was hiding the level of her power?"

Since entering the Nightmare, Noble had felt the might of the temperamental Queen was beyond the scope of an Awakened. Her suspicions were only confirmed the night she was nearly roasted alive.

Sarai touched her neck. "I think this necklace was specially crafted to help Emira with her flaw, and the bracelets hide her level of power. I'm not sure why, but the reason predates the disagreement with Counsel."

Chewing the inside of her cheek, Noble sighed. "I see. Well, if there is nothing else here… we should probably pay a visit to the library. That is if you are full and ready to go?"

Sarai nodded, smoothing out her gown. "I am ready. Though I do wish Emira had a broader array of colors in her wardrobe. Everything is a similar shade of green!" Sarai knew the red hair looked stunning against the emerald, but surely there could be at least a little variety!

"It was the royal color, but I think that the fabric was specially designed to withstand her heat. Even when she destroyed the Great Hall and melted stone, her dress remained intact." Noble nodded.

Normal clothes would have burned away, leaving a very awkward situation for the Queen.

"Perhaps I need to take a sample back home to be examined!" Sarai called forth a sharp knife and trimmed a small strip from the hem. Then she summoned the small box that had been used to transport half of [The Other's Voice] and slipped the strip inside.

"Oh!" Noble pulled a ribbon hidden around her neck with a small piece of jewelry attached to it. "Can you put my wedding ring in there too? I am afraid it won't make it out of the Nightmare otherwise."

Noble wanted to have Fort close to her, but the thought of leaving the token of his love behind was more than she could bear. It was much safer in Sarai's soul sea.

"Of course!" Sarai slipped the ring into the box before dismissing it. She gave Noble an encouraging smile. "I look forward to returning it to you on the other side." 

"Me too." 

With that settled, the two ladies went into the hall accompanied by their golden-haired protector. Reaching the library, they were met by a very enthusiastic head librarian.

Drune bowed low. "Your Majesty! Your Grace! To what do we owe the honor?"

"As the new ruler, I was hoping to do a little research." Noble smiled warmly.

"Were the things I sent to the Royal Suite insufficient?" Drune furrowed his brow.

"Not at all! My aunt just had more to show me." The new queen dipped her head graciously.

"Ah, I see. I am sure there is a lot of information that needs to be passed on. It is good you are here so that I can grant you entry. If you will follow me."

Drune walked slowly forward, unsure of the appropriate speed to lead two royals. He no longer needed to be concerned with angering Emira, but the man had no way to know that.

He led the pair through the next couple of rooms and to the hidden entrance of the Royal Library.

Pressing his hand to the stone, the wall unsealed and gave way beneath the man's touch. What was once a seamless end of the library became an entrance to a vast area of countless books and secrets.

"Thank you, Drune. If you would—" Noble took a step forward and was abruptly blocked by the nervous bookkeeper.

"I have to let you in. One moment." Drune passed through the entrance and touched the inside wall firmly. "Come in."

Noble passed through while Sarai waited. She felt the air around her tickle her skin as if trying to memorize her form.

When she finished passing through the doorway, the sensation ceased and the librarian let go of the wall. "It should recognize you now so that you may open it yourself. To enter, press the wall outside and it will open. If you close it, do the same right here."

"I appreciate the instruction. I am curious though—what would have happened if you hadn't done…whatever it is you just did?" Noble looked at the runes on the wall.

"It might have let you in because you have royal blood. But it wouldn't have been pleasant. If you were anyone else, well…I advise that you don't bring guests without permitting them to enter unless you want them to end up dead." The librarian shivered as if he had seen this in action.

Had Emira been cruel enough to let someone die in such a way or was it a thief who met his end unexpectedly?

Sarai paused in the doorway, the color draining from her face. She both was and wasn't the former queen. Would it notice the change in soul?

The protective runes did not react to her presence as she continued. Sarai relaxed, and Noble sent off a quick message.

'Nickel, I don't know if you are still within range to hear me but don't go into the private royal library. It seems there are runes protecting it, and it won't go well for you.'

'Challenge accepted,' came the reply.

Noble's eyes opened wide. 'What? No!'

'Heh, you are too easy Noble. I was kidding, kind of. These runes…Are they the same as the ones around the city?'

"These look like the same runes that are around the city," Noble commented aloud.

Drune smiled wide. "Very perceptive! They are similar but not identical. That is because the same runemaster is responsible for both."

'Same creator but not identical,' Noble passed the message on to her absent cohort member.

'Eh, I'll pass on the break-in then. But memorize it if you can and I'll take a look later.' Nickel's voice faded from her head.

"Will that be all?" The head librarian lowered his head with his hands pressed together.

"Yes, wait, no!" Noble stuttered. "I had one final request. I want to know the location of the book I borrowed from here before."

"You had a book from here?" The man furrowed his brow. "You mean the one that accidentally made it into your pile that one time?"

"That one would be good as well, but it wasn't what I meant. There is no need to pretend. I am not upset that you told my aunt about what I took. I just want to take another look at it." Noble sent a happy feeling toward the man to set him at ease, but her nudge was met with only confusion.

Sarai nodded toward the servant. "We promise you are not in any trouble."

Drune frowned. "I don't know what to say, but I had no idea that anything was taken from the Royal Library until this moment…"