
The Nirrali Mystery

A young forest ranger seeks to unveil the mysteries behind the disappearance of a survey team after 13 years.

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13 Chs

Entry Points - Part 2

It was morning, Rudra made his bed, completed his chores, and started the daily inspection of his surroundings.

Nothing felt out of place. The usual.

The jeep certainly required a wash as it fell on a ditch yesterday. It is just past 6.30 AM. He has to go to the nearest town to restock supplies today. Food, fuel, sending reports, etc. would be the main items on the agenda. But before that, he has to prepare breakfast. Lunch probably would be from town today.

Reports have to be radioed to the head office in the evening. Rudra sighed as he watched a flock of birds fly up from the forest making a lot of noise.