
The Noble Queen-A Shadow Slave Fanfic

Volumes I and 2 are complete! Volume 3 is in progress. Queen Bee may have lost to Mongrel in the Dreamscape, but that is not where her story ends. Nor is it where her journey began. Get a deeper glimpse into the waking world of Shadow Slave through the eyes of one of the Dreamscape's top duelists. Special thanks to Guiltythree for all his help with the lore. I appreciate your time very much! Also thanks to Nonsensefree, the story's content editor. You made my life much easier. Thank you!

NobleQueenBee · Book&Literature
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280 Chs

A Trip Across the Grounds

The couple danced happily for the next few hours. Eventually, it was time to go. The government contingency made sure to thank their host before departing. 

Whispering Blade and his wife were very cordial, and soon all of the remaining members of the group were passing under the vermillion banner once more. But that was as far as they got. 

The line for the PTVs was to the door. While the others chatted idly, Kenz pulled out his communicator. 

"I will ask our driver where he is in this blasted mess." 

One of the valets, a mundane young man who was likely barely old enough to drive, rushed up to the group and bowed. "Are you Master Kenz?" 

"I am," the director looked at the valet curiously. 

"I was asked to give you this." Sweat poured down the boy's forehead. He handed over a slip of synthetic cardstock with the PTV's company logo on the front. 

Kenz turned over the card and read the note in the back. His expression soured. 

"What's wrong?" Fort could see that something had agitated the Master. The others ceased their chatter to listen.

"Seems we will be walking to our PTV," the Director answered. "The driver has been trying to get a hold of me on my communicator, but the messages are not going through. He says that he doesn't want to come to the entrance and asks that we meet him at the front gate." 

"Why would he ask that? Is Ty still here and throwing a drunken fit?" The lady in a pink-peppered dress asked. The others mumbled similar frustrations.

"Did the driver say anything to you?" Kenz asked the young man.

"I just deliver the messages," the valet held up his hands defensively. He looked anxiously at the long line of waiting guests and furrowed his brow. "If you like, I can get someone to shuttle you to the front gate. Please follow me." 

The young man walked them to the end of the curved driveway while making a call.

"Someone will be with you shortly."

Kenz thanked the valet. "It is better than walking," he reminded the others when he saw their discontent faces. It was hard to disagree.

Deciding not to grumble, they instead discussed the highlights of the evening. All, that is, except for the Deputy Director. 

"Alright, what is wrong?" Fort whispered as his wife leaned up against him to protect herself from the night air. 

"It's nothing." Noble looked up and gave him a weary smile. "I am just ready to be home. Thank you for bringing me. The dancing was magical."

"Other parts of the evening were less magical, though?" The man pressed. 

"You know they were." The professor shook her head.

"You helped the government get Valor to agree to assist us. You are a hero in my book," Fort kissed the top of his wife's head.

"Do you really believe that? You believe that I am the only reason that the White Feather Clan is going to Antarctica?" Noble searched her husband's face for the answer.

"I do," the deputy director hugged his wife tightly. 

"Then I am the reason they will suffer against the tide of Nightmare Creatures. They will be fighting for humanity's sake while I am here like a coward safe in the NQSC. It isn't fair to them. I have all but doomed them." Noble could feel her eyes shifting colors, but she hoped the darkness was enough to shield them from the others' views. 

At that moment a small electric cart puttered along the walking path. "I am told you need a ride to the gate," the driver of the cart said with a small salute.

Her wrinkled clothes were not up to Valor's standards. Perhaps that was why she had been assigned cart-duty instead of something more important. 'Maybe this duty is another one of Madoc's punishments–honors.'

The eight guests piled onto the benches of the electric cart, leaving Noble and Fort on the back rear-facing seat alone. It was the easiest way to let Noble float a little higher than normal on the bumpy buggy without anyone noticing. 

 The cart took off with a bit of a lurch. "Sorry!" the driver chirped. 

"Oh look at that!" Alice exclaimed when she spotted a beautiful garden in the moonlight. Valor had worked hard to make the fortress as enchanting as it was functional. Their attention to detail was unmatched. 

Alice and the others pointed out each and every detail as they rode.

The pair in the back of the cart, however, were too deep in conversation to notice. 

"You haven't doomed anyone," Fort assured his wife as they drove across the grounds. "And staying here doesn't make you a coward." 

"Doesn't it? I know what kind of destruction is coming, and I am more than willing to put others' necks on the line, but not my own." Noble blew out her cheeks. 

Fort's muscles tensed. "Don't you dare say what I think you are about to--" 

"I think I should go to Antarctica." Noble nodded. 

"Aaand you went and said it anyway. You cannot go." Fort's words surprised the woman. She had expected disagreement, but not outright refusal. 

"Why not?" The professor was genuinely curious.

"Think about this. If all of the competent Awakened go to Antarctica, who will be left here to protect us when a gate opens in the NQSC? It has happened before and chances are good that it will happen again. If everyone is off in the winter playground, the rest of us here will be lost. Honey, the boys and I....we need you." Fort's stunning eyes plead just as much as his words. 

"But..." Noble sighed, unsure of the best tactic against her husband's logic. 

Fort took his wife's hand and squeezed it. "Just don't make any rash decisions right now when we are both tired. We can discuss it more in the morning. For now, let's enjoy what is left of our date." 

"As you wish, my love, on both things. We can find something happier to discuss. Look at that." Noble pointed out a shrub gleaming in the moonlight. 

It had been trimmed to look like a sword piercing an anvil. 

"They really do commit to their emblem, don't they?" Fort wasn't sure whether to be impressed or concerned. "I wonder if it is embroidered on the family's bath towels as well." 

"If we had a family crest, you can bet I would be putting that thing on anything and everything. You want cookies? They would proudly bear our family's symbol. Maybe we should start our own clan just for the crest," Noble teased.

"Talking about becoming a legacy? Now I know you are exhausted." Fort laughed. "I better get you home right away and straight to your pod."

"Are you kidding? I could have danced all night. If anything, I'll be the one putting you to bed." Noble's smile faded.

"What? You suddenly don't like the idea of putting me to bed? That Awakened strength is more than enough to carry little old me." Fort's voice trailed off as his wife scanned the area.

"Something is not right." She whispered.

"What do you mean?" The deputy director tried to remain calm.

"I'm not sure," the professor turned her head toward the front of the cart.

Kenz, who was riding next to the driver in the open cart, straightened in his seat.

"I don't remember passing by this on the way in…"