
The Noble Queen-A Shadow Slave Fanfic

Volumes I and 2 are complete! Volume 3 is in progress. Queen Bee may have lost to Mongrel in the Dreamscape, but that is not where her story ends. Nor is it where her journey began. Get a deeper glimpse into the waking world of Shadow Slave through the eyes of one of the Dreamscape's top duelists. Special thanks to Guiltythree for all his help with the lore. I appreciate your time very much! Also thanks to Nonsensefree, the story's content editor. You made my life much easier. Thank you!

NobleQueenBee · Book&Literature
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280 Chs

A Tremor in a Bottle

"Me?" Noble looked at him for a moment in confusion.

Then it dawned on her.

Something like this hadn't been tried even when Counsel's first master had been alive. 

That was because Noble had a quality that all of her predecessors lacked. 

She could fly. 

"You want me to take to the sky and find a way to get this into the Tyrant's mouth." 

Counsel winced. "That was my idea, yes. But when you say it like that it sounds a bit like suicide." 

Noble thought of the creature's toothy mouth which was protected by the long ominous trunk full of lightning. 

"No, it's a good idea. As long as you and my aunt can keep him distracted, I should be able to get close enough." Noble glanced at the marred ground. She could almost swear she heard it crying out to her in pain. "Even if the poison doesn't kill the Lord, it should weaken it enough to give us an opening."

"What was that?" Counsel tucked away the vial into his clothes.

At the same moment, Kosi growled softly, pawing nervously at the earth.

"What?" Noble glanced between the two nervous faces.

After another moment of tense silence, Counsel relaxed.

"The ground shifted. It was probably just a leftover tremor that rattled down from the mountains. That happens from time to time. You didn't feel it?"

Noble realized that she was still lifted higher from the earth than normal. She raised dramatically and then lowered to her normal hovering position.

"Oh, no I didn't. I have been off the ground since you put a hole in it. And that tremor is more likely due to the soil's shifting into the open space. We must get this hole filled at once!"

Noble called for a servant to get the gardener. After the young man got over the shock of seeing the decimated courtyard, he fled to find the Awakened in question.

"Well, now that your demonstration is done, I suppose it is time we flee the scene of the crime," the queen glanced over her shoulder and motioned for Kosi to follow.

Rather than walk around, the Symncus leapt over the chasm to join the two humans. This time Noble could hear the shifting earth.

"You better not have messed up the castle's foundation," she shot the man beside her a withering look.

"I was careful," the man defended himself, "but perhaps in the future, I will leave the drama to the court musicians."

"That's a better plan." The queen agreed easily. She pursed her lips for a moment. "Was that magical concoction difficult to make?"

"Hard? Ha! It was nearly impossible. I only had one of the ingredients by happenstance and another is all but extinct. This little beauty is one of a kind." Counsel patted the vial gently. 

The Queen was both relieved that the product could not be mass produced and worried about the very limited quantity. "I see. Then that is all the more reason not to waste another drop. We will need all of it if we hope to affect the ancient lord." 

"Understood. I swear I will not let another drip leave the vial until our appointment with the Tyrant." Counsel was firm in this belief. 

Noble nodded. "Very good." 

Entering the palace, Counsel was confused when Noble turned away from the direction of the throne room.

"Are you not heading to your room or office?"

"I am grabbing a quick bite to eat and then heading to the underground arena." Noble sniffed at the air to find her way toward the kitchen.

"The underground arena? Are you training with Queen Aunt Emira again?"

Noble didn't need to experience Counsel's emotions to know he was feeling jealous. It was written all over his face.

"Don't act so surprised. I have been doing it every day for weeks now. I would still love for you to join us. We all need to be in peak physical condition for what is coming…"

Pressing his lips together, Counsel grunted. "You know how the former Queen gets around me. She has so much animosity toward me, and you always get the brunt of that anger. Usually with fire."

"That may have been true in the past, but things are different now. Spend more than a few minutes around Her Grace and you will see it is like talking to a whole other person."

"I don't know…" the man hesitated.

"Come on. We will see if the kitchen has your favorite cakes on hand and then walk down together. What do you say?" Noble held her breath.

Of course, she could order Counsel to attend her at all times and follow her every whim, but then she would be no better than those who had enslaved him for years.

It was much better for him to come along of his own volition.

"Very well," Counsel smiled. "I will go, but if Her Grace makes even a single snide remark—"

"She won't," Noble didn't want him to make an idle threat. Or any kind of threat at all.

It was one thing to make a statement against Emira, but now Counsel was speaking against her best friend, Sarai. And Noble was a bit protective of those she cared about. 

After gathering the necessary foodstuffs, the group had a walking meal on their way as they traveled underground.

Noble was used to snacking while she traveled across the campus of the Academy or in transit between home and work. If Counsel thought this method of eating on the go was strange, he didn't say so.

Soon they were in the arena.

Only, the room was empty. The was extra dirt on the ground from the last time Noble was there, but otherwise, the arena of the ancient kings seemed untouched. 

"Aunt?" Noble called tentatively. 

There were a few dark corners, like the one the original Emira had hidden in to watch her conduct sorcery, and Noble hoped Sarai was simply out of view. 

The bracelets hid Noble from being able to sense her friend's emotions instinctively, but after a quick sweep, Noble was pretty sure the underground cavern was empty. 

'Sarai!' Noble tried not to panic. If only she had a third piece to [The Other's Voice], then she would be able to pinpoint her friend without a problem. 

Had something happened? 

Maybe Nickel hadn't caught every assassination attempt, and Sarai was hurt somewhere. 

'I won't forgive myself if something happened to her. It's my fault that she is here!' 

Noble's eyes continued to desperately search the empty room when a voice behind her interrupted the spiraling thoughts. 

"I am here!" 

Hurrying forward, Noble ushered Counsel and Kosi into the chamber to make room for the woman behind them. 

"I was worried!" Noble wrapped her arms around Sarai's neck.

"I decided when the ground shook that it was probably better not to be under tons of palace rock and stone." The redhead explained. 

Noble's eyes opened wider. "You felt the shaking too?"

"Of course I did. There were a few tremors." Sarai nodded. 

"I am glad you weren't hurt!" Noble released her friend and shot a judgmental look toward Counsel, who averted his eyes toward the ceiling.

The man had been so reckless! Hopefully, he had learned his lesson. 

"I am fine, but do you think it is a good idea to be down here with seismic activity going on?" Sarai glanced anxiously at all of the fallen dust. 

Noble noticed there were still some particles on the emerald dress.

How frightened Sarai must have been!

"It was a fluke. I don't think we have to worry about it anymore." Noble spared Counsel the awkward explanation. She would tell Sarai what happened later when they were alone.

"That is good to know," Sarai trusted her friend. "It is good to see you, Counsel. And of course, Kosi!"

"Your Grace?" Counsel's mouth dropped open slightly. The redhead's voice was so affectionate when she called the Symncus's name! Normally, Emira ignored or chastised the creature, yet here she was patting his golden fur.

"Yes?" Sarai looked at him curiously.

The man realized his greeting had come out like a question. He bowed.

"Nothing. Forget I am here."

The ladies exchanged glances as both males moved toward the heavy stone bench. Counsel sat down, eager to be below the notice of the others in the room.

Sarai decided to grant his wish. She smiled at Noble. "Shall we begin?"