
Subduing the Purple Lightning Lion

Upon seeing Su Yang wake up, the Great Sage's voice couldn't help but be mocking, "What's this? Are you also afraid of gaseous deaths again? Truly a fearless lad, but I like it! Hahaha~"

Hearing this, Su Yang couldn't help but touch the back of his head and chuckled, "Hehe, I was just afraid this little lion would run deep into the mountains. That would be troublesome."

The nearby purple lightning lion, upon hearing this, awkwardly said, "Master... from now on, I'm your little brother."

As soon as these words were spoken, Su Yang's pupils suddenly widened. He sprang up, staring at the purple lightning lion in disbelief and asked, "...What did you just call me??"

"M-Master..." The purple lightning lion didn't expect the human youth in front of it to react so strongly, and its answer was somewhat stuttering.

"Kid, don't waste time. I'll impart to you a technique for soul contracts. As long as you establish a contract with it, this little cat will obediently follow your orders." The voice sounded again, and in Su Yang's mind, a method for a soul contract immediately appeared.

Su Yang was naturally ecstatic. He was well aware of the combat power of this purple lightning lion. If he hadn't cultivated the Grand Battle Divine Skill, he would have been dead at the paws of this purple lightning lion long ago.

"Hehe, little lion, although I know you're not very willing to sign a contract with me, now you have no choice. For the sake of your life, you better listen to your senior."

"As long as I, Su Yang, don't die in the future, I won't let you down."

"With my essence blood, establish the contract."

Su Yang didn't hesitate. Since he had said what needed to be said, as for whether this purple lightning lion would rebel in the future, it would depend on its own will.

As Su Yang bit his fingertip, a drop of blood instantly entered the head of the purple lightning lion.

"Roar~" The purple lightning lion's face turned ugly, emitting a roar, as if its soul was being forcibly extracted.

Su Yang stared at the expression of the purple lightning lion at this moment, extended his right hand, pinched forward, and a blue soul appeared in Su Yang's palm. It was a miniaturized purple lightning lion, standing still.

Seeing this, Su Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief; the contract had been successfully signed.

The purple lightning lion also returned to its previous state, but it still looked at the soul in Su Yang's palm with an indescribable feeling.

From now on, its fate would no longer be in its own hands. It hoped that the human youth in front of it wouldn't make it regret this decision.

"Alright, now it's time to prepare for your revenge battle."

"Do you want to rest for a day, or do you want to start training now?" Great Sage asked.

Su Yang's heart was already full of enthusiasm. Conquering the purple lightning lion gave him more confidence, but personal strength was the key. Either he would fall into decline or rise to prominence!

"Let's start now; I'm ready," Su Yang said, looking at the stone statue in front of him with unwavering determination.

"Good! In that case, I'll train you for ten days. If you can endure these ten days, you can go out and seek revenge. If you can't endure it, you'll have to obediently continue training until you recover to the Three Mysteries Realm," Great Sage said.

The nearby purple lightning lion stood there in confusion, not understanding the meaning behind the conversation between the two. However, it could tell that the youth in front of it had become extraordinary under the guidance of this mysterious senior.

Thinking about it, the purple lightning lion wagged its tail and said, "Senior, look, can I also train a bit?"

Su Yang, upon hearing this, immediately looked at the purple lightning lion with a strange expression, as if saying, "Are you sure about that?"

"Hahaha! I almost forgot about you. Since you're now this kid's battle pet, you also need to improve your strength. Currently, you're only at the mid-stage of sixth grade, quite weak. So, you'll train with this kid. However, let me make it clear, if you can't endure it and make me unhappy, the consequences will be severe," Great Sage said.

Upon hearing this, the purple lightning lion couldn't help but regret why it had spoken recklessly just now. Wasn't it finding trouble for itself?

Looking at the peculiar expression on its master's face, the purple lightning lion knew that this so-called training would probably turn into a nightmare!

At this moment, within Yebei City.

Su Beilou, accompanied by several experts from the Su family, walked out of the Wang Mansion with an extremely unpleasant expression, clearly having suffered a considerable blow.

Inside the Wang Mansion, Wang Lang watched Su Beilou leave, calmly sipping tea and saying, "This Su Beilou is quite impatient; he left without letting me finish speaking."

"Lord Wang, the words you just spoke, if it were me, I'm afraid I would have left immediately," said the usually silent City Lord, Li Beiye, with a displeased tone.

"Haha, Lord Li, there's no need to panic. You and I are brothers; naturally, we can't be compared to the Su family. Now that the Su family has lost its momentum, instead of letting them waste resources, why not let you and me absorb them? Wouldn't that be great?" Wang Lang responded with a smile.

"Lord Wang, there's no need to beat around the bush. This time, you are targeting the Su family, the next time, I'm afraid it might be the end for my City Lord's Mansion, right?"

"Don't think that your Wang family, with two Divine Martial Realm cultivators, can attempt to dominate Yebei City. I won't easily give in either."

"I’ll take my leave!" After saying this, Li Beiye also left in anger.

Wang Lang watched Li Beiye's departing figure without any intention of retention, only a trace of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"Ignorant!" Wang Yiyi, on the other hand, spoke coldly.

"It seems that Lord Wang has encountered some trouble. If you need my help, Lord Wang, just ask," the Third Prince, who had been silent, said with a constant smile.

"If Third Prince is willing to say such words, I am already content. But please don't worry, this small matter will be resolved by my Wang family."

"Well, in that case, I'll leave first. Please consider my father's words, Lord Wang, and give me an answer within three days."

Wang Lang, upon hearing this, had a less calm expression than before. He stood up, bowed, and said, "Please rest assured, Third Prince. Within three days, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

After getting the response he wanted, the Third Prince also left the Wang Mansion.

At this point, only the elder from Moon Sect remained inside the Wang Mansion.

"Lord Wang is quite bold, worthy of having such an outstanding daughter as Wang Yiyi," the Moon Sect elder chuckled.

"Elder Bi, you flatter me. My daughter is just a bit more outstanding than ordinary people. Compared to the geniuses of Moon Sect, she still lacks some experience. I hope Elder Bi can take good care of my daughter in the future." Wang Lang's words were enough to prove his deep calculation.

"That is natural. Wang Yiyi is so outstanding, and she is also a disciple personally chosen by the sect master. Her future prospects will be limitless."

"However, I have something to ask Lord Wang. I wonder if Lord Wang can inform me?"

"Oh? Elder Bi, please speak your mind."

"If I'm not mistaken, Miss Wang seems to have two different bloodline powers within her body?"

As soon as these words were spoken, both Lord Wang and Wang Yiyi's expressions changed simultaneously.

They didn't expect that the elder from Moon Sect could see the secret within Wang Yiyi's body at a glance.

"Sure enough?" Elder Bi's joyful expression became more intense upon hearing this, and she couldn't help but get excited.

"Indeed, Elder Bi, Miss Wang does possess two bloodline powers within her." Wang Lang also answered cleanly, and there was no need to conceal such matters.

"Hahaha! Excellent, excellent. I never expected Moon Sect to have such good fortune."

"Wang Yiyi, there's no time to delay. If there are no other matters, will you accompany me back to the sect within ten days?" Elder Bi's gaze at Wang Yiyi was like looking at a treasure. Her eyes never left, and her excited expression was evident.

Wang Yiyi, naturally, had no reason to refuse. Just as she was about to respond, a hurried voice came from outside the door, "Family head, something big has happened! Officer Dao is about to die!!!"