
The Noble's love


Poetri_cantique · Urban
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107 Chs

the sweet message

My parents weren't as old and conservative as my father's relatives. Almost all of my female cousins who are the same age as me already have a life companion through matchmaking. My father always protects me when I am constantly urged to sit in the marriage.

"No need... You will know when you are going to sit for your marriage ceremony. Just remember to answer my phone," my mother hung up the phone with a laugh. I almost choked on my mom's plans about my future.

I immediately opened my what apps to type some message to Kris.

' Larasati: morning, honey? Have you had breakfast?'

There are two ticks sent next to the message I sent. I don't mind if kris has not replying my message so often I feel grateful that Kris still wants to be faithful to be my partner and face my immature attitude.

There wasn't long before there was a reply from my boyfriend.

'Love: morning.... I'm sorry I haven't messaged you lately, babe. I'm busy in my office because my company was acquired with a new company so we have to work even harder.

Me: oh My God, What about the fate of the employees? Do you get dismissed?

Love: not like that. I am only need to work extra hard at the moment. I heard the new owner is a perfectionist man. I proofed by his success in the early year.

Me: Thankfully. Don't forget to eat and take vitamins. I want to go to class first. At least, your position in the company still intact and there is no change.

Love: babe, I want to apologize in advances. I think the saving for attending your graduation get used for my friend urgent need for his wife labour. I feels really bad for them at this stage. They promise to return the money but I don't think the company will approves my annual leaves now. Sorry.

Me: that's fine. Mom and dad will attend my ceremonies. You do not have to worry. We'll see you in Jakarta.

Love: Thank Goodness. At least you are not alone. i miss you babe. have fun and take care.

Me: you too. i miss you too.

I put my phone in my school bag. Bella had already gone back to building C leaving me sitting on the park bench. I followed Bella to the auditorium for international economy class with guest speakers, young entrepreneurs who entered Forbes magazine to become successful entrepreneurs in the world originating from Indonesia.

In the building, many guests and rectors especially come to hear about this guest lecturer and they are wearing Indonesian Batik. In fact, I know some people who come from the Indonesian consul general in Sydney. Those I only met a few times a year seemed very nervous. This time even the ambassador for Indonesia come from Canberra to attend this lecture and meet up with this potential public figure as the guest speaker. It is showing the importance of his reputation in the politic and business in Indonesia which can make good relationship between Indonesia and Australia.