
Coming to Terms with Reality

The day went smoothly, passing in what felt like a blink of an eye.

Rain seemed in decent spirits when she got home, asking if they could move on to another couple of items on her to-do list before they left.

They were easy requests: having Kbot's diner then making popcorn and watching a movie together at home. While the popcorn could still be done over a fire with proper tools and supplies in the Dream Realm, the lack of electricity meant that fast food and movie-watching would no longer be an option in Ravenheart.

The movie selected was full of action and adventure, completely lacking any romance. It seemed that Rain had had her fill of romance from her previous encounter and wasn't looking to relive those feelings any time soon.

After the movie finished and the boys raced to brush their teeth, Noble caught Rain's attention.

"How are you doing ?" She asked, her voice full of motherly concern.

"If you mean the thing this morning, I'm doing better," Rain's dark eyes showed a hint of sadness.

"Are you sure?" Noble reached out and squeezed her daughter's hand gently.

"I'm sure," the teen nodded. "In the long run, I think it is a good thing. I have nothing left to keep me here. If we had found a long-lost aunt or other family member, I would have wanted to get to know them better and would have been reluctant to leave. Now I can go to Ravenheart without wondering if I made the right choice."

"My brave girl." Noble pulled her daughter into a side hug. "My offer still stands to take you to the orphanage. Or anywhere in the outskirts for that matter. No one would dare mess with you while I am around."

"Thanks, but I don't think it would do any good. I have no memory of anything before you and Dad, so there is nothing to recall." Instead of being emotional, Rain was strangely calm.

"If you are sure…" 

Noble had made the offer, but she would not force Rain into accepting it.

"I am," the girl nodded. "Thank you, Mom."

"I love you, Sweetheart." Noble kissed her daughter's temple.

"Love you too." Rain yawned. "I will look over my homework and then head to bed. It's been a long day."

She ambled off, stretching the stiffness out of her shoulders as she went.

Fort, who had been cleaning up some spilled popcorn, came alongside his wife.

"How's our girl?" He asked quietly.

Noble leaned against him as he opened one arm. "She never ceases to surprise me. Rainy feels at peace. I would never have calmed so quickly. I'm still a little sad for her even if she doesn't seem sad for herself."

"You are a compassionate soul. Even though she got the news from me only yesterday, I would venture to guess that Rain has thought about that question many times. Maybe it was the closure she needed."

"She said as much," Noble confirmed, her voice turning wistful. "Rainy is stronger than I am."

"You are stronger than you think," Fort led his wife over to the sofa for them both to sit, "You are one of the strongest people I know. Rain only has to look at you to find a good example of how to work through issues."

"There are plenty of people stronger than me," Noble mumbled, unwilling to accept the compliment.

"Name one!" Fort furrowed his brow.

"Saint Jet, Saint Cor, the sovereigns—" Noble began to rattle off a list.

"They may beat you in physical strength," the Director acknowledged, "but I don't think that kind of might was what our daughter needed today."

"Both have their uses. If I were a Saint, maybe I would have a transformation involving divination powers to reveal memories about Rainy's past…now that would be an interesting ability," Noble mused.

"Since when do you think about being a Saint?" Fort was more curious than concerned.

"Doesn't everyone wonder at some time or other?" Noble shook her head. "But I won't lie to you. That isn't the reason. Someone approached me today. They asked me to join them to conquer the Third Nightmare."

Noble had anticipated a visceral reaction from Fort. He had felt so strongly upon her return that the idea of her leaving again should have been overwhelming.

But he simply tilted his head. "Who?"

"I can't say. They are looking to keep their inquiries a secret for now." Noble chewed her lip. She didn't like the secrecy but she also didn't want to end up betraying Roan's trust.

"I see," Fort, surprisingly, didn't press the issue. "That is quite a flattering offer. The person is very wise to seek you out."

"Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" Noble leaned away from the man beside her.

Startled, Fort held up his hands. "What do you mean?"

"You don't seem the least bit concerned about the prospect of me being given this choice. Aren't you even a little worried about losing me again?" Noble felt a little hurt.

"I am always worried about losing you," Fort said seriously. "Every time you leave, I feel like I'm holding my breath and it isn't until you return home that I feel like I can breathe again."

"Then why…" Noble felt her husband's amusement.

"If you were seriously considering it, you wouldn't have brought it up in the way you did. You won't even tell me who the offer is from which means you aren't planning to accept. If you had the slightest inclination to accept, you would be having me vet this mysterious person to make sure whatever they told you checks out. Since that didn't happen, I know I have nothing to worry about." Fort smiled triumphantly.

Noble resisted the urge to toss the throw pillow at his smug grin. "You think you are so smart. What if I was lulling you into a false sense of security?"

Fort's smile faded. "If you really wanted to go, there is nothing I could realistically do to stop you. And with the right preparation, I am not sure I would want to. As worried as I would be for your safety, I know you wouldn't make that choice lightly. I trust you to do what you think is best."

It wasn't the answer Noble had expected. He had been vulnerable and open with his thoughts. If Noble had any inclination to go, Fort had just given her his permission to do as she pleased.

"Thank you," she said at last. "But you are right, I have no plan to go anywhere but Ravenheart."

"Good," Fort smiled as Noble leaned back against him once more. "Because as much as I would support you, I would rather have you here."

"Here in the NQSC or there in Ravenheart?" Noble teased lightly.

"Here with me," Fort shook his head. "The physical location is irrelevant."

"That's good," the professor sighed happily. "I feel the same way. You and the kids are my home. It's hard to believe that home will be moving soon. I only wish we knew exactly when."

"Your wish is my command, my lady," Fort pulled out the communicator. "I got the orders this afternoon. Ki Song is ready to move her Dreamgate permanently to NQSC very soon. One month from today, we will be among the first to cross it."