
The Noble Curse of Ookami

Kyuuto, born as the last generation of the Ookami clan has to deal with the clan's thousand years curse of bringing back the ancient souls into modern world. ---- In an effort to take vengeance, he was helped by Yuukai, a man who had saved hundred of other victims of the curse in order to turn the tides of fate. They formed an army to restore order in the chaotic world created by the curse, while slowly uncovering the secrets around them. ---- After realizing his destined enemies are his own brothers, Kyuuto met with an internal turmoil whether to continue on fighting or give up entirely. ---- >>Hello there, this is my first novel in this website. Please kindly leave a comment after reading. Your voice and opinion really matters to me. >>Enjoy reading!!

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Forgotten Legend

Koori was then transported to an unfamiliar place, and a war took place as soon as he arrived. A knight riding a horse nearly charged over him, but magically they went through his body.

"This is just a projection," Yamisuke walked beside him, "I'm in your mind now, showing my memories in order for you to understand,"

The war was between the Ookami kingdom led by Yamisuke, and the revolutionaries led by Kurouzu. Yamisuke then told Koori the real truth in Ookami history, he told him that he found a mystifying carcass of an unknown animal in a cave near Akatoru kingdom.

The animal resembled a large reptile, a dinosaur even. Some even speculate that it was a dragon after seeing a pair of enormous wing bones still attached to its back. But no other carcass was found nearby, leading others to speculate that this was the last of its kind.

The bone was shining, radiating strange energy towards whoever sees it. It was made not from calcium like any other skeleton, but from a mysterious form of unknown crystal. "I was so enticed, and as soon as I touched it, I just knew how to utilize it. I have to mass produce this thing," Yamisuke explained.

After the initial ring was made from the skeleton, Yamisuke became a different person. His soul was easily bound by the gem, then seemingly forced to chase his dream by extreme means, to unify the country.

Kurouzu meanwhile tried to stop his brother's efforts. He received the Ookami ring from his father with good intention: to defeat Yamisuke and restore order. "But then the unthinkable happened," Yamisuke continued.

Kurouzu's army was nearly defeated until he and his entire army suddenly vanished from the battlefield. "At that time, I didn't know what happened. Even though we're using unnatural powers to fight, there's no such thing as mass teleportation like that ever done before,"

A couple of months later, Kurouzu came back with fewer members of the revolution but far stronger than before. They called themselves Aotori, symbolizing their freedom over Yamisuke's rule.

"His presence was greatly feared, wherever he went, he inspired fear and sadness among anyone close enough to him. With this strong aura, he gained power to summon whatever weapon he needed to defeat me, while his source of power was still unknown,"

After a bloody battle between the two forces, Aotori remained victorious. In his last breath, Yamisuke finally realized what had happened. Kurouzu was helped by the three gods of Earth; Yuukai, Raizen, and Anrui.

"He summoned Volkus, a cosmic being made out of pure negative human emotions; sadness, rage, anger, desperation to fuel his weapons. It was him who cursed the land, that he will come back one day and take the things that are truly his," Yamisuke ended his story.

Koori meanwhile was dumbfounded. His eyes were wide open to learn the truth. His father has been lying to him the whole time. "B-But... why..." he asked with desperation as his knees trembled.

Down the line of Kurouzu's rule, he ordered his past to not be told in any fashion. He then became The Nameless King the country is known for, shifting the blame to Yamisuke.

"Argh!" Koori held his aching head as Yamisuke's memory projection faded out. Yamisuke meanwhile, watched in a calm manner as he knew what's going to happen.

"I-- don't want to go--- AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!" as Koori bent his knees and his head turned upwards, once again the cloud spiraled and thunder could be heard from the heavens. He tried to endure the pain of his soul getting replaced as he screams even louder. Koori's mouth started to open unnaturally wider, followed by a deafening and powerful lightning strike.